Wulfear 6 Posted July 3, 2012 Subject reminds me of that douche in the Canadian government, calling us all pedophiles if we don't give up all notions of privacy.Based on this, DID NOT READ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMachine 803 Posted July 3, 2012 Subject reminds me of that douche in the Canadian government' date=' calling us all pedophiles if we don't give up all notions of privacy.Based on this, DID NOT READ![/quote']I was planning to work in the premise that those who disagreed were terrorists, possibly involved in the planning of 9/11 - but I'm not as good as a real politician.Anyway, back to the subject.These posts about 'ma bro being trapped on the interstate highway and raptors being on the lose, i need to go afk FAST!' are getting hilarious.If that's the case, just go afk?You're really in a dangerous DayZ situation as that happens, seriously?Because 95% of dayz takes place in rural area's, with very little danger at any given moment that'll kill you in the next minute.The > 1% who have power cuts/hamster powered internet and MAY get a cut/disconnect when in a dangerous situation argument is stupid too.That'd account for less than 1% of players and probably, since those things don't happen often account for less than 0.1% of deaths.A figure we can probably agree is tiny, compared to the 100% of players affected by the exploiting.I'm sorry, but if you don't agree then you're either an exploiter or incredibly selfish.We need to think about the greater majority of players here, sorry folks.People are making THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL justifications here for not having something to block alt + F4 pirates, I'd call them tenuous at best and at worst, retarded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wulfear 6 Posted July 3, 2012 I've seen many games where alt + f4 is entirely disabled. Not sure why that can't be done here.Of course, there will always be a way to kill the process. Like alt + tab> task manager >end process. Some will just yank their ethernet cables. It would give us those precious few extra seconds tho... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadManDan 23 Posted July 3, 2012 So that brings up the question of how much of the 100% player base is 100% of players affected by this exploiting. I also thought there were 2 categories for exploiters: chickens and relocate bandits. The former being more of an 'awwww didn't get my kill' versus the latter being 'you bugging sonavucrackwhore'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMachine 803 Posted July 3, 2012 So that brings up the question of how much of the 100% player base is 100% of players affected by this exploiting. I also thought there were 2 categories for exploiters: chickens and relocate bandits. The former being more of an 'awwww didn't get my kill' versus the latter being 'you bugging sonavucrackwhore'.At the moment it's just shameless exploiting.People shoot at you, if you don't die and shoot back they log out instantly.it's not a case of 'awww didnt get my kill', it's a case of game breaking/immersion breaking exploiting.Just remove PvP or even remove death altogether if people can avoid it so easily. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Wow, that "discussion" went downhill fast, though the OP was being more than a little inflammatory. I did read all the previous posts though (unlike some posters).Now, the suggestions forum already has a thread (multiple even, but this one is [still] civil and the arguments are backed by more thant "lol ur a carebear faggot"): http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23764Now that does not really go into the feasibility of implementing these things on server side (the client obviously cannot be trusted to police "alt-f4") simply because I have no idea how the servers actually workSo I invite everyone to read that, then if you have any (well thought out) *constructive* critisism on my thoughs please share that in a civil manner, I spent some hours of thinking about the angles there, I expect everyone who comments there to spend at least 15 minutes too (just take deep breaths, calm down and start thinking about the big picture). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 3, 2012 If you log out during a fight, someone should come round your house and skin you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExoMax 4 Posted July 3, 2012 How on earth do you Alt F4 out of the game? Alt F4 doesn't work in a fullscreen game, try it yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heretic (DayZ) 76 Posted July 3, 2012 The > 1% who have power cuts/hamster powered internet and MAY get a cut/disconnect when in a dangerous situation argument is stupid too.That'd account for less than 1% of players and probably' date=' since those things don't happen often account for less than 0.1% of deaths.A figure we can probably agree is tiny, compared to the [b']100% of players affected by the exploiting.I'm sorry, but if you don't agree then you're either an exploiter or incredibly selfish.We need to think about the greater majority of players here, sorry folks.Where are you getting these statistics from? Or are you just magically pulling them out of your behind?A more constructive idea might be to ask Rocket and the Devs what statistics they already collect and see if those statistics can be used to support your premise?Your accusations that those who disagree with you, are either "exploiters or incredibly selfish" is pure hogwash! Show some maturity!The majority of players seem to be silent on most issues! They're too busy playing DayZ to spend time whining about it on the forums (last 24hrs being the exception).You claim to speak for the majority... prove it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrej Dudev 50 Posted July 3, 2012 i do use the logout "exploit" because zombies are retarded(super fast zig-zag running' date=' moving through walls etc)i will stop exploiting the game when the zombies do.[/quote']This. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marsunpaisti 0 Posted July 3, 2012 I understand unarmed newbies using the exploits to avoid death against zombies or players (even though players shouldnt kill unarmed newbs) but people disconnecting after they miss a sniper shot and their location is discovered or when someone gets shot they escape certain death using their retarded disconnect exploit. Why would anyone play a survival game if they escape every goddamn survival situation via an exploit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MorgouBichtree 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Diablo 3 has a ten second timer that goes ungodly slow that prevents you from leaving the game you're in. I'd say somethin like that, 30 seconds is kind of a long period of time. :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 3, 2012 Diablo 3 has a ten second timer that goes ungodly slow that prevents you from leaving the game you're in. I'd say somethin like that' date=' 30 seconds is kind of a long period of time. :P[/quote']Not really. Then gun fights can be at most, 10 seconds long -- Jesus. Do you know how fun and intense gun fights can be in this game if people don't ALT + F4? The back of peoples minds in a fight needs to not be "HAVE TO ZIG ZAG AND LAST 10 SECONDS SO I CAN LOG" it needs to be "Have to kill them or get to safety and loose them in the forest".How on earth do you Alt F4 out of the game? Alt F4 doesn't work in a fullscreen game' date=' try it yourself.[/quote']Are you trying to be pedantic? It's just a snappier way of saying "HE CLICKED ABORT AND THEN CLICKED DISCONNECT". Some people do ctrl+alt+del and then close the process, I imagine some people play in window mode Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMachine 803 Posted July 3, 2012 You can alt + F4 in fullscreen too, depends how you've got your shit set up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castun66 20 Posted July 3, 2012 Logout timers would fix most issues, although a small login freeze for maybe 5-10 seconds would be better. I'd even support a short temp-ban from the server you disconnect from to combat those who server ghost to get behind people. The logout timer itself though should be a number one priority though. And as mentioned before, almost any MMO has them to prevent just quitting out to avoid death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Poptarts 23 Posted July 3, 2012 There needs to be a logout timer - simple as.When you hit abort it should have a 30 second (minimum' date=' probably more) timer that starts and you can't logout before it ends.Similarly if you alt + F4 you should stay in game for 60 seconds.Exploiters will [i']claim that this will result in deaths from internet kicks etc.But that's only because they enjoy exploiting ALT + F4, two finger salute.The truth is that it's 2012 and internet connections don't suck anymore.And hell, even if they did, a few deaths (probably less than 1%) from kicks is better than 80% of people abusing exploits that ruin the immersion of the game.I know rocket is working on a solution, I'm just making this thread because I really hope he goes all the way to stop this behaviour.There will be whining, there will be crying, but there will also be more carebears dying and that, I think we can all agree is a good thing.Two finger salute? I presume one uses index finger and thumb to do it, thus making the loser sign.And yes it is the 2012. I live in the broadband internet paradise called Scandinavia. But besides that I get connection problems few times a week, once a day on average. Last time I got connection problems, it was in the middle of a bunch of zombies. In 60 seconds, I would've died couple of times I guess?The idea is good and I think there already is a 5 second timer, but 60 seconds is too long. 30 maybe?I don't agree with you 100%. Does that mean I'm a semi-exploiter? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
videosquid 6 Posted July 3, 2012 I can't get my head around people worried about being found in the thirty second window waiting to disconnect... Plenty of people can play for hours and don't see or engage people while moving through towns or deer stands which are notably higher traffic than a random spot in the woods. The only way you are going to be found is if you are 1) being stalked by another player already or B) if you consider the 2nd floor of a cherno pub to be safe. Either way you deserve to be dead; death is a part of the game that most of the community has failed to embrace as an awesome part of the game, I often find myself congratulating the other person in chat for getting the jump on me. Head to the woods, look around a bit, prone under a tree, enjoy logging in/out safely (this is a common practice for most people with an average lifespan over 45 minutes anyway).I actually think a longer timer or another feature could help with disconnectors, as 30 seconds in a longer range firefight is short enough to break line of sight and disconnect safely. I don't know if the client keeps track of damage source but say if someone takes (or deals, for you hopping elektro snipers reading this) player sourced damage and disconnects within 5-10 minutes they die when they log back in? A firefight should be a commitment for the agressor and a forced commitment on the victim to finish the fight. Heightening the danger for engaging an enemy is likly to decrease the mindless deathmatch certain areas/servers have devolved into. (don't get me wrong, I love pvp but I hate dying to a guy in Stary who disconnects to deaggro zombies). Something to that effect is nice to dissuade people from abusing game mechanics to gain an edge, although not perfect. My ideas hinge on the fact that I play this game to be immersed; if you're worried about the doorbell or have the bladder control of an 80 year old and argue 'what if I need to use the bathroom?' then I personally believe you are playing the wrong game.I am less inclined to support a login freeze as you can control the factor surrounding your character logging out but logging in is a bit like being blindfolded and dropped into battle and I think you should be able to defend yourself right away if necessary.I also am glad