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Melee Weapon Petition

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Melee weapons are such a strange thing to add, but it could work. If you ignore those whining about how it would ruin the spirit of the game and get right down to looking at mechanics, you could implement melee weapons (assuming the engine allows it) without ruining gameplay. And even if you couldn't, there should at least be some way to lose the zombies that are chasing you without a gun. It should obviously be harder (much harder) than simply sniping skulls, but still manageable.

Consider for instance:

•being able to use your hunting knife for a kill, but depleting the hunting knife (maybe it gets stuck in the skull or something, or has a chance to).

•being able to lead them into a sort of trap using the environment around you. Yeah, I'm aware that you can run from one end of the barn to the other to slow them down a little, but what if you could get them to leave you alone for good by hiding or something?

•being able to push/shove zombies, but being bitten in the process. This way, you're always losing blood for your foolishness, but you might just live to fight another day. Perhaps this could just knock the zombies down and give you a running head start.

The key is to find a way to implement this while still making sure that players cannot survive numerous fights without ammo. We want people to need and want ammo, we don't want people to think of ammo as a luxury.

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melee will never be added because of technical limitations in the arma engine

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I'm all for melee weapons, but only for player killing. I don't think you wanna try swiping at zombies with any kind of melee weapon because they can kill you in one hit.

But for player killing it's almost essential to have. Cause you know 95% of the time any survivor you find is trouble. They'll either kill you, or they'll attract zombies and kill you. Or they'll attract bandits who will kill you. So 95% of the time you just wanna get rid of them.

You can ignore them, but that doesn't always work, so you have to kill them. But how do you kill them when you're in the middle of town without attracting zombies? That's where a quiet melee kill comes in. Stab them in the back.

I know there's a hunting knife in the game. Make it possible to stab people with it and it's all good. And you can't possibly use it to defend yourself against zombies, either.

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melee will never be added because of technical limitations in the arma engine


Please read all the posts before you say something ignorant like this.

There are Arma mods with melee in them. It can be done.

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By the time a zombie gets close enough to get hit my a melee weapon, it would have already hit you, caused damage and maybe made you blood or broke a bone.

Pointless unless they are slower, A LOT less lag, better hit detection and zombies dont hit you and cause damage even when they are not within arm reach.

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I think the largest problem with this game is they compare it to all the others. Ones that make it easy to survive, easy to win, easy to succeed. That is not the case in this game. Its difficult. You die, a lot. That is the excitement of the game. I would much rather have the power of rocket invested in better game elements to create a more realistic experience. Not one where a weapon is added that provides someone with unlimited ammo so they can run through cherno like rambo.


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By the time a zombie gets close enough to get hit my a melee weapon' date=' it would have already hit you, caused damage and maybe made you blood or broke a bone.


Yeah but going in melee should be a risky thing to do. Like a last option. It could still be alright if there is for example only 1 zombie after you and you really need to kill it.

I guess melee could be cool and maybe added in the future, but can't really say its a super important feature.

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The melee just needs to be difficult enough that you won't choose it over a gun or as allready suggested, runs out of durability if used too much

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I think melee swings should be a quick, non-interruptible animation that must play out, leaving you open to attack for a split second. Kind of like the fence-stepping animation. This will force you to carefully consider your swings and not just waltz down Main Street with your favorite meat cleaver.

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What about a single-use melee weapon, completely silent and close range?

Hunting Knife = Melee weapon.

+ Silent, 100% accuracy at close range.

- One-time use...you lose your Hunting Knife.

This will encourage players to keep their knife for food, but have the choice to use it in extreme circumstances. Plus, the knife is uncommon enough that all players won't be running around with them.

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People are scared that melee weapos will turn this game into hack and slash. HA!

Now imagine this:

Bug fixed, lags fixed, animations fixed, death animations fixed.

Zeds run, walk, hit perfectly. Result:

Can kill zeds very fast, the faster reaction the better (because there are no lags or glitches). With enough ammo you can do anything because glitchy kills are not a problem anymore. Isn't that "hack and slash" ? And you people are afarid of melee. Please. I would like to see someone kill 1v5 zeds with a knife in this game.

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I think history has proven there is only one melee weapon required for any situation.



I approve this message!

