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Fly sounds on dead bodies

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Who use to play the mod know's what im talking about, i just think that was a pretty cool "immersive" aspect of the game,when you're getting near a dead body you start hearing flyes sounds.


Would you guys like to see that implemented into standalone?

And if someone knows if this was already mentioned somewhere else please share it with me.



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How is it immersive? I didnt play the mod but i know what you mean. How long would it take in real life for a body to become host to that many flies, im guessing hours in some conditions but likely days.

Imo, no. Leave it out of the game because it wouldn't improve anything.

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I'd like to see them return.  I want bodies to last longer too.


What would also be spectacular is if you could loot every body, especially the ones on hills.  That would be great.

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I feel you dude. I remember that it was super awesome to reach say for example a Firestation and then hear inside of it that "buuuzzzzz" sound and imediatly get scared cause you know from that moment on that someone has been killed there. Then you start to get even more scared of more people being around. It was super cool.

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Would also like it if they made bodies last longer, and not slide away from you when looting

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I also think the fly buzzing would be a nice thing, and bodies lasting for at least half an hour or so.

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Would also like it if they made bodies last longer, and not slide away from you when looting

You hit the nail on the head. SPOT ON. It is so annoying and takes away from what you earned. It is like if you kill a deer for food because you are starving and it just sinks into oblivion!

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I could be completely wrong but i am pretty sure very early on this was in SA

I think that there was but not on players dead bodies, but on those piles of zombies yes, like that one behind the firestation on NW Airfield.

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