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Commander D

How many survivors did you killed

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As a friend of the Anti-Anti-Zombie movement, it would be nice to know how many survivors you killed to take revange for our zombie brothers?

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All together around 50 but in this life 0 ( as i died about 5 mins ago due to stupid mistakes)

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Think I've had 5 as most, I always get unlucky and have some guy randomly run into me from behind.

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Scored around twenty murders all together back when I was playing this game differently. Now, though? None. I try to be a good-doer and keep to myself, helping others if necessary.

Doesn't mean I won't take pot-shots at you bandits. ;)

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overall: about 30

in current life: 5, which is my record

(yes, I'm not so good at it, but hey, who cares?)

Its kill or be killed gentlemen, and I prefer the former

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4 Murders 1 Bandit kill right now.

After beeing betrayed too much and 99% bad experiences I got a cold blooded shoot on sight bandit and I'm not even sorry about it, its DayZ that changes you.

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Just 3 at the moment. Feel kinda dirty about 2 of them though. They were running away from a zombie in Cherno and ran into a house by the gas station, where they killed it. One went over to to a loot pile... Headshot through the window with an AK74. For some stupid reason the other one does the same.... BAM! He managed to type friendly but it was too late.

They were running around Cherno with torches at night so something would've got them...

Sorry Chewy!

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Everytime I kill someone that shouldn't be killed I get killed a little bit later...

But on topic I would say 15 - 20 in total and about 5 a life.

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Call me a hobo with a shotgun. 4 in a row, my lucky forest ambush :) I don't use sniper rifles and i play on veteran servers.

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Was in cherno encountered a "Friendly" who was looking for his old dead body, followed him till he got to his body then i killed him, got a czech backpack,a lee enfield with 4 mags, a revolver,m1911 with 7 mags, a map, Binocs, NVGS, a compass and 4 cans of baked beans!!

I am ready to kill again, right now i am heading toward stary to get some weapons

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Since my home server with all camps and vehicles got raped by a cheater I turned to a bloody bandit.

Scored 65 murders in this life ( and going up each day :) ), but an avarage is ~20 per life.

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Damn, my killing spree got stopped today :(

77 is a nice number though :P

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