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You were kicked: Battleye corrupt memory #0

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Getting this also, think it has to do with the battleeye update and the latest beta patch,

We are running 94444, We will be updating our server to 94876 to see if it fixes this problem.

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Same here, got it just now was playing a US server because well lets face it, night servers r unplayable without Nightvision goggles..

I recieved this message and can't join any servers now;

"You were kicked off the game (BattlEye: Corrupted Memory #0)...

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Got corrupted memory #1, seems like it just appeared. Damn you battleye.

Was playing on a London Server with 1.7.2. Veteran.

Edited by Vintage-Cake

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same here got kicked 5 min ago cannot join any game : always the same message : BattleEye kick: Corrupted Memory #0

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Yep, me and my mate just got booted from the game with same error at exact same moment, but he says he got into a game again now.

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Wow. What an epic screwing of the pooch by somebody.

Corrupted Memory #0

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So there I was, in the fire station next to the power plant. My buddy just got sniped. What do I do? I'll tell you what I did. I bunkered down and killed 2 people that came in. Yeah, they might of not had anything to do with the killing of my friend, but you know why I killed them? 'Cause fuck you that's why! Then someone logged in upstairs came down and killed me. Oh well.

Oh yeah, I got that same memory thinger message, too.

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I got this too and then went on search and managed to get back online by

deleting arma 2 operation arrowhead/ expansion / battlEye folder

and then double clicking Setup_BattleyeARMA2OA.exe from BEsetup - now ican login or did issue got resolved by itself??

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I was playing my character yesterday, I logged off at the Tree Stands north of Stary Sabor, everything was fine and today I logged on trying to connect to servers and every time it gave me Loading screens for like 10 minutes. I finally get in to a game and I spawn at Lopatino (Western side of the NW Airfield), a few seconds after me spawning no where near where I logged off yesterday, it says "You were kicked of the game. (BattlEye: Corrupted Memory #0). any help?

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Same happen to me,... joined same server and i spawned in debug forerst with all my gear,... first time since i play DayZ.... o.O

all my other mates spawned normaly...

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Well shot in the dark here, but I'm guessing someone's memory was corrupted. Probably either yours or the server.

How good is your RAM?

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Me and a buddy just got kicked from a UK server for the same reason. Never seen it before.

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So there I was, in the fire station next to the power plant. I just got sniped next to my buddy. What do I do? I'll tell you what I did. I respawned, sprinted into the closest town and trained a mob of zombies. I start running towards the airfield and get smacked unconcious by a zombie and eaten. I respawn again near my buddies location.

Oh yeah, I got that same memory thinger message, too.

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i just received this error as well.

what version of arma oa?

what version of dayz?

what server?

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BattleEye kick: Corrupted Memory #0

Add me to the just happened list as well.

Edited by HanoverFist

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Spawning in Wilderness without any gear now.

Edit: My friend who was in the lobby when it happened managed to spawn with all his gear at the location he logged off, however.

Edited by Jens

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Battle-Eye 1.158 update.

Try again.

Edited by TV.

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