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New Player looking for Guidance and Advice

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Hey guys.

I'm a brand new player to the DayZ Mod for Arma II. I'm looking for some advice and some guidance on how to become a better player on DayZ.

Whether it is during the game, which I would prefer, or if it's just simple tips on here you would like to share!

I'm open for any advice. It is all appreciated.

If you'd like to play with me in game, add RenegadeMerc212 on Steam.

Thanks guys and Good Luck out there!


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The first thing you need to learn about playing with friends in DayZ...


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One thing to do - You should look up " guide " (just that one word ) in the forum search box at the top right of the page  - you'll find a load of guides on everything from building fireplaces to how to stealth around zombies.
Then also read the New Players section of the forum - many first time players ask questions and have problems and want help, or want to meet up  -  so there is a lot of help in that section, and useful info and explanations - also some new players have worked out original techniques for themselves.  They share info and experiences.  If you look around enough there you'll discover everything from how to find rare ammo, to good melee weapons, to cooking fish, to what graphics settings are the best for you..

Also - some experienced players have written detailed  guides and advice - for instance on hunting, wilderness survival, what weapons are the best,  and other subjects - the ones listed in this link may be a little old now (unless they are updated)  but there is a ton of useful info and pointers :

Also (for fun and interest, not for practical help) check out Hetstaine's famous Tourist Guide to places you wont expect to find in DayZ - but they exist - These are interesting unusual features scattered around the country, maybe worth visiting:

OK - A lot of players say it is best to go straight into the game and find out for yourself, without knowing too much first - Some say look at youtube, others say DONT EVER do that f you are a first time player. So it's up to you.
I think the best advice is to start playing, find out what happens (you die, obviously) - You die a lot, anyway, you probably die pretty fast  about 5 -10 times before you start getting the hang of what NOT to do - even if you have advice from other players before you log in or in-game ( and you have to decide who to trust in there) This is part of the fun.. exploring and finding out what is in the game.   Find out what problems come up - like food, and clothing and water (those come up pretty fast) - come back to the forums to find out more info and clues (like how to make a stone knife to open a can of food), and then see what you can work out for yourself -  AND ask questions, many players are pleased to help you here.

My only practical advice is this  - maybe you know: with a knife (or a stone knife) you can cut up shirts and tshirts to make rags. Its a good idea to carry 4 or 6 rags right from the start (I used to cut up my tshirt as soon as I logged in) because with a rag or a bandage you can stop bleeding - this is really important, because you will bleed a lot - zombies and other players like to make you bleed, and if you cant bandage the wound you WILL bleed out and die. And with rags and a stick you can make a splint for a broken leg (zombies like to break legs too, sometimes). With a leg broken you cant walk you can only crawl).. so right there are a couple of things that are useful to know - There are about 200 other things you definitely need to know too, sooner or later .. As soon as you start playing you'll find out what those are.



Edited by pilgrim*

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Hi Tyler

1) What do you mean by "better player?"  Try to be specific in your answer so we can help answer you more specifically.

Do you want to

1) be a bad guy, 2) be a good guy, 3) be a neutral guy?

Tip: Go to large town, Cherno, electro, zeleonogorsk and berezino (has shop and firestation) and empty ALL of the loot/trash from these buildings until you find a tent; shop, pubs and other "household" spawns (houses).  While you are doing this do not aggro (excite) any zombies and use a hatchet to keep quiet.  Do not alert any players to your presence.  When you clear ALL loot and trash from a building, after a few minutes it will begin to respawn again.  As I said, keep doing this until you find a tent.  You might also need a bigger bag which you will find in the shop or in the military spawns.  Remember to clear out all the loot and trash from the building to get fresh loot periodically.

Also check out the industrial spawns for things like car parts, tool boxes and other tools.

In these towns go to hospital and pick up at least 2 morphine injectors, spare bandages, antibiotics and blood bags.  Keep a food and drink handy.

When you have found a tent off you go into the wilderness or find somewhere in the town to hide your tent.  When you have put your first tent you can start stashing weapons, ammo and important supplies.  This gives you a nice foundation incase you die.  You dont want to be wandering around with all your gear because you will most likely die and lose it all.

Now you have your tent you might want to look for a vehicle.

Dont aggro zombies by crouching, crawling and walking slowly.  Running on pavement will make more noise, dont do that.  When you aggro zombies bad guys camping will come find you and troll you.

For now just hide from other people, they are not to be trusted!

Anything else at all I am most pleased to help!

I have not played DaYZ mod for over a year so some of what I say might be out of date!




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