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About Zoltar

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  1. The npc's protecting yours tuff I could do without, it's just a timezone convenience really. but I don't see any harm in chosing to spawn at one of 5-6 random locations on the east coast, or the south coast. I wouldn't be happy with a "put me here" option.
  2. well, the scripting is technically doable now using ArmA's mission editing software. the loot tables are simply database changes. the buildable structures work just fine in ArmA, There's dozens of vehicles that are in ArmA, but not in DayZ, and the list goes on.... actually I believe the hardest changes would actually be the headshot only kills, the grouping and social changes, and the "hirable" NPCs.... Thouch NPC's already man weapons for you in ArmA, you'd just have to figure out some sort of "fuel/monetary" cost to associate with that so it's not overpowered... There's already a power grid mod in the works for one of the dayz private servers, even some limited scripting iirc. Very little of this list is beyond the scope of ArmA 2, and I believe Rocket has mentioned he is wanting to build a stand alone version of DayZ on the updated engine ArmA 3 is going to be running on. I could be wrong there though.
  3. Zoltar

    Take out .50 cals

    I dunno... if the zombie apocalypse does happen... I think I'm headed to the nearest unaffected military base and telling them to hand me the biggest gun they got and point me toward some zombies.....
  4. Zoltar

    Take out .50 cals

    Hacking and Duping are the obvious reasons these weapons are so common, but it's not the only reason. I've seen 3x M107, M14 AIM, L85 Thermal and an ammo crate full of stanags at 1 chopper crash. I have personally never seen an AS50 spawn, but between all the members of my clan I think we've seen more than a dozen of them in the last month or so. All legit spawns. I've walked away from M4A3 CCO's on several occations simply because I didn't need it. Had the room to carry it, but it was just another gun. If you manage to keep yourself alive and "unhacked" for a long enough period of time you'll start to realize that finding the best gear in the game is in all actuality, extremely easy.
  5. the bugs in the game are obvious areas for improvement so I'll leave those out of this and just list things I'd like to see improved overall, or added. More Fluid Zombie Animations. Varied Zombie AI and Defensive Levels. (Zombies that are smarter than others, and Zombies that are harder to kill than others.) Headshot only Zombie Kills (other shots still injure and cripple them) Fully Explorable Buildings (Chernarus) More Maps Less available military weapons. (It's too easy to get great gear currently) Higher variation in loot tables. (there's a reason everyone camps the 4-5 locations all the good gear can be found) Proper player grouping options (ArmA 2 Limitation?) Clan system Buildable Hardpoint Structures (deployed, mannable gun emplacements) and Forts. Vehicle Camoflage More clothing options Harder to attain vehicles more vehicle types (including extremely rare armored vehicles) Sturdier, yet extremely rare and very hard to repair Heli's Also more types of helis, (no lock-on type weapons - who else would like to have the agile Little Bird, or the big cargo Chinook to tool around in?) Randomized Spawn locations based on vehicle class. More storage options (ammo crates for starters) More personal carrying options (backpack + vest + cargo pants - carryable Duffle bag in place of primary weapon / Makes you slower but more equipped - great for squad roles "medic, gunner, marksman" cargo options help define classes.) No fixed classes - roles should be decided by players not mechanics non-infected (hireable? to man fort defenses during off-hours) NPC's More Melee weapons Faster swimming and boats Spawn Location Choices (seriously, I start with nothing, what could it hurt if I get to pick which spot on the beach I spawn in?) Scripted NPC Heli/Jet/Cargo Plane pathing to attack and loot. No more random spawn crashed choppers Scripted Military and Civilian NPC Convoys to attack and loot Scripted random Supply Drops from the Heli/Cargo planes (do I shoot it down, or try to follow it around for a while?) Expanded world to include the "dead" space beyond the map borders (seriously, there's like 400 square km of usable, unused space around the primary map) Functional (rare) parachutes Farther viewable range. It constantly being foggy at 700m gets old. Occationally you should be able to see for several KM if you have the computer to handle it. If not, then why put the 50 cal's in the game? Generators and power-grid availability with fuel costs. no RPG Style player skills or perks (abilities should be based on player intelligence, not a discrete set of in-game skills) I think that about covers it for me..... for now.
  6. I wasn't aware that being a bandit was a prerequisite to being a pvp clan, but I'll go ahead and post it there as well.
  7. What we are looking for are 1-3 pvp clans who desire quality, no-hacking, no combatlogging pvp. If you are the leader of a clan and this interests you, please contact me via pm so we can discuss it further.
  8. What we are looking for are 1-3 pvp clans who desire quality, no-hacking, no combatlogging pvp. If you are the leader of a clan and this interests you, please contact me via pm so we can discuss it further.
  9. I am interested. I'm new, but I'm an adult. Based in U.S. Have a TS3 server. Steam Name: Zoltar
  10. Zoltar

    Questions From a Noob

    only certain buildings can be opened/closed, for the most part buildings are scenery check porches though, some of them have loot spawn locations. The axe in the log is scenery, not usable. the red "fireman's axe" or Hatchet that is laying on the ground IS usable.
  11. As the subject says, I'm a noob. I've been playing for 2 days now and I've got a decent understanding of the mechanics of the game but I'm getting bored fast playing and dieing solo. My first character lasted 4 hours, got 42 zombie kills with a hatchet, and one player kill cause he threw a roadflare at my head and needed the Lizzie Borden Treatment. I'm based in Texas, so I prefer US servers. I prefer organized play over running around like a tool, and I'm patient. I'm looking for a clan, squad, group, or whatever it's called for this game to hunt zombies and other players alike. I don't mind going bandit or nice guy, doesn't really matter to me so long as I'm having fun. I also have a 50 slot TS3 server that I use for other games.