TIC 1050 Posted November 29, 2015 I think that is an interesting Idea and do think it is worth looking into. Anything to get people from sitting on the coast and having stagnant gameplay. You have to make it more widespread then heli crashes, and or more rewarding, without breaking the immersion too much, like achievments. Even if achievements were left in though, there is no real incentive other than getting yellow letters pop up onto your screen. Maybe a reward of some sorts? Possible, but seems improbable. How about adding radios back in or having an invisible radio supposedly on your character that says something like " You hear some ramblings over your radio about a NATO deal going down at coordinates XXX XXX with what remains of the CDF. It sounds like the deal went south fast." And maybe have like a humvee and some attachments spawn there partnered with dead soldier zombies roaming the site. Possibly add a very rare exclusive item like how the 50. Cals were, just rarer, maybe like the mk 16 and 17. To make it more inacessible, only have the mk 17 mags spawning at American heli crashes, also being extremely rare.Sort of got off topic but I do think it holds true to the original idea of getting people to move around and explore the map. I'd like to add on that perhaps if you're within range by using a radio, you may hear the sounds of static indicating that a crash site is nearby. Now that would be cool.. But that's probably not possible. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted November 29, 2015 Pre-Release Patch. http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/.testsystem_1.8.7/%40Client-DayZMod-Dev-06f563f-Full.rar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LukeThero 7 Posted November 29, 2015 I'd like to add on that perhaps if you're within range by using a radio, you may hear the sounds of static indicating that a crash site is nearby. Now that would be cool.. But that's probably not possible. That is actually a really good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quasimodo (DayZ) 1 Posted November 30, 2015 It would be quite good to clean at last weap mags recharge in a bag. It would increase the value of bullets. And all drag that on 2-3 mags and they have eternal cartridges Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted December 15, 2015 Any chance of 1.8.7 before Christmas ? ... seeing as SA Christmas patch is AIDs :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted December 15, 2015 It would be quite good to clean at last weap mags recharge in a bag. It would increase the value of bullets. And all drag that on 2-3 mags and they have eternal cartridges Arma holds no commands to be able to do such a system we have something in the works in a 3rd party dll but no idea if it will be allowed.Any chance of 1.8.7 before Christmas ? ... seeing as SA Christmas patch is AIDs :lol: No idea depends on everyone's time to test and fix any issues we find. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted December 17, 2015 Topic updated for Dev-47fb212 Release. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted December 19, 2015 Just an update, still waiting for the release to happen, don't look like its going to be this side of xmas.Soon as i hear more ill update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skigoggles 0 Posted December 19, 2015 Just an update, still waiting for the release to happen, don't look like its going to be this side of xmas.Soon as i hear more ill update.https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186695-a2a2oa-patch-18122015/ Just saw this - Is there any relationship between those releases and anything/anyone else? Sounds like they've gone and broken a few things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted December 20, 2015 https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186695-a2a2oa-patch-18122015/ Just saw this - Is there any relationship between those releases and anything/anyone else? Sounds like they've gone and broken a few things. They have nothing to do with us. Patches always break something Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skigoggles 0 Posted December 20, 2015 They have nothing to do with us. Patches always break something lol. I know - I was a software developer for a long time. fyi: so far we're seeing weapons scopes/zeroing issues, heli gun movement limitations and medbox0 cannot hold any items. sigh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted December 22, 2015 we are getting alot of funky reports atm. we will just have to work over the issues before the next dayz patch :-( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fgw 4 Posted December 22, 2015 (edited) we are getting alot of funky reports atm. we will just have to work over the issues before the next dayz patch :-(hi r4z0r49, related to the latest beta or something else? cause yesterday another beta was released which turned a lot of things back to the state it was before. though i have no info regarding the changed classes? if they effect dayz at all or if they are turned back also? there were reports of a issues with MedBox0 though. unfortunately my server is off right now, so im unable to test. but plan to bring it back up again soon ... anyway, thanks to you and all others for your continuing work! merry xmas! Edited December 22, 2015 by fgw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skigoggles 0 Posted December 22, 2015 Here's the link https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186695-a2a2oa-patch-18122015/page-10 which is the update on the original patch thread. Here's the link on steam : http://steamcommunity.com/games/arma2oa/announcements/detail/45398879829365939 Some datapoints:Changelog: - AS50 sound reverted to original - DMR zeroing removed due to community requests - Burst lengths decreased for aircraft cannons - Lee Enfield zeroing reverted to original