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Keep your teams mates informed!

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Met a new survivor whilst playing tonight, was checking out the SWAF when we ran in to some trouble, shots fired, major desync and the guy that shot at us logged out, some more logged in and I was on edge to be honest, guy runs in the room I ask if it was my new wingman and no reply twice! Guy turns on me and I shoot...it was my friend, he changed his helmet for a balaclava and beret and didn't say so I thought I didn't think it was him lol.


Keep your team mates informed if you change your appearance! Lol  :lol:

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Ha, I almost had that with junior at the Balota atc once.


We saw some random running to the tower getting chased by an infected and couldn't get a shot on the zombie to save him before he go too close and meleed it him self. He comes in and is acting somewhat friendly but his mic is horrible, thinking that was on purpose in hindsight. We're all upstairs trying to communicate with him when I say over in game I'm going downstairs to close the door. Junior and I are in the same room at home so I hear him yell the dude knocked him out. I move up the stairwell enough to see the randoms head and dump my blaze into it and he drops so I back down a bit to reload before I go up to make sure he's dead. As I go back up I'm just about to blast the guy as junior says what the hell he switched out my gear, junior woke up wearing the randoms coat and bag and looked just like him...


Good times.

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Lol omg that's awesome! I am gonna try that on someone! lol

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 junior says what the hell he switched out my gear, junior woke up wearing the randoms coat and bag and looked just like him...


Good times.

That's what I'm saying all along. I've had silly fun playing dressup and mixing with groups that communicate over direct only. I remember one particular time in Gorka, at night, when I was looting the police station and suddenly heard voices in direct. I ran out the back door, but that just gets you trapped in Gorka and one of them spotted me and shouted at the others and telling me to drop my weapon. I sprinted through the red brick house, fired my shotgun and ran across the street.


Actually, I ran past the back of one of their guys, who turned for the shots. I crawled behind a heap of rubble there and watched them, as they were flocking around the street talking to each other . One of the guys wore the same jacket like me, but a cowboy hat. I had picked up a cowboy hat earlier, because one of my friends will only accept cowboy hats as his headgear, so I put it on. At the next oportunity (cowboy guy was checking inside the red brick house) I just mixed with two of the others on the street and stood there quietly, turning around a little, as if I'm searching for myself ^^. I then shouted in direct: "He's in the police station!" Everyone rushed to the police station and I ran the other way. I took post inside the green house at the entrance of Gorka, which is like an A+ sniping spot for the police station from the top floor. I saw them running onto the roof, wondering where the mysterious man vanished to. So much fun! I had a hunting scope and the CR527 (which I gave to a friend now) and shot at one of them. I don't think I hit him, but I scared them good enough to turn back from the main road and go towards Black Forest. I lost eyes on them, but followed them for a while, knowing they didn't come my way and probably didn't turn back.


In Shakhovka I caught up to them again, but then lost them for good. I think they logged out in the area, probably in the forest around there. But it was one of my most fun moments. I just wanted to take them out one by one and spread fear from the forest. Unfortunately, I wasn't good enough or fast enough, but the night was still one of the best in my solo player experience.  

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