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Swoosh Bear

Strange and Uncalled for Zombie Behavior

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So a couple days ago, me and my friend were looting the lumber yard office building in Berezino and something I've never seen before happened.

We got into the office without aggro-ing a single zombie but after we started looting the second floor, 15+ zombies I kid you not came out of the blue and started walking up the stairs to us. Needless to say, we lit them all up like a christmas tree but what I'm wondering is how that many zombies magicly knew we were in there and all came at once.

There is no possible ways we attracted them when we were inside because we crouch walked, not crouch ran, the whole time. We didn't even aggro any before we went in. Over 15 zombies out of no where just came pouring in.

Has this happened to anyone else? I've never seen anything like this.

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Or any sort of eating, drinking, talking in-game, or anything similar.

Zombies like noises.

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We might have taken a drink but no, we didn't use any flares or smokes, chemlights, or cans and we were talking in skype. We were silent.

We didn't even see those 15+ zombies on the way in.

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The barn and the horse stables have a few spots in it that will spike your visual and noise detection to max (and I think above). Ive been walking crouched and seen it peg very quickly and disappear, less than 1/2 a second. And I ended up pulling every zed within 50 yards which is about 10-15 on average.

Ive been trying to replicate this bug but it seems so random.

Its like the walking on some hard packed dirt lowers your vis and noise detect to 1 (or zero) and walking in the grass now bumps it +2 higher in some spots.

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I've had this happen to me in the red brick houses with the long hallway. I'll get into the back room and have to kill a zombie. Agrro 5 Zeds, ok. Then, its like 20 coming through the door. By the end I had broken legs and spent like 5 Lee Enfield mags.

It is scary, but it has also been the only true zombie experience I've had in Dayz.

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Basically, walking up stairs can cause some serious aggro. And being on the second floor.

this next patch should make it so that sound aggro decreases through objects.

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I've had this happen to me in the red brick houses with the long hallway. I'll get into the back room and have to kill a zombie. Agrro 5 Zeds' date=' ok. Then, its like 20 coming through the door. By the end I had broken legs and spent like 5 Lee Enfield mags.

By the end I had broken legs and spent like 5 Lee Enfield mags.

spent like 5 Lee Enfield mags.

Lee Enfield


Ahh, there is the root of your problem. As it turns out, you were killing zombies with one of the loudest weapons in the game. We call it the "dinner bell" for a reason :) If you have to shoot, a pistol (of any kind, provided you have one) will do you a better job by not aggroing every zombie in town. If you only have a lee and are forced to shoot it, pray to god, because that's about all that's gonna save you from "dat horde".

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Ahh, there is the root of your problem. As it turns out, you were killing zombies with one of the loudest weapons in the game. We call it the "dinner bell" for a reason :) If you have to shoot, a pistol (of any kind, provided you have one) will do you a better job by not aggroing every zombie in town. If you only have a lee and are forced to shoot it, pray to god, because that's about all that's gonna save you from "dat horde".

Guess I should have stated the initial shot was was with a pistol. I couldn't avoid the first Zed, only had one pistol clip. Had to switch, bad situation indeed.

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Ouch... The pistol calls one too many for your rounds, so you're forced to use the Enfield to at least try to survive. You got caught between a rock and a hard place there. That's one of those things about DayZ, it will constantly punish you. I've gotta be honest though, I think that's why most people (you included, I take it?) love this game. It will never hold your hand or help you any more than giving you your starter supplies. Hopefully your subsequent lives go better than this one, though.

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I found an odd bugger yesterday and today. I crawled through grass undetected and saw a Z' 6 meters away walking towards me. I moved back to let him pass but he followed my direction. I moved back another 2 meters and had to pop his skull open because he seemed to have locked-onto me and followed my position at all times.

There seems to be an element in the Zombie's behavior that auto-aims them to your location, perhaps you found a bug in this design.

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I think an M9 SD was the best weapon I've ever had in this game, too bad clips for it are hella rare.

And why on earth are clips segregated into SD clips and regular clips? As far as I can recall, you throw a suppressor on a gun and that's all that's needed for silencing it. Having to find SD mags specifically for a gun is both unrealistic and super annoying. Balance is hardly a matter when idiots are running around sniping 24/7 anyways lols.

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. Having to find SD mags specifically for a gun is both unrealistic and super annoying. Balance is hardly a matter when idiots are running around sniping 24/7 anyways lols.

Some guns can have Silencers built into them which cannot be removed but require certain bullets so the silencer does not degrade. Apparently it improves overall performance by merging the gun with the silencer, it also enables more flexibility towards suppressor design in-order to do what cannot be done with a detachable silencer.

Bullets emit heat and gunpowder residue which can cause silencers to degrade and become unusable. Heat damage & if too much gun-powder residue accumulates. Silencer bullets emit much less of the both I'd imagine.

Seeing as how weapons cannot be customized in this game, we'd not be able to remove a degraded silencer and re-attach a new one, which is why silencer ammo is used.

It's actually a blessing in disguise. When your silencer breaks, It makes a loud noise, it could happen at any time and if happens in the middle of a city.... YOU ARE SCREWED.

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I had the exact same thing happen in that same building. I, however, accidentally threw a flare, so I figured that explained it even if it was daytime.

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This sounds like something that would happen during an apocalypse, and I like it!

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Actually its b/c the SD rounds have less powder in them. So the rounds are subsonic, and don't generate a sonic wave by passing the sound barrier. Long story short, the ammo is different. It doesn't explain why i can't take a MP5SD mag and turn it into 2 m9sd mags tho... that'd be nice :)

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