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Tents NEED to change.

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i think the shovel and the tarp shouldent be necacery though maybe you could just dig it with your hands and bury it by itself or in i dunno a plastic bag but if you dig it with your hands it takes maybe 20 seconds compared to 5 seconds to dig the hole and if you bury it without anything to cover it there is a chance the item will be destroyed

Dig me a 5ft deep hole with your hands. No, really; I want to see this done. In twenty seconds. You need a shovel.

And a plastic bag is nowhere near enough to cover gear. I doubt a tarp could cover six guns perfectly.

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Its probably been mentioned already but I think a great purpose for the tent is a way to prevent the DC saga we have now.make it so that in order to leave a server you have to erect the tent firstly and then lay down to sleep in it at which point you log off.

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Dig me a 5ft deep hole with your hands. No, really; I want to see this done. In twenty seconds. You need a shovel.

And a plastic bag is nowhere near enough to cover gear. I doubt a tarp could cover six guns perfectly.

I agree with the hands, also, tarps come in all different sizes and fold down into quite a compact space... http://surf.transworld.net/files/2010/08/tarp-surfing-225x150.jpg

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Agree with OP. Replace with something we can bury and is harder to discover.

Really like the idea of getting in the tent to get your body temp up. It's so much safer than lighting a fire at night but requires you to carry around the tent.

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I find tents very useful as they are but would like to see things stabilized and get what we have working without glitches before we attempt to expand the envelope.

I find tents very hard to come by. it takes me sometimes a day or more to get one. The two I have at the moment (if they haven't disappeared yet) are well hidden in deep cover. I find it hard to understand how people manage to pitch 6-10 tents, in an obvious location, in plain sight. How do they get a hold of so many? How come they aren't simply looted and destroyed.

If I find a tent where someone seems to have attempted to hide it to some degree I will look but generally leave the stuff in it alone unless I'm in dire need or see something very tempting. But when I find 10 tents on the hill at Stary Sobor and half of them are stocked full I will take all I can carry, smash any empty tents and put a note on the map that there is free stuff for the taking... I sat a ways away and watched this guy server farming, popping in and out filling the tents. Sadly he died of lead poisoning.

I find the issue of capacity in a tent very perplexing. If they are 50 units, how come I can put 6 guns in one, or do guns only count as one unit in a tent? Last thing I want is for it all to be gone because I have over loaded the tent. I think this issue need clarification. Lots of guess work out there as to what will fit but no proof positive answer.

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I wouldnt mind regaining blood in the tent, but when you're asleep, it needs to keep you in the server for the an hour after falling asleep... gotta have some kind of risk.

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Some fine ideas in this thread. I'd love to see the burying of items!

But it must be visible on close inspection. A subtle clue (a small pile of dirt?) could reveal it's location. So you're still taking a risk. This beautifully plays into the philosophy of emergent gameplay; before you bury anything, you'd better check your surroundings... someone might be watching! This onwatcher then has a choice: shoot you right away, or wait a couple of days for the hole to be filled up with more stuff, and then steal everything! Brilliant. You're never sure wether someone knows about its location. It's all in the mind of the player!

Now, it must not be too easy to bury your stuff, so two items should be required: a spare backpack (which holds the items) and a shovel.

From a technical point of view, it's not too difficult to implement this. And as suggested earlier in this thread, make it one-hole-per-person. This should reduce lag, and restrain the feature from being too effective (...ya know, burying stuff all over the map...)

Anyway, Rocket has already been talking about a comparable feature in interviews: some sort of underground bases. But I prefer the idea's opted in this thread, because it's less far-fetched and generally simpler, more elegant.

In essence, a simple burialsite has the same effect as basebuilding: It connects a player/clan to an area of the map, giving some sort of control: Those who have a stash nearby, have less to loose and quicker acces to more powerful items. It adds a layer of persistence to the world while having a small footprint; it doesnt detract from the core focus of DayZ: the actual world. And yet it could have a profound impact on the way clans are organized; essentially, this is your EVE Online type of gameplay, made possible by a simple hole in the ground!

Excuse me for my enthusiasm, but this may be the Holy Grail for DayZ!

Make it happen!

Edited by Tomibo
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Some fine ideas in this thread. I'd love to see the burying of items!

But it must be visible on close inspection. A subtle clue (a small pile of dirt?) could reveal it's location. So you're still taking a risk. This beautifully plays into the philosophy of emergent gameplay; before you bury anything, you'd better check your surroundings... someone might be watching! This onwatcher then has a choice: shoot you right away, or wait a couple of days for the hole to be filled up with more stuff, and then steal everything! Brilliant. You're never sure wether someone knows about its location. It's all in the mind of the player!

Now, it must not be too easy to bury your stuff, so two items should be required: a spare backpack (which holds the items) and a shovel.

From a technical point of view, it's not too difficult to implement this. And as suggested earlier in this thread, make it one-hole-per-person. This should reduce lag, and restrain the feature from being too effective (...ya know, burying stuff all over the map...)

Anyway, Rocket has already been talking about a comparable feature in interviews: some sort of underground bases. But I prefer the idea's opted in this thread, because it's less far-fetched and generally simpler, more elegant.

In essence, a simple burialsite has the same effect as basebuilding: It connects a player/clan to an area of the map, giving some sort of control: Those who have a stash nearby, have less to loose and quicker acces to more powerful items. It adds a layer of persistence to the world while having a small footprint; it doesnt detract from the core focus of DayZ: the actual world. And yet it could have a profound impact on the way clans are organized; essentially, this is your EVE Online type of gameplay, made possible by a simple hole in the ground!

Excuse me for my enthusiasm, but this may be the Holy Grail for DayZ!

Make it happen!

Well your enthusiasm is fantastic, but I fear this thread will just be burried under a giant pile of "ADD LASERS" "MAKE IT SO WHEN YOU DIE SOMEONE SHOOTS YOU IRL" "ADD A10'S TO DAYZ" threads ;)

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Tents need to be more camouflage and maybe a little smaller. It woud make it harder for people to find them. I think the big trees need to have more cover so its not so easy to see tents. This will help stop people picking them out so easy. If you have stuff that has good value you should be able to hide it good.

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i can agree on the op:s suggestion in one condition: if you die the tents and your gear will dissapear. the tents is like extra life for the player today. if you die, you just go to your tent/gear and regear in a minimum time. i think the game totally miss the point that way. If you die you must be forced to get into a town and expose yourself for som risks. why are we playing whiss otherwise?

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I have had the same 6 tents on two servers for 2 1/2 weeks now. Nothing has vanished and the tents are still there. I do need to remove the magicly spawned tents next to them on a regular basis though!

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