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The one feature I want to see implemented in DayZ

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More than any other feature I've seen discussed, I'd really like to see characters gain stats over time.  I feel this would cause players to value their character MUCH more than they do.  This is regardless of whatever they do or skills.  In DayZ you have to work to survive, so why not get "better" the longer you survive?


Thinking along the lines of:


Every additional 10 hours your character survives:


2% faster health, shock, and blood recovery  (ie. getting "tougher" over time)

3% higher total health, shock, and blood levels  (ie.  getting in "better shape" from having to survive on your own)

-2% energy depletion rate (ie.  body getting "more efficient")


So regardless of how the soft skill system works, if your character managed to survive 80 hours, he/she would have

16% faster health, shock, and blood recovery

24% higher total  health, shock, and blood levels

-16% energy depletion rate


I know something like this is discussed in the soft skills area, but I'd really love to see plain old survival provide a reward in itself aside from actual soft skill gain.


Just my $.02




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You won't be getting any extra health or reduced weapon sway or anything like that, and soft skills have already been WIDELY discussed as you yourself mentioned. You wouldn't get any better at football by spending a long time looking at the pitch, you have to actually play the game. On that note i don't think any bonus should be applied just for spending time on a server doing nothing.

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hicks did say you will gain stamina the more you move across the map etc so there's that. i wouldn't want to see health buffs or anything for the simple fact that there are always asshats that abuse the shit out of things like that or atleast find a way to, stay AFK in debug plains with food for hours just gaining health as stupid as it sounds you know there would be asshats out there doing just that.

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I think the only thing you will get is an extra inch in beard length!

that is a funny idea :-)

I would not like to become dayZ another world of warcraft, "you have to go there, collect this and that, so you can craft the super hicking jacket, giving you +7 stamina, and then you have to apply oil of a stag to run faster..."

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