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Ira (DayZ)

Unconscious: get rid of the long time or bring other **** in line

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I get that DayZ is supposed to be going for a lot of realism, that much is fine. But, if you're going to make bouts of unconsciousness take equivalent time to what it would in real life, bring all the other retarded crap in line too...ie. food, water, stamina, jumping, using a weapon while moving, hell even add using the bathroom to requirements, but make EVERYTHING realistic then, not one thing which is probably the most irritating aspect.



Food: Who the hell gets hungry every 5 minutes and is at risk of dieing within 30?


Water: It's a wonder that any male character ever leaves a urinal. I dunno about other people, but for sitting around a canteen of water and 3 cans of soda would last me an entire day (the 3 cans alone would be plenty) Follows in line with food with the dieing, even faster though.


Stamina: I'm one of the worst distance runners I know of, but these survivors would make me feel like I could come in first in a race with a week or two of prep.


Jumping: ...I don't think this one even needs explained, but..OH NO! A 3 FOOT TALL BARRIER THAT IS WIDER THAN A FENCE!


Using things while moving: Food/drinks/equipment swap and all, there's no reason we need to come to a dead stop to drink a can of soda or eat some spaghettiOs, we might not be able to run, but at least walking...or being able to cancel task and just drop whatever it is to run from a threat. I think we can safely say that very few people have ever put finishing a can of sardines ahead in priority of being mauled to death.



5 Minutes unconcious is plenty long, for all intents and purposes, with regard to everything else. Otherwise, it's just detracting from an otherwise decent concept. Probably the only status that makes any sense for onset and effects is sickness.


(food and water from above are done at a base from no indicator to the player for thirsty/hydrated or hungy)

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All these things have been addressed, use the search function and read the stickies.


Unless they've been officially addressed and acted on by Bohemia's Team, these are things that need readdressed over and over again until they get bloody worked on. From what I've seen (Yes, I'm aware of the search function), it's been lip service at best and these things have been persistent for over 2 years now. I've been following DayZ since the mod, and it's been a lackluster development since Bohemia officially took over the project. As it stands now, standalone is roughly on par for gameplay and overall content to where the Arma mod was before standalone was even available.

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Hunger from fully energised will last you several hours. It is not an issue. Hydration will last roughly half the time, which is intentional as the requirement for hydration is much more frequent than food, and water is far more important than food in a survival situation. Both when you are fully at that stage will last you several hours. From the get go, you can probably last 30-45 minutes before death from starvation or dehydration, which grants you plenty of time to find some food and water, or the tools required to provide a permanently self sufficient method of acquiring either. Stop searching in buildings in towns where everyone goes.


Stamina is an issue to be addressed. And that is, right now the stamina survivors have is insane. They can infinitely sprint, and fully recover from completely wearing themselves out within a minute or two. They are going to introduce a weight system similar to what is in ARMA 3 at a later date. This is why if you read item descriptions, they now have approximate weights written in on them.


Jumping as it currently stands is perfectly fine given the amount of weight survivors are carrying on them at any given point. A climbing system would be nice to see however. The current stepping over however grants you access over low walls and fences that a survivor carrying that amount of weight would realistically see as safe to stride over. Given how devastating sprains or fractures would be in a survival situation, I wouldn't even remotely risk trying to scale over anything that isn't a very low wall or fence, in case I tripped with the amount of equipment I'm carrying on me.


You could probably walk with your food and water in reality, and I wouldn't mind seeing this occur, although I believe the animation system doesn't really support this (start changing weapons whilst running and stop mid animation and you'll see what I'm getting at.) However, you definitely can very quickly cease an action whilst you're eating or drinking - a reality that has saved me many times from accidentally pressing drink all on a jerrycan of gasoline, or when another survivor happens to enter the room I'm in. Just the other day I was eating some canned sardines and a survivor walked in the room as I was eating. I spotted him instantly, and hit cancel action. In the two seconds it took for him to draw his Mosin Nagant and take aim, I had got to my feet, was out the door and taking out my MP5, and managed to survive the encounter (albeit, very shaken afterwards for a few minutes!)


As for the current consciousness system? I think it's perfectly fine given how firefights currently play out. It grants time for the assailant to execute you, but in the event that they don't do so (such as being destructed, or under fire from your friends,) it grants you enough time to regain consciousness and retreat. I survived an encounter only last night in such a manner. I was unconscious for roughly 3 minutes after taking at least 4 hits from a CR75. I shot him twice with a Magnum and killed him with my Mosin, but he hit me enough times to make me fall unconscious. I was able to regain consciousness in the active combat zone (the city was part of a designated PVP event and there was gunfire all around,) and retreat safely to bandage, treat a sprain, and leave town for half an hour or so to recover. Honestly, it is more than enough time to regain consciousness if you kill your assailant in the process, or your assailant is not in a position to execute you. Given the reality of how firefights in Day Z are (long, drawn out, and realistic with realistic firing rates, reload times etc,) for tactical fairness, the current consciousness system makes perfect sense. Even if unconsciousness is more drawn out when compared in scale to other features like hunger, it is sensible for balance purposes in gun fights.

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