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Leto (DayZ)

unconscious for how long after dehydration?

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I was dying of dehydration and my character has now been unconscious for 10 minutes....a few feet away from a pond. Will he ever regain consciousness or is he dead?

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ugh.. I cant say for sure but the fact that you constantly lose health/blood when dying of dehydration makes me think you wont be likely to get back up. If someone gave you water, food, then guaranteed tho.


what stopped you from getting water earlier? :P

Edited by jayfkay
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nope - you're doomed


some info on a range of useful health & other stuff here:




When dehydrated, you lose Blood and Health, if left unmanaged you'll die soon.


merry christmas Leto, and don't worry too much about Mr. D, he comes for all of us.. I just now fell off the stars in a barn




Edited by pilgrim

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It's the first time I ever get dehydrated. I never knew it went from "I really need to drink" to "I'm dying of dehydration" so quickly.

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Unconciousness is a result of blood loss or shock. Shock is the result of trauma, usually blunt force to the head, and only lasts a few moments. Loss of conciousness due to blood loss lasts until your blood levels are raised again. You continually lose blood when bleeding, starving, dehydrated, severely sick, etc.So long as you remain in this state, you will lose blood, even if you pass out. When you lose too much blood, you lose health. Ultimately, health loss will kill you. The only way to raise your blood levels and stabilize you now, is to hydrate and feed you. The doctor prescribes 5 saline bags, a bag of rice, and two full canteens.

If you're still alive and have no friends, you can request a medic to rescue you here: reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce

Merry Christmas


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