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Help with my mic.....

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People can hear me when I talk but I can't hear them and I can see there lion moving as though they are talking. Played 290 hours and never spoke to anybody would be a game changer for me if I could sort this problem out. HELP. Thanks ???

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Have you checked your settings in Steam? Made sure the correct device is selected?

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Try going into settings snd putting your VOIP settings up (maybe all audio as well) and check to make sure your playback devices (taskbar has a playback device button) are all set to the proper things (like if your using headphones make sure it's playing that back instead of your TV speakers ).

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You would need to upload them to something like photobucket or something.

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Yea I use imgur.com , just find the screenshots in your steam screenshot folder (after taking the screenie with "f12") open imgur , and literally drag and drop the image onto the web browser , it will ask if you want to edit it just skip that and upload .. Now it will give you multiple format options on the right , copy the one that says "bbcode for forums" and go to your thread and just paste the code into the text box and it should show the picture when you complete the post !

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