Maaaannn you guys remember Half-life 1 and the expansions and how horrifying the zombies was?

Will go bug a dev about it...

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I support a melee weapon, but there are arguments that it would be either overpowered or underpowered. I think it should be both. I will explain.

There is already a melee weapon in game and it fits for how I propose to balance it. The hunting knife. No katana, no lead pipe, no fire axe, just a basic hunting knife.

First and most importantly the knife delivers a one-hit kill IF AND ONLY IF you are behind the target (be it zombie or player). If you need a example think TF2's spy.

Secondly, it does little damage otherwise, with a long delay between swings/stabs either way. On a player it creates a bleeding effect.

It makes no noise and after [insert number of uses here] it breaks.

I propose this system as a risky method for silently clearing a area and a absolute last ditch chance for survival otherwise.

The point isn't to make players more powerful but to give more options, for more styles of play.

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I'm all for melee weapons' date=' but only for player killing.[/quote']

How many times have you been close enough to a bandit to hit them? 99% of the time you are killed from far away. Not a great argument in favor of melee weapons.

First and most importantly the knife delivers a one-hit kill IF AND ONLY IF you are behind the target (be it zombie or player).

Oh god, no. Please no. Can we not turn this into a BF3 style slash-throat-and-grab-dogtag game? Please? This is such a hugely bad idea. Now you'll have bandits pretending to be friends until you turn around just so they can do the melee equivalent of teabagging.

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Just put in melee weapons with the durability. In reality i think you can hit 2-3 times with a shovel before its broken, a couple of more hits with the baseball bat. Alumminum would get of a sound that alert others but can do more hits then ordinary bat. Crowbar same sound but lower hits. Machete brute force high durabilty, but this could just keep to the rarest item to find.

Still you cant afford to just go in and melee fight zombie because your force to stand up and your giving yourself away equal other zombies will detect you. And by the gameplay you dont stand still and shoot 4-5 zombies that is hitting you. Ofc you can do this with the melee weapon but at what coast?

Knife would be a good example of silent killer in crouch mode, durabilty could be questionable but the fact is, i have never been able to sneak up to a zombie with out being detected.

(and thers a psychical test on utube of a couple guys testing diffrent melee weapons and the durabilty of them on similar human heads, i think they came to the conclusion that a spiked baseball bat would last for 5-7 hits before it broke, but after every hit u bend the spikes making it useless, even more you lose the durability of the weapon with spikes, so it was better to use an non modified baseball bat)

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How about adding a baseball bat which you can give quickly few swing to knockdown a zombie, which would slow it down for few seconds!? Or you could break a leg from zombie so it can't run after you. Simply make it so you can't kill a zombie if u don't give like 10 hits in the head.. merely make it so it gives you more time to perhaps patch your bleeding up or take morphine/painkillers..

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Take a moment to step back and think about the game as it is now.

You spawn, make your way to the nearest town, and start sneaking around looking for items to survive. As you turn a corner you suddenly come face to face with a walker. You quickly double-tap to the chest and put it down, but not before it's called all nearby zeds. Now you are in a running battle, backing away, firing and trying to keep some distance between you and the 5 walkers coming after you.





You've just used your last bullet and there are still two walkers left. You my friend, are well and truly fucked.

A wave of hopelessness washes over you as you continue backing away, running the encounter through your mind, thinking maybe you should have tried for a few more head-shots instead of the more reliable double-tap, or did a quick peek around the corner before turning it.

No matter though, that last hit by the zed broke your leg and it begins ripping out your entrails. As the world goes dark you continue pondering what you'll do different in your next encounter.

That feeling of hopelessness when you are out of ammo is an integral part of the experience. Even a weak melee weapon would rob the game of that experience.

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First and most importantly the knife delivers a one-hit kill IF AND ONLY IF you are behind the target (be it zombie or player).

Oh god' date=' no. Please no. Can we not turn this into a BF3 style slash-throat-and-grab-dogtag game? Please? This is such a hugely bad idea. Now you'll have bandits pretending to be friends until you turn around just so they can do the melee equivalent of teabagging.


Because this is vastly different from bandits pretending to be friendly and then shooting you in the head?

I'm sorry that the bad man touched you in naughty places in BF3, but guess what: It's entirely possible to kill someone with a knife in real life. Crazy, I know.

Melee weapons are a no-brainer. One hit kills from behind also make sense. It seems like you've not actually played Arma 2 or DayZ much, but footsteps are loud. You can hear someone coming up on you. If someone manages to sneak up behind someone else and melee them, they deserve that one hit kill.

Stop screaming that the sky is falling just because people are considering an idea that you think won't work. Mainly because you're wrong. But also because it makes you look kind of sensationalist and dumb.

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I think the largest problem with this game is they compare it to all the others. Ones that make it easy to survive' date=' easy to win, easy to succeed. That is not the case in this game. Its difficult. You die, a lot. That is the excitement of the game. I would much rather have the power of rocket invested in better game elements to create a more realistic experience. Not one where a weapon is added that provides someone with unlimited ammo so they can run through cherno like rambo.



Agreed. This is a military simulator tied together with a zombie apocalypse environment

People running around through towns with baseball bats hacking and slashing is unrealistic, save that for the arcade games

I like the aspect of the game of only relying on limited ammo because it adds a sense of urgency. What fun is it if you have "unlimited ammo" with a melee weapon?

Then people on here start adding all of these complex limitations, such as you can only use it one time, or it takes 10 hits to kill a zombie and in that case it's just not even worth adding into the mod

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I like the fact there is no melee. Zombies don't feel pain, they are stronger then the average 'survivor', and I like the idea of sneaky surviving.

The game is better without IMO.

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Take a moment to step back and think about the game as it is now.

You spawn' date=' make your way to the nearest town, and start sneaking around looking for items to survive. As you turn a corner you suddenly come face to face with a walker. You quickly double-tap to the chest and put it down, but not before it's called all nearby zeds. Now you are in a running battle, backing away, firing and trying to keep some distance between you and the 5 walkers coming after you.





You've just used your last bullet and there are still two walkers left. You my friend, are well and truly fucked.

A wave of hopelessness washes over you as you continue backing away, running the encounter through your mind, thinking maybe you should have tried for a few more head-shots instead of the more reliable double-tap, or did a quick peek around the corner before turning it.

No matter though, that last hit by the zed broke your leg and it begins ripping out your entrails. As the world goes dark you continue pondering what you'll do different in your next encounter.

That feeling of hopelessness when you are out of ammo is an integral part of the experience. Even a weak melee weapon would rob the game of that experience.


Here is another scenario... plays out exactly like the one you described all the way to "Click-click." But instead of being mauled you do the smart thing and double tap W for full run and race all over the map with zombies behind you, neither gaining nor falling behind, the whole time wondering why you couldn't have done something realistic like kicking one back, hitting it in the head with your empty pistol or the butt of your rifle... Maybe even that first zed that you might have been able to take out silently preventing the scenario in the first place.

The map is littered with wreckage. There are even piles of "scrap metal" that you can pick up and carry in your inventory... But you can't use a piece of that like a club? Can't find a length of pipe or wood *anywhere*? Can't use your hunting knife?

I'm not too down on making such things overly powerful, just as a last ditch weapon in the name of preserving realism.

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If anything i think you should be able to pistol whip or rifle smack some zombies when you run out ammo. It's melee but you dont need to find extra items for it.

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Here is another scenario... plays out exactly like the one you described all the way to "Click-click." But instead of being mauled you do the smart thing and double tap W for full run and race all over the map with zombies behind you' date=' neither gaining nor falling behind, the whole time wondering why you couldn't have done something realistic like kicking one back, hitting it in the head with your empty pistol or the butt of your rifle... Maybe even that first zed that you might have been able to take out silently preventing the scenario in the first place.

The map is littered with wreckage. There are even piles of "scrap metal" that you can pick up and carry in your inventory... But you can't use a piece of that like a club? Can't find a length of pipe or wood *anywhere*? Can't use your hunting knife?

I'm not too down on making such things overly powerful, just as a last ditch weapon in the name of preserving realism.


The problem is; how do you make it a last ditch weapon?

Ok, so you limit the number of uses, essentially that's the same exact thing as using a Makarov except A LOT less effective

If you don't limit the number of uses then it's like having unlimited ammo and where is the sense of urgency in the game if you have that?

Basically this thread is people crying about "how it's too hard to survive" in my opinion

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