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Where has the fun gone?

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After probably around 4-500 (probably double that in total) hours in Chernarus alone i play for like 15 minutes and i'm done. I have seen pretty much every building, looted every spot, been on the entire map. There isn't anything noteworthy that keeps me playing SA. Oh if i wish they would have scrapped Chernarus for SA, or at least make custom maps available like in the mod cause i can't stand it anymore!!


I kind of envy you guys that can keep yourselves entertained, because i remember back in the days when i started playing the mod in it's very early stages i had an absolute blast. I was paranoid, my heart was beating and i played non stop until i went to bed. Those were the dayz... I doubt i will ever get that back  :(

Edited by grimsonfart

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250h also here. I don't try to enjoy this game currently. Some times it can be enjoyable to test some (new) things but I don't try to make the time enjoyable. I mostly play 2h max in a session but generally under 1h.

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The main reason for this is because there's fuckton of everything everywhere. They could as well just hand you all weapons, ammo and gear upon spawn because you're gonna get it in 10 minutes from spawning anyway so what's the difference


When something is very rare you value it, when they make weapons and ammo extremely rare, when you get a mosin and 5 bullets you will be like "Oh man I got a mosin and 5 bullets I really don't wanna die because a treasure like this could never be in my hands again"

Edited by Sperglord

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350 hrs and I am done. Problem I see with limiting the loot (to be clear, I think the Harder the Better so limiting loot is a GOOD idea), Is that with all of the open buildings to check, running into building after building and finding nothing is going to get very tedious, very quickly! Its such a shit mechanic that I can see loads of peeps leaving, if they had loots from Zombies onb the other hand, well at least thats engaging, having to kill zombies and feel that you have to work for it....however, Zombies! lol.....


No Zombies, Rockets Gone, Endless searching buildings to find  ONE can opener......DayZ is dead, so long and thanks for all the fish!



EDIT: Yea I feel butthurt: Deal with it!

Edited by Zabrilla

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Appreciate all your answers.

True, running around and dieing all the time would be boring.

But I'm not doing that. I mix it up.

Sometimes I'm a farmer trying to survive only with natural recources (did that for over a week and never was found). Other times I try to find people and engage into conversation with them, etc...

I always try out the new mechanics at least once.

Interaction. I have 2.6k hours and still not bored.

Ran into a guy last night on our 50/50 in the tree line between Prig and Cherno. My game crashed and I kindly asked him to not kill me and we'll have a chat when I log back in. He didn't and I'll tell you why. The salt to interaction is role-play. I use 5 or so different voices and I never plan on the next voice I'll use. I just let it happen and its a bunch of fun. I do two Asian voices (Japanese & Chinese), a weary inn-keeper, a deep south American accent (civil war era-ish), a dorky kid voice and many more.

Reason the guy didn't kill me (his name was Mr. Komodo in-game or so he says...I never dog sniff peoples pulse) is because of how I broke the ice and probably how I was dressed which is very civilian. After my game crashed I logged back in and there he was sitting in wait for me to return. He had a press vest on so I asked him if he worked for the press. He gave me his story about his job with the press before the infection and etc. I told him my story of how I worked for Montana Realty and had a few showings in the city I was headed to. He gave me some Winchester rounds after I politely asked him if he had any extra as I saw he was carrying one.

I bid him farewell and wished him luck before we went our different ways. I felt really good after the interaction. Meeting interesting people and role-playing is a super fun experience that never gets old. You have to think outside the box and 250 hours is still bamboo status. I consider anyone with under 300 hours a bambi. Mix is up man.

Love your style.

Yes, I am still a "noob" compared to many other players, but I just don't have as much time as when I was younger.

Now my "computer time" is limited and therefore more valuable, so I have to chose a game that will give me joy in a shorter time.

DayZ can't give me that all the time.

As I said I will follow the advice and take a break for some time.


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