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Treetrunk of death

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0.59 Stable. Another bug (imo) that I hope is resolved soon. I mean I can imagine with a lot of gear I would sprain or break an ankle falling from a 40 centimeter height, but dead...Ah well, I was ready to say goodbye to this character anyway in anticipation of 0.60.


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yeah, I usually run miles around wood logs in general, lol. 

We will probably feel dejavu - when we start reporting similar bugs in 0.60 compare to older client versions and bugs that never were really fixed like range finders.

And what happen with land mines? Hicks said they are back in 0.60 with new renderer - so be careful when you find a new heli crash site! :) 

Also about loot - we need weapons to spawn in top towers of the fire stations. I want my old sniper location back to be effective - below the big lonely green tree in the north-east hillside of Elektro! ))

Edited by ori42

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