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VILAYER - Persistence doesnt work

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the ticket support takes so long time - so I hope someone can help me.


What I did:

pitch a tent - wait 5 mins - restart the server - tent is gone 



Looks like Persistence is disabled but just check the console log out:


DayZ service added to startup infrastructure...
Backups Already Run Today 
Persistence Status : On
Loading Persistence...

BEC Installed adding to startup infrastructure...
Creating service infrastructure completed, executing...
Service on 144.xxxx:2402 started, service can take upto a minute to initialize with master hive.
During this time you will get a "wait for host" upon joining the service, once initialized you can connect.
Service responding to query... completeted startup process

2015.12.11 12.20.54 VILAYER MASTER SERVER COMMAND : get
2015.12.11 12.20.54 VILAYER MASTER SERVER COMMAND : normal




Web panel settings:






I really hope that someone can help me.



best regards

Edited by HxM
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Our server never updated. I put in a ticket & got the "We're working on it" response. Now the server shows it's running, but its not.

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Do not come here recommending not to play on so & so servers.

This is an administrator/GSP problem and is not necessarily restricted to one GSP.

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