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Looking for an experienced Scripter!

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Hey to anyone that reads this, 

And I apologise if it's in the wrong section. 

We're opening a new community based around arma 2 and 3.

Community name is Dead State Gaming.

Our scripter/coder has just pulled the pin which leaves us without someone who can edit our files, maintain, fix, you name it basically. 

We're starting from scratch and will be hosting out of a dedi box. 

We currently do not have a server up, this is where you come in.

So what we're after is someone that is wanting to work with myself and my team of Admins, mods, etc to help get our community up and running! 

If you're at all interested in helping us out, please contact me or reply this this thread.

Happy to provide any and all information you request! 

Our teamspeak is: ts3.deadstategaming.net 

My steam is: Futcher 

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Haha, really? 

I posted here maybe a year ago, maybe you replied to it? 

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Not sure I'm sorry. 

Either way, we're after a scripter, so if you know anyone? 

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not done any arma scripting in a while but i know a guy that has he used to run the old Darns Tavern servers for Overwatch and Epoch i will see if he is down for it.

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