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DayZMod Dev-47fb212 - PreRelease of V-1.8.7

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This is the rolling Development change log for 1.8.7


[New] - Added Shovel to replace etool eventually 

[New] - Water bottles can now be emptied.

[New] - Crowbar & BaseBat can now knock out a player if hit in the head.

[New] - Preset system for variables. (Custom,Classic,Vanilla,Elite)

[New] - dayz_nutritionValuesSystem Variable to disable the current nutrition system in vanilla (part of the preset system).

[New] - Loot spawning system.

[New] - PKM light machine gun.
[New] - New weapons: L110A1, UK59, RPK
[New] - New attachments:
    M4A1 ACOG
    M16A4 ACOG
    G36C ACOG
    SA58 RIS, CCO, Holo, ACOG, flashlight (RIS required for other attachments)
    M240 CCO, Holo
    L110A1 CCO, Holo
    RPK Kobra, PSO-1
[New] - New magazines:
    50 round UK59
    75 round RPK
    100 round M249

[updated] - added 200 extra thirst values to all sodas.

[updated] - Negative effects for rain and night time temperatures.

[updated] - Cleaned up animations.

[updated] - Cooked meat nutrition values updated by 300 points, Raw food updated to be half of the cooked values.

[updated] - Ai seek and Movement systems.

[updated] - Tinned foods by 300 points of nutrition.

[updated] - Slowed down Water & Food consumption, (Food is consumed faster then water).

[updated] - DMR scope is no longer compatible with nightvision goggles.
[updated] - PK magazine model.
[updated] - Loot balance
[updated] - Mi17 hitpoints for glass.
[updated] - Camera shake when inpain or low on water updated.


[Fixed] - Fixed an issue with zed global numbers.

[Fixed] - Crossbow flashlight for models (Crossbow_CCO_FL,Crossbow_Scoped_FL).

[Fixed] - Config class issue with PDW_DZ

[Fixed] - Matchbox's are given a random amount on spawn.

[Fixed] - Dismantle message showing item,chance,replacement items too Item Name

[Fixed] - SVD Ghillie icon and name

[Fixed] - Changed Winchester RPM from 60 to 120.
[Fixed] - Changed MR43 RPM from 30 to 600.
[Fixed] - Jumping is now possible while unarmed.
[Fixed] - Weapon is now automatically raised again after getting off of a ladder.
[Fixed] - Opening gear while holding a pistol no longer causes the player to get up.
[Fixed] - Dropping pistol while having no primary weapon no longer causes player to get up.
[Fixed] - transitions between kneeling rifle and kneeling unarmed.
[Fixed] - BE kick for m4a1 pickup from POIS.
[Fixed] - Humanity reward for giving epen and morphine to others.
[Fixed] - Tripwire Traps should now work correctly.
[Fixed] - Dropping primary weapon while kneeling and having no sidearm no longer causes the player to get up.
[Fixed] - Using the DShKM on the offroad no longer turns on the engine
[Fixed] - Antibiotics can now be given to remote players
[Fixed] - Temp solution to the missing magazines sync issue.
[Fixed] - Hit point issues with SUV,ATV's
[Fixed] - Missing magazines on login.
[Fixed] - Setting fire to tents no longer takes the hole box of matches.
[Fixed] - Mozin Sound falloff and recoil.


[Removed] - Backpack fix for ammo.

[Removed] - Base Building removed from stable build.

[Removed] - The need to have transfusion Kit for any type of transfusion.

[Removed] - Achievements.

[Removed] - FnFal burst firemode.

[Removed] - Permanent fire Place

These Changes will only effect development builds and will be removed during stable builds while we continue to get everything working.

[New] - Build Lock. (Development Builds Only)

[New] - Metal fences can now only be destroyed from pipebombs.

[New] - Damage on metal fences is now synced too database.

[updated] - Moved working values for food & drink outside the loop for the gate breakin system. (Development Builds only)


Test Server -
Start Command - ArmA2OA.exe "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;@DayZ-dev;@Dayz-Chernarus;"
-nosplash -connect= -port=2305


Issues can be posted here.

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Feel free to test and post any feedback. This topic will remain open

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if you download this and drop it on your desktop it should find arma 2 and steam and run your game.


You must have steam installed and arma2 and arma 2OA running from steam.

You must have launched arma 2 from steam.





