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Looking to form serious team; newbs ok,

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Been playing Day Z a few weeks now, I've led a few teams in game over direct voice chat, but now looking to form a serious team outside game so can get some real trust worthy players who want to do things like group up, hold out zones in bigger cities. this team would be formed outside game only, we wouldnt be making allies in game.

Players should be or have -

- a mic, so we can use TS or Vent maybe?

- a mature attitude, willingness to help out those on team

I don't mind if new players want to join. Just follow directions, I will tell you things like "dont run across a street", that kinda stuff to help you along. Experienced players also wanted as well. Would like to get a team of at least 5 solid players to defend areas and control them.

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hey mate i'm looking for a community to join add me on steam or skype will pm you the info mate

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Hi i would also like to join a team im kinda new but i know the basics i also have a mic too

my steam name is seasnake13 and my skype is chris.field-_- and im 17


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I would join you guys, sounds good. pervyjake , steam

18 uk

Got a mic

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Ill join i know basics and will follow orders Kockrocket steam, and i have skype

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Add me, im have been playing for a week or so now. I have a mic and im 22, skype name is jd02054

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For starters I would need to know what server you are playing on, as I'm in Australia, which also has the added problem of time zone difference etc.

Actually, I think I'll stick with finding other players via Ausarma as that's working well so far.

Hopefully you find some good teamies you can trust though, so good luck :)

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Me and my friend are very interested.

Add me on steam: jitros067

skype: alexpanayi067

I don't have a mic as of yet, but I can just go buy one in 5 minutes, just been waiting to find a decent group to play with first.

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What region are you from? I'm from Scotland so any Europe servers would be beneficial.

If not, I may start a thread for that.

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I got the game a few days ago and i've been trying to find some people to play with too. I have a mic and experience with vent and ts3

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Me & Some friends of mine would very much like to be part of this, we all have a mic and i could even host a ts3 server, please add me on steam or skype

Steam: active_nade

Skype: rdbeerman

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I am interested. I'm new, but I'm an adult. Based in U.S. Have a TS3 server. Steam Name: Zoltar

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Hey been playing for about 2 weeks now know most of the basics and were to find some stuff looking to get into a serious team please add

22m Ontario have mic

Steam- Tiwelex11

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I am a newb but I would love to work with a team on skype.

My skype is: rahl2266

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I'm 24, live in the US and am very interested in finding some core players to play with. I've tried to play solo for a while now but after I just get to a good spot, I get killed by a bandit and waste all my effort. I'm relatively new but willing to take instruction and grow with a team of honest players. Contact me on Steam, Skype, or reply on this forum. Thanks!

Steam and Skype are both under the name Nunazac

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Hey there, I am an active duty military member and play during PST hours. Mostly on the Seattle servers. I play as a medic helping people out when I can. Let me

know if you're still looking for a teammate. My steam name is Two in the Pink or /narcolepticdavid on the URL (there is a picture of a model with a black sweater on). I have a mic and play after 5pm M-F and can play mostly any time Sat & Sun. Look forward to hearing from you. Off for the rest of this evening though.

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been playing for a couple weeks now my contact info is in my sig let me know im est time

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Add me on steam: valdeezzy , in game name: Dingo , I have a mic, and I'm a very experienced solo player that can follow directions withing a group and I'm currently stocked up with great gear. I play nights in PST time.

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