state - NVG is now usable with western scopes again - Helicopter side gunners firing angles reverted to original - All An-2 variants are now retexturable through hidden selections - GMG and AGS-30 zeroings fixed, no longer include unusable values - "No Owner" RPT messages should no longer appear - All patches are merged into single addon I've heard that the heli guns are fixed and the DMR is back to normal. lol my test server is broken, I think due to this update, but who can tell. Glad the public one is still running ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dayzo 182 Posted March 13, 2016 (edited) > dayz_nutritionValuesSystem = false; //Enables nutrition system I was eating for the first time in v1.8.7 just now, to try to get my blood level up. Nothing happened to my blood level though - the chevrons indicating the blood rising never appeared and my blood did not rise. Does the above setting have something to do with that? Like disabling nutrition, so that the only way to increase blood is by transfusion or resting in a tent? EDIT: I managed to confirm with another player that this is the case. What I don't know yet is: a) how much blood level does it take to fill an empty bag? Do you get a warning if your blood is too low, or does it just kill you? b) how much blood level do you get back when you self-blood? I remember trying it once in v186 and getting back LESS blood level than it took to fill the bag. c) why can we only self-blood empty bags that we have filled ourselves? It is a huge disadvantage to single players that teams can bloodbag each other with the pre-filled bags. Thanks. Edited March 14, 2016 by DayZo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LukeThero 7 Posted March 14, 2016 16 hours ago, DayZo said: > dayz_nutritionValuesSystem = false; //Enables nutrition system I was eating for the first time in v1.8.7 just now, to try to get my blood level up. Nothing happened to my blood level though - the chevrons indicating the blood rising never appeared and my blood did not rise. Does the above setting have something to do with that? Like disabling nutrition, so that the only way to increase blood is by transfusion or resting in a tent? EDIT: I managed to confirm with another player that this is the case. What I don't know yet is: a) how much blood level does it take to fill an empty bag? Do you get a warning if your blood is too low, or does it just kill you? b) how much blood level do you get back when you self-blood? I remember trying it once in v186 and getting back LESS blood level than it took to fill the bag. c) why can we only self-blood empty bags that we have filled ourselves? It is a huge disadvantage to single players that teams can bloodbag each other with the pre-filled bags. Thanks. As far as the bloodbag thing and how it is a challenge, I think it is suposed to be that. Bloodbags, especially how common and easy (without transfusion kits), are not made to be a quick fill to 100% health. You need to find a fellow player to give you it, and that plays to the balance of it. You do not need to be a team player to have the bloodbag be given to you. Dozens of times I have sought out players to bloodbag me, who hopefully hold the same friendly aspirations as I. This adds a cool twist to the game and actually plays to the almost non-existent advantages of not KOSing. There is a reason why bloodbagging has stayed this way and why it should continue to be this way. That being said, I do think that playing as a team is a MASSIVE advantage to the availability of bloodbagging. This is certainly an issue that I think might need a little teeny tiny tweaking (as far as importance of balance issues in the game though, I think it is preety far down the list.) I could get into all the ways it could be changed, like adding a limit of 1 bloodbag transfusion from one player to a particular recipient in an allotted amount of time, but then that just incetivises bigger groups further and really does not solve the issue. This is where you start to get to the key aspect of this issue. Dayz is supposed to be a realistic sim for an apocalyptic world, of coarse you are going to be at an advantage in a group! The small disadvantage of complicated order and the ability to be spotted much easier are greatly outwayed by the advantage of having an extra guy laying down fire or watching your flank. So yeah, transfusions are made to be a co-op experience and teamplay will always be a superior tactic to solo-play. It is not the devs intent to try and balance the game around this, and in my opinion, shouldn't be. Might have gotten a little ranty there, just wanted to show my thought process behind it. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dayzo 182 Posted March 14, 2016 I don't mind a challenge, as long as it is the same for all players. The issue is that teams have a resource (pre-filled bags) that is not available to single players. Single players have to first find and empty bag and fill it, whereas teams can use the multitude of pre-filled bags lying around to bloodbag each other. Single players require two transfusion kits, compared to one for teams. Single players have a hard time finding empty bags, whereas pre-filled bags are more abundant. Filling an empty bag loses a few thousand blood, whereas there is no such penalty for using pre-filled bags. Further, without being able to eat now, how are you supposed to make that health back up again after filling a bag? It simply isn't worth filling the bag now, because it takes such a long time resting in a tent to get your health back up again. All these issues would be fixed if either: · We were allowed to self-bloodbag with pre-filled bags OR · Pre-filled bags were deleted from the game, leaving only empty bags. I'd be happy with either, but deleting the pre-filled bags should be carefully tested to see how much more difficult it makes