This is untested.

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Got it working. I was on the dev server, IMO it seems zombies hit too hard and there are too many, I guess I need to be more stealth. Other than that when I had an AK, pistol, baseball bat, flares, and tin cans it was telling me to reload the cans for some reason and when I had a baseball bat out i tried to switch to my AK and all I could see was "switch to baseball bat" and when I did that (with the baseball bat already out) it switched to my AK so kinda buggy but good overall

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  On 11/7/2015 at 8:40 PM, silverblade1233 said:

Got it working. I was on the dev server, IMO it seems zombies hit too hard and there are too many, I guess I need to be more stealth. Other than that when I had an AK, pistol, baseball bat, flares, and tin cans it was telling me to reload the cans for some reason and when I had a baseball bat out i tried to switch to my AK and all I could see was "switch to baseball bat" and when I did that (with the baseball bat already out) it switched to my AK so kinda buggy but good overall


Action menu on switch weapon if you check the issues its a known one it will be fixed before release. :-)

Zed damage is a server setting.

Amount is a server setting.

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Here to give you some idea of the server settings. With the preset system alot of these will be taken care of by just setting the preset but setting custom should open everything up.
This is new in 1.8.7
dayz_antihack = 0; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
dayz_REsec = 1; // DayZ RE Security / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
dayz_enableRules = true; //Enables a nice little news/rules feed on player login (make sure to keep the lists quick).
dayz_quickSwitch = false; //Turns on forced animation for weapon switch. (hotkeys 1,2,3) False = enable animations, True = disable animations
dayz_POIs = true;
dayz_infectiousWaterholes = true;
dayz_enableGhosting = true; //Enable disable the ghosting system.
dayz_ghostTimer = 30; //Sets how long in seconds a player must be dissconnected before being able to login again.
dayz_spawnselection = 1; //Turn on spawn selection 0 = random only spawns, 1 = Spawn choice based on limits
dayz_spawncarepkgs_clutterCutter = 2; //0 =  loot hidden in grass, 1 = loot lifted and 2 = no grass
dayz_spawnCrashSite_clutterCutter = 2; // heli crash options 0 =  loot hidden in grass, 1 = loot lifted and 2 = no grass
dayz_spawnInfectedSite_clutterCutter = 2; // infected base spawn... 0: loot hidden in grass, 1: loot lifted, 2: no grass 
dayz_bleedingeffect = 3; //1= blood on the ground, 2= partical effect, 3 = both.
dayz_ForcefullmoonNights = false; // Forces night time to be full moon.
dayz_OpenTarget_TimerTicks = 60 * 10; //how long can a player be freely attacked for after attacking someone unprovoked.
dayz_nutritionValuesSystem = false; //Enables nutrition system
dayz_DamageMultiplier = 2; //1 - 0 = Disabled, anything over 1 will multiply damage. Damage Multiplier for Zombies.
dayz_maxGlobalZeds = 500; //Limit the total zeds server wide.
dayz_temperature_override = false; // Set to true to disable all temperature changes.
//not implmented yet.
dayz_classicBloodBagSystem = false; // removes all blood type bloodbags
We have added a new preset system on this version //DayazMod Presets 
Classic = puts everything into the classic gameplay.
Vanilla = puts everything into the newer versions
Custom = Allows the admin to make everything curtom
Elite = Vanilla but harder to be used with the merc arma preset.
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Played for a few min this evening...


  • There were quite a few heli crashes - about 11. At first they were not spawning Z's, but it seemed to get sorted out after I visited a few crashes.
  • Z pathing seems to be great.
  • Dev tools are enabled and makes my life very easy :)
Edited by Epoc568

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  On 11/7/2015 at 10:11 PM, Epoc568 said:


Played for a few min this evening...


  • There were quite a few heli crashes - about 11. At first they were not spawning Z's, but it seemed to get sorted out after I visited a few crashes.
  • Z pathing seems to be great.
  • Dev tools are enabled and makes my life very easy :)


Yea the server hasn't been restarted so there should be a good amount of sites

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OK i got my server where the hell do I change my preset variables lol


edit: nervermind

Edited by silverblade1233

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This looks great! The Z's are smarter and the loot system seems really nice. Excellent job and thank you!

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I have tried the new version and have encountered the following issues:

  • Picked up a winchester and the ammo did not show in my inventory while it displayed in the HUD.
  • Adding an ACOG to a SA 58 RIS deletes the rifle with a notification which I couldnt reproduce and successive attempts just delete the rifle without further notice.
  • Trying to remove attachments from a spawned in SA 58 ACOG FL does not work with the message "You cannot remove attachment". (This is the case for all attachment SA58's)
  • Tripwire grenades do not trigger when spawned, but seem to be functional after a certain amount of time after spawning. The flare beartrap also does not seem to trigger 2/2 times when newly constructed. (The following traps however did work on first attempt: Bear trap, bear trap smoke, tripwire smoke and tripwire flare (forgot to test the can tripwire))
  • Ammo cannot be reloaded on the newly added rifles when the clip is not empty
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  On 11/9/2015 at 11:56 PM, Silaros said:


I have tried the new version and have encountered the following issues:

  • Picked up a winchester and the ammo did not show in my inventory while it displayed in the HUD.
  • Adding an ACOG to a SA 58 RIS deletes the rifle with a notification which I couldnt reproduce and successive attempts just delete the rifle without further notice.
  • Trying to remove attachments from a spawned in SA 58 ACOG FL does not work with the message "You cannot remove attachment". (This is the case for all attachment SA58's)
  • Tripwire grenades do not trigger when spawned, but seem to be functional after a certain amount of time after spawning. The flare beartrap also does not seem to trigger 2/2 times when newly constructed. (The following traps however did work on first attempt: Bear trap, bear trap smoke, tripwire smoke and tripwire flare (forgot to test the can tripwire))
  • Ammo cannot be reloaded on the newly added rifles when the clip is not empty



Ok a few of these issues have been fixed already. Traps are being looked at.


We have a list of bug fixes already im just waiting to do the next test build

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Adding attachments to an RPK deletes current attachment. Example: start with RPK, add Kobra attachment to turn it into RPK Kobra. Now add PSO attachment. You get a RPK PSO and lose the Kobra attachment. If you try similar with M4 for example, you can't add other sights until you take the current sight off. Hope that makes sense.

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I saw someplace that achievements were being removed. I understand the reason because they don't carry over and they are sortof meaningless (apart from the shooting ones).


I'd like to counter that achievements should be expanded + published  to encourage survival (create 4 walls, fix a vehicle) or pvp (kill 4 bandits or survivors) or whatever. Just thinking about this while I try and balance gameplay on the server I run. What can I encourage them todo that makes them move around the map and do things other that loot and shoot? Right now we have missions(DZMS) and thats working, but something standard would be interesting.


I'd need some help, but I'm willing to explore this for a future release.

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  On 11/17/2015 at 12:55 AM, skigoggles said:

I saw someplace that achievements were being removed. I understand the reason because they don't carry over and they are sortof meaningless (apart from the shooting ones).

I'd like to counter that achievements should be expanded + published to encourage survival (create 4 walls, fix a vehicle) or pvp (kill 4 bandits or survivors) or whatever. Just thinking about this while I try and balance gameplay on the server I run. What can I encourage them todo that makes them move around the map and do things other that loot and shoot? Right now we have missions(DZMS) and thats working, but something standard would be interesting.

I'd need some help, but I'm willing to explore this for a future release.

I think that is an interesting Idea and do think it is worth looking into. Anything to get people from sitting on the coast and having stagnant gameplay. You have to make it more widespread then heli crashes, and or more rewarding, without breaking the immersion too much, like achievments. Even if achievements were left in though, there is no real incentive other than getting yellow letters pop up onto your screen. Maybe a reward of some sorts? Possible, but seems improbable. How about adding radios back in or having an invisible radio supposedly on your character that says something like " You hear some ramblings over your radio about a NATO deal going down at coordinates XXX XXX with what remains of the CDF. It sounds like the deal went south fast." And maybe have like a humvee and some attachments spawn there partnered with dead soldier zombies roaming the site. Possibly add a very rare exclusive item like how the 50. Cals were, just rarer, maybe like the mk 16 and 17. To make it more inacessible, only have the mk 17 mags spawning at American heli crashes, also being extremely rare.

Sort of got off topic but I do think it holds true to the original idea of getting people to move around and explore the map.

Edited by Lukethero

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Quick update Hopefully we should have a final test build out this weekend if all goes well we can then look at a release date.

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