the thread has seemingly dismissed the "I have bad internet" and "My power went out once" arguments because they are nothing more than silly.Sorry for the wall of text. Forgive my engrish and typos as I just woke up and am typing on my girlfriends iPad with spellcheck turned off. I love this game and its community.Warm regards,Squid Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unknown..2..u 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Well, they are being post apocalyptic ninjas, they pop a smoke then Alt-F4.Shazzam, poof...gone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 3, 2012 Personally my body gives me quite a bit of warning before I need to squat down and empty my innards into the toilet -- but maybe I'm blessed in not having a chronic lack of bowel control... :huh: If you are so attached to not dying and worry that you won't be able to go AFK for a minute to go to the toilet, then maybe you should invest in some of these:And not hinder literally tens of thousands of other people with your stupid excuses for avoiding death. :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mastiff (DayZ) 42 Posted July 3, 2012 I've basically been playing this game since last night, amidst the DDoSing I thought I would give it a go. Clearly there were connection issues and on my first game... I was jittering a bit through lag, some zombies were teleporting I bend down to pick something up and pick up a hatchet. I begin to explore and suddenly a human player jumps out and fires a bullets at me... I'm aware people like to farm noobs for a kill count. So I run... I run and run and it just as laggy as it was before... then it times out. I was probably only on the game for about 3 minutes. So do I need to be punished because on a few instances someone logs off when you try and kill them?I was playing this afternoon, I was on the airfield waiting for a friend sitting inside the control tower. I go down the stairs... no problem, I try to go back up the stairs and nothing. Being new to DayZ I thought I would attempt to pole vault the stairs what happened was my legs went through the stairs and broke. My friend told me to log off because he had morphine and could save me. Should I get punished for that?Furthermore I must have gone through about 30 lives already, usually because I spawn... I crouch and I'm spotted by 2 or 3 zombies and starting without a weapon I just have to run.... I run and I run, 2 zombies will stop chasing but that final 3rd... I ran from Kamyshovo through Elektro in the hope my friend can run from the other direction and help me, its that same zombie that is chasing me though. I'm not kidding I was running for 10 minutes, I had nothing to do. I had a phone call and I had to leave the computer so I logged off... inadvertently this was the point I realised you could 'exploit' log off to despawn zombies. Though should I be punished because I have something immediate in real life?I'm all for survival games and to be honest this has the potential to be huge, though in the last 24 hours I've been killed more by players who are after noob kills than I have zombies and that is saying something. I can't help but think most of this rage is because people are upset they didn't get a kill. Since someone gets upset and cries everyone who either has archaic internet, a real life or needs to be somewhere will be punished by a 30 seconds log off timer... but what will stop that? Will it be 30 seconds from when you press it or 30 seconds from when you last made an action? I mean realistically I could run and hide and 30 seconds the attacker would have to be pretty overenthusiastic to chase me if we're at a distance.I don't think shafting the innocent is worth sponging up the tears of the 'experienced' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
videosquid 6 Posted July 3, 2012 I literally lol'd when this coffee shop's shitty internet finally loaded the Pampers image. Well done sir, I applaud your post. Although, now I'm getting strange looks from pretentious people sipping overpriced coffee and updating facebook on their MacBook Pros (this includes my girlfriend). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barnesy (DayZ) 1 Posted July 3, 2012 You can still CTRL+ALT+DELETE and end the ArmA 2 process, bypassing the timer.Also, during peak times, I've noticed with Virgin that my connection is horrible, sometimes decreasing to 50kb/s, and can take a while to even open up a simple HTML web-page. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
videosquid 6 Posted July 3, 2012 The timer keeps your character in game even if you end the prcoess, just like literally every game with a logout timer ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcslaughter 14 Posted July 3, 2012 Thirty seconds as a minimum is a little extreme, but a logout timer should be enforced. I believe a five second timer is reasonable. In the event that you do disconnect (Which happens a lot more to people than the OP makes it out to be, especially given all the network issues this game has at times.) that's still enough time to be safe from random zombie aggro, but not long enough if you have entered combat with a hostile survivor.I'm sure something like this has already been said in the several pages of this thread, but I figure it's worth repeating if it has or stating it if it hasn't.EDIT: Other games that enforce a logout timer generally only have a timer that lasts ten seconds. I've only seen one game that takes thirty seconds to log out, and honestly waiting those thirty seconds is incredibly tedious. A logout timer should be implemented (At least tested.), but it shouldn't be thirty seconds. I draw the line at fifteen seconds, and even that is pushing the envelope. Five or ten seconds is the optimal time for the timer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BossFi 90 Posted July 3, 2012 I agree with OP. Stop all the poor excuses that are against it! Stopping exploiters will stop you dieing more times than you will die from your internet disconnecting at the wrong time anyway. FACT!. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites