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DayZ Stream Content

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Hey guys,


Myself and a couple of friends are a squad who are all going to join together and start streaming on twitch, I'm mainly asking is there any type of content you guys would like to see more of on twitch involving DayZ? e.g: Berezino PVP, North West Exploration, Travelling around the Map, Holding down a town, Hunting Bandits, Being Bandits.


You get the idea,

All feedback is greatly appreciated.



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The majority of streams I've watched have been rolling around the coast/slightly inland and getting into fights because that is the mindset of the majority of players (not necessarily the streamers). I've watched a few of Jamjar's streams where he has been around NWAF/Vybor etc and there frankly aren't enough encounters of any kind to make it enjoyable for either party (streamer and viewers), don't get me wrong it's great if you have a community and want time to interact with them but as a new streamer you are unlikely to have the viewer count to keep it interesting.

So yeah, I'd say not Berezinho on the whole because most streams seem to gravitate there if there isn't any action. Bandit hunting is always good to watch, M1ndr does quite well out of that but to be honest one that I rarely see is someone being a true bandit. Not just camping triple yellow and sniping people but making them do crazy things, robbing them, dressing them up etc. It should be entertaining to the viewers as it shows interactions and possibly gunfights, it'll be more entertaining to you hopefully than just pvp and its not the go to setting for stream content.

What mode are you playing, 1pp or 3pp?

In my experience good 1pp servers are few and far between (by which i mean underpopulated) but the action seems to be spread out across the map a lot more.



I wish you luck dude.

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Thanks for the response,


I'm doing 3pp at the moment however we were discussing the possibilities of 1pp as we do enjoy playing like that. I will give being a true bandit a try and throw in some of the other stuff as well and see what people respond well too,



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Claim a town and hold it. Place a backpack with a written note strategically on the  roof of the police/fire station and defend it with your life. 

Any one claiming to have taken the town will have to produce the written note.


I will watch that for hours!

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Personally, I'd like to see more story-oriented streaming with people who know how to roleplay. But that's probably just me. You'll likely find more success picking up a team of decent players and picking on freshspawns and travellers; that playstyle seems to attract a lot of viewers.

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Make PvP more interesting. Bored of hearing streamers say things like "He's moderately geared, take him out" Then they go to the corpse and he has a crow bar, bomber jacket, and dry back. Yeah, moderately geared, any excuse to shoot first.

I enjoy Sobieski,who recently started streaming. When he plays DayZ he is an actual bandit. Robbing people and only killing as a last resort. His DayZ content is miles beyond that of most other streamers. M1ndr is as well, he does interact and looks for 'bad guys'.

If you have a mission it is easier for me as a viewer to be engaged. Running around KoS is very boring to me.

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