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Zombie meat

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The Possibility to eat dead zombies meat  




What happens when you eat zombie meat:


20 min after consuming zombie meat

Stage 1:

- Small scars and warts will slowly start appearing over your face till your face starts to look a little bit zombified


1 hour with the disease:

Stage 2: 

- You start to shake frequently for 30-60 seconds at random moments

- scars start to form on your arms and legs

1.5 hour with the disease

Stage 3: 

- you hear zombie sounds and people crying very softly at random times

- When in idle mode (so not moving) you sometimes randomly start to twitch your neck

- a quarter of blood loss will be lost forever (so your full health is a quarter less then before)


4 hours with the disease

Stage 4:


- you sometimes start to vomit randomly (very rare)

- will get sick from any kind of human meat (which leads to blood loss)

- idle animation has now changed to the zombie idle animation (with sometimes random neck twitching)



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The DayZ lore that existed since the mod (as confirmed by de devs), states that the survivors are for unknown reasons imune to the infection virus that infected the local civilians. They are never dead (so not really a zombie), but rather comparable to a dog infected with rabies. They are alive, just badshit crazy. So technically eating the meat would have no side effects (tied to the infection itself) that differs from eating human meat.

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In reality, the "infected" wouldn't just be host to the "zombie disease", but a whole slew of other illnesses and parasites. Covered in their own filth, infested with various worms, ticks and lice, and with infected wounds and such covering them, etc. You ..... wouldn't want to eat them.


This is why there is a chance you "get sick" when you get hit by them (or, you did get sick, in past builds. No idea if it is still in). It isn't the "zombie disease", but a "regular" infection.

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Sounds dangerous. I'd just stick to eating apples. Tyvm.

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The Possibility to eat dead zombies meat


What happens when you eat zombie meat:

20 min after consuming zombie meat

Stage 1:

- Small scars and warts will slowly start appearing over your face till your face starts to look a little bit zombified

1 hour with the disease:

Stage 2:

- You start to shake frequently for 30-60 seconds at random moments

- scars start to form on your arms and legs

1.5 hour with the disease

Stage 3:

- you hear zombie sounds and people crying very softly at random times

- When in idle mode (so not moving) you sometimes randomly start to twitch your neck

- a quarter of blood loss will be lost forever (so your full health is a quarter less then before)

4 hours with the disease

Stage 4:

- you sometimes start to vomit randomly (very rare)

- will get sick from any kind of human meat (which leads to blood loss)

- idle animation has now changed to the zombie idle animation (with sometimes random neck twitching)

I see this as more of a gimmick. But if one could harvest zombie flesh... Perhaps to be used as bait for catfish or luring coyotes or other carrion eaters into a killzone...

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