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Got Dayz a few weeks ago, looking for some people to play with as it's hard to survive on your own, I'm 17 from Ireland, i have a mic and TS 

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Hey guys my name is Mike I'm 22 and live in NY, my steam link is http://steamcommunity.com/id/EpicMike/


Got DayZ a while back, played the hell out of it for like a week or two with my buddy and then we both got distracted with work and other games. I just recently picked it up again and have been having a lot of fun with the game just playing solo, looting the towns, learning to navigate the map, dealing with the occasional if slightly underpowered zombie lol.


I want to be involved more in the pvp side but since none of my friends play this game I figured I would give it a shot on here. It does seem like a lot of fun and it certainly adds a lot more excitement to the game when it comes to dealing with other people. My playstyle from what I've seen people mention on here would definitely be hero/survivor, definitely no bandit stuff for me, can never bring myself to be "that guy" in a game lol Not bashing the bandits though, I love the idea of groups working together but also opposing each other, can't play cops and robbers with no robbers.


All in all I just want to have fun playing the game with friendly people who don't take things too seriously but do wanna make a decent run at surviving as many DayZ as possible lol.

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Higgins617 here, just got the game last week but it's a riot so far. I'm not that good, but I'm certainly not going to kill you without reason. I try to be friendly as best I can and often end up dead, but hey, nice guys finish last right?

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Hey my name is Gilbert. I'm 16 years old and turning 17 in March. I live in Oaho, Hawaii. I got Dayz SA about a week ago and so far so good. I've earned a lot of friends playing this game and playing with friends makes the game more fun. If you feel lonely and need a friend in need, just message me on steam and send me a friend request and we could play together : )

Steam Username: bossnation98

In-game name: KingG

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Greetings everyone.

I'm Rose from th' East Coast, just started playing DayZ again over vacation.

Usually I play during the later hours of the day when I'm home from work; most likely to be found on higher pop servers with more of a friendly vibe. I'm the one with all the food, more of a survivor-loner-hoarder XD but if we happen upon each other I'd be happy to share.

I don't shout friendly though, I'm more of a "hello" person.

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hi iam new to the dayz forums, so hello people, and would just like to thank dayz for a top quality game thank you, i dont own GTA, anymore,,,,

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Looking for a new game and thought I would come to DayZ and try it out. The problem for me right now is justifying the price for an Alpha build.


Also I am the only person of my friends that plays PC. So I will be sole for pretty much the entire time I play.

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Hi all im wenty321 steam id my real name is andi nice to meet you all im new to dayz and loving it well apart from people killing you on sight lol

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I am an older player (used to play Doom. Doom II). Call myself Overlooker in game. Getting used to things and still keeping to the side preferring low count servers till I get better. I have become very good at finding out my location and getting around at will to any location I desire. Funniest thing I saw so far was a zombie  chasing a cow way out in the middle of no where.  Raided a few tents and actually left items I did not need in a tent for a player. I prefer stealth for now and only came across other players a few times. Of those we traded items and one time another guy took me out. I get on most every evening for a bit. I like in the USA and are on Central time.

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Hello all, I am none other then Magestic!


I'm 16 years old, bought DayZ (SA) back about a week after Christmas, I never had a computer good enough to run DayZ before then, but here I am now. I decided a couple days ago id sign up on the forums.

I live in a small town in Rural Newfoundland, Canada where everyone knows each other, If you want to put into prospective were I live my closest GameStop is about 2 hours away.

I very much enjoy DayZ, usually helping people when they aren't shooting at me, I rarely KOS. I have a couple guys I play DayZ with sometimes who have helped build my knowledge to the game more

then why I already had. If any of you have a question for me feel free and ask, if you'd like to play DayZ with me shoot me a message on here. See ya'll around.


Edit: I think it's valuable to add that this is the first PC Game I've ever owned besides The Sims or Runescape, I was mostly a console gamer, Xbox was my choice but I own both a 360/One, PS3/PS4, I also speak light Russian and a little French.

Edited by Magestic

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Hello folks  :)

I'm a swede and the name is christoffer, been thinking of buying this game for quite a while now and today i downloaded it and im glad i did :)  


Survived my first day, after just 1 min in that wasteland i had to kill a zombie with a broomstick "pretty sure it would have been faster with fists". Otherwise its been a quite calm night, reading thru the forums and watching probably a hundred yt vids about this game have surely helped me a lot. Been alive for 3 hours now and got a gun with two mags and a bolt action without ammo, a pair of handcuffs and a complete map over "i dont even know what the world is called  :rolleyes: "

One question tho, is there a way to see if a server is daytime or nighttime? been on three so far and all of them have been night. Doesn't really bother me but the variation of a daytime server would be nice.


I'm usually a pretty social guy but in this game i have to say that i keep the players on a safe distance, did follow a guy for about 15min just to see what he was doing and if he was a friendly or not but couldn't really tell and if i am this afraid of taking contact in the early stages im thinking that i will be even less eager to do so when i gathered a decent kit.  Either way i'm happy i finally bought this game seeing that it have been an exciting time so far.

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hello my name is populas in game, a fellow survivor, but everytime i get geared up ands kitted out i walk round a corner and shot on sight, this has happen to me seven time today, i even put my hand up to say hi. bang! no interaction what so ever, even on friendly servers.. its inhumane and i dont see the logic, be a bandit or be a hero , should have only loot for either/or academy.. or make zombies harder to unite survivors? after going through mass ordeal breaking legs killing 30 zombies running for hours to get you character shot in an instance, savage.


Thanks guys

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Help Im lost and in a place with signs I cant read. Last night must have been a heavy one. No seriously I'll be the noob running around with no idea what I'm doing. Please be nice and no I dont want to wear that pink dress again it itches.  :P

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Hey. Name's Matt, live in the UK. Bought DayZ SA a year or so ago, did about 50 hours on it and stopped for a bit. Drifted through other games and so on and then began watching YouTube vids of DayZ SA encounters and it rekindled my interest in the game so I started up again in the New Year. I've managed to get onto a private hive that seems low in traffic, which has allowed me to remember most of the mechanics of the game. Went several days without finding any kind of weapons then headed into a building site, just North West of Pustoshka and found a cache of weapons. Couldn't choose which ones to take, so my character's now carrying a mosin, with an SKS on his back, a sawn-off in his bag, a makarov, a machete and an axe. Probably means I'll break my leg next time I log on and die whilst being punched to death by a fresh spawn... Anyway I'm looking to "graduate" to something a little more exciting now. I consider myself a casual gamer with the weekends being my most active. Feel free to message me if you want. Steam name is 'elanel'. Did a big purge of friends from there last year, so looking to meet some new friendly folk. Cheers. 

Edited by elanel

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so, had 24 hours played rl with my character  and killed countless of zombies and sadly 1 player twice seeing that he attacked my crew twice. I am one of those ppl that rather help instead of killing another player but if they attack what can you do.. Currently searching for a tent to set up base but haven't find one yet,

I have tons of 00bucks and .22 ammo so if anyone needs that my ingame nick is christoffer. I would easily trade some weapons or gear for a tent if anyone is interested?  


Edit: oh crap! thought this was the thread "how was your dayz", *sigh* oh well

Edited by Christoffer.s

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Heeeeyy everyone! my names Danny! I really enjoy playing DayZ stand alone edition! I am normally very friendly, but if tempted, will SHOOT! lol xD HAPPY GAMING EVERYONE!

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On game at the minute been playing the standalone on and off for a couple of months. always seems to get shot as soon as I find any decent loot.

Username ; Louis 

Edited by Rumble_L

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Hello fellow survivors



My name is Magnus(same name IG), i am 17 years old and i come from the lands of Denmark, and ye i play alot of DayZ(still learning :P)



I am really good at surviving and if you are in fear that i am a bandit then fear not, i am always looking for people to join me in the quest for survival. Good or bad gear doesn't matter. You just have to be friendly :P


So yea, here is my profile if you want to play sometime: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056463436




Edited by KingVee

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Hi all, 


I finally build a gaming PC for the first time. I have been using laptop for gaming for the longest time. Yes, been around the block. Played D2 LOD :), CS, D3, then Insurgent. Just bought this game after been hearing about it. I live in Northern Virginia. 

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Hey there fellas. Just finished up my for PC gaming build this past weekend and DayZ was the first purchase. Long time console guy, and current twitch streamer. Just wanted to say hey!


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Hi guys. I'm a pretty new player to the PC. I've been watching Day Z videos for awhile and finally bought it. So far it's been fun, but it would be more fun with a group of people to roam around with. I've only had the game since Saturday. Need to buy a real mic soon, but until then my laptop's mic will have to work. 


Steam: Nuseal

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