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Vilayer and .pbo files

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Hi guys,


I have some questions about the management of a Dayz Mod server on vilayer.

Excuse me, I don't speak english very well. I am a beginner in administrating servers, coding and scripting, but i'm trying to learn very fast, and with all that posts on Dayz SA and Epoch, i realize now how it's difficult to get informations for Dayz Mod.


For those who use vilayer, they notice .pbo files seem not being use by vilayer to make things more easier.

My goal is to make some customs scripts. Firstly, I want to modify humanity gain to make the Hero status more accessible and encourage players to be more friendly (I have a dream ...)


1) I want the confirmation that .pbo files are not used by vilayer ? If I modify one of these (extract with pbo manager, modify, repack, upload) will it's works ? (I've already tried, nothing works, but I want the confirmation ;) )

Because, the list of files into my "vilayercodecustom" is small out than other .pbo files like "dayz_code".  So how does  it works on Vilayer?


2) I tried to make the same thing like on this post (for Epoch, but i think it works for Dayz mod ... doesn't it ? ) :  http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5211-creating-a-custom-compilessqf/

But it's impossible for me to activate any custom script : every time the message pop-up "script "custom/local_eventKill.sqf was not found"". (even with the "/" before into inti.sfq)

But, when I'm loading a file inside a .pbo like"/z/add-on/dayz_code/compile/local_eventKill.sqf" the script still doesn't seem to work even though, no error message pop. For example I tried the modification suggested on this page http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36999-humanity-system-dayz-epoch/ on the " local_eventKill.sqf.sqf" to gain humanity when killing zombies.)


So, where is my error, how can I activate custom script ? I know i'm wrong somewhere but i cannot discover where.


waiting for replies ;)

Tanks a lot !!!



Edited by Goonty

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Of course VILayer has to use .pbo's as well and they are even accessible by the server-admin, the folder-structure is just different.


If you want to learn how these things work, I suggest you do some reading up on how the entire system works, seeing as these are really basic questions. One way to start is trying to set up a server on your own computer and trying to join that and then change some things around, as the system is the same as on a vilayer-server, but it's easier to understand, as your folder-structure on your computer is already known to you...

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Of course !

I didn't think about it.I will do it with xampp


thank you for this advice !

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