the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LukeThero 7 Posted March 14, 2016 (edited) 3 hours ago, DayZo said: I don't mind a challenge, as long as it is the same for all players. The issue is that teams have a resource (pre-filled bags) that is not available to single players. Single players have to first find and empty bag and fill it, whereas teams can use the multitude of pre-filled bags lying around to bloodbag each other. Single players require two transfusion kits, compared to one for teams. Single players have a hard time finding empty bags, whereas pre-filled bags are more abundant. Filling an empty bag loses a few thousand blood, whereas there is no such penalty for using pre-filled bags. Further, without being able to eat now, how are you supposed to make that health back up again after filling a bag? It simply isn't worth filling the bag now, because it takes such a long time resting in a tent to get your health back up again. All these issues would be fixed if either: · We were allowed to self-bloodbag with pre-filled bags OR · Pre-filled bags were deleted from the game, leaving only empty bags. I'd be happy with either, but deleting the pre-filled bags should be carefully tested to see how much more difficult it makes the game. That is the point, bloodbags require you to find a team, or in many cases just a random to help you out. There is a reason why the self bloodbags are underwhelming. Think of them as a completely different assets from the prefilled bags, not just a replacement for the soloplayer. Say I am a doomsday prepper, and I wanna fill a bloodbag for later when I get in a fight. Sure I have to go through the risk of walking around with a couple thousand short of full blood, but I can get that back given a little time and food. Then 1 hour later I run into some bandits at NWAF and take a DMR round, but manage to escape into the ATC. I realize they hit me hard and my aim is shaking due to low blood. I then remember the bloodbag I had packed an hour ago. If I use it, I will be able to gain enough blood bag to stop shaking and return fire. Yeah, it will not bring me to full blood (because that would obviously be an issue,) but due to the faster speed of application than the regular bloodbag, I am quickly able to pop it and regen just enough blood to return fire before they surround the tower. So yeah, of coarse it is way easier to use the prefilled ones. The 2 methods are used for completely different purposes. The self bloodbag is even good for team players who get seperated or one needs to provide covering fire while you heal up and waist less time than the long player to player bloodbag process. So then the question is, what do soloplayers do for bloodbags then? The answer is nothing! If you want the advantage of boosting yourself up to full blood, you are going to have to seek out another player in the world of Chernarus to help you out. A little social skill is needed, that's all. That is what Dayz is about right, player interaction? Edited March 14, 2016 by LukeThero Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dayzo 182 Posted March 15, 2016 (edited) Playing with a mate on TeamSpeak, who you know in real life or who is in a clan you joined, requires no trust whatsoever. Asking on sidechat if anyone (a complete stranger) is near Cherno and wouldn't mind coming to help you, requires an enormous amount of trust, and which four times out of five will end your life. Even if the person who says they'll help you really does do it, you need to give your position away in sidechat when you meet your medic, and will probably be killed by a 3rd party. You're talking about teaming up with other players in an adhoc manner as though it's as easy and desirable as playing with your mate. It's not. It never is. I have no motivation or desire whatsoever to put trust in another player, and I wouldn't advise anyone else to do the same; it nearly always ends in death, which defeats the purpose of trying to get blood bagged in the first place. Edited March 15, 2016 by DayZo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LukeThero 7 Posted March 17, 2016 On 3/15/2016 at 2:20 PM, DayZo said: Playing with a mate on TeamSpeak, who you know in real life or who is in a clan you joined, requires no trust whatsoever. Asking on sidechat if anyone (a complete stranger) is near Cherno and wouldn't mind coming to help you, requires an enormous amount of trust, and which four times out of five will end your life. Even if the person who says they'll help you really does do it, you need to give your position away in sidechat when you meet your medic, and will probably be killed by a 3rd party. You're talking about teaming up with other players in an adhoc manner as though it's as easy and desirable as playing with your mate. It's not. It never is. I have no motivation or desire whatsoever to put trust in another player, and I wouldn't advise anyone else to do the same; it nearly always ends in death, which defeats the purpose of trying to get blood bagged in the first place. I never said anything about sidechat or trusting. Sometimes you have to have a little trust, but mostly it counts on skill. I seek out my transfuser, hold him up behind cover and make him drop his weapons. But as I have said before, yes, it is much easier over teamspeak or steam. The big point of what I am saying is, self bloodbags are bad. They are not made to be deployed as instant heal kits you can pop after reaching relitive safety and be able to get back into the fray. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedogfoodyayho 295 Posted March 18, 2016 (edited) Is the new "RPK" a 7.62x39mm RPK or the RPK-74, which was already ingame? Just wondering, because I haven't seen any 7.62x39mm RPK mags yet and have found several PKMs and RPK-74s, but no "RPKs" Edited March 18, 2016 by thedogfoodyayho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites