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Day Z Urban Legends

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First time I went to Namalask I had a pretty interesting run in. I spawned in near the dam in the middle of the night. It was barely bright enough to see but I was still able to make my way toward the bridge. Since I had nothing to lose I didn't really care if I got shot so I was waving my flashlight around like an idiot when all of sudden my light flashed across a figure standing on the roof of the factory building. I brought my light back up to the roof but I was far enough away that all I could make out was the outline of an unarmed survivor staring in my direction. Next, I hear "hello," a pause, and then as the creepy background noise of the child saying "help" plays the figure takes a slow step and plummets off the roof to his death. My girlfriend was watching over my shoulder at this point and just kept saying "what the hell was that, what the hell was that?"

Totally creeped me out, and I was on edge for the next 30 minutes. I ended up talking to the guy from the roof later in the game and laughing about it, but it made for a damn good introduction to that map. Props to that guy.

My only other weird experience was on Celle. I was running through the woods in the middle of nowhere. I was in the middle of wooded section so it was fairly open except for trees. As I approached the thick brush on the edge of the woods I looked for a way to run through that was clear of branches. All of sudden I hear a loud sound like crunching bone breaking and my health jumps from full to nearly empty I go down and I bleed out seconds later but I noticed that strangely the broken bone symbol didn't pop up on my screen. I of course assume I must have accidently gotten too close to a tree and glitched into it killing myself so I run back to collect my belongings. After 30 minutes of running and searching the woods and swearing I'm going to blow up what ever tree killed me I finally find my body. But its nowhere near any trees or branches so as I loot my body I'm wondering how in the world I died. Suddenly I realized that I was hearing faint footsteps so I got off my gear screen frantically pulled my ak up and looked around for zombies or other survivors but I didn't see anything. At that point, I quickly grabbed the rest of the gear off my body and bailed. Probably was just a glitch but I still kinda wonder if there's something in those woods snapping peoples necks from behind.

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haha yeah the creepy child voices xD IRL that would fucking put teh shits up me if i was in some spooky place and I heard that. Some people might think "A child needs help! Lets go help!" but I'd be like *Runs off in opposite direction crying*

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Going to the Mountain tomorrow to drink the Dew at night. Will post results, if I make it back.

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I've got a story that happened to me only a couple of days ago. I say this now: it is completely true - I'm not making anything up.

Ok so i was a bambi spawn only with a hatchet, and i was just looting the out-of-town firestation at Elektro. I had just left through the back exit and was just going through the gap in the wall into the field, when i hear what sounded like direct communication of psychotic laughter coming from behind me, inside the firestation. I crouched down and continued to listen, and then i saw it: someone in a white lab coat smeared with a LOT of blood ran out of the firestation wielding an axe, laughing hysterically. He was running at me, so i literally screamed IRL and started running. He was gaining on me, with his bloodstained butcher outfit or something, continuously laughing. When i realised i wasnt getting any distance on him, i decided to turn and fight him with my axe (i had been constantly shouting "get away from me!" in direct communication before this). However, when we engaged in axe combat, he was fighting like a zombie. You know what i mean? That kinda weird thing when they stand there, then suddenly do a really fast strike, and then stand there again. But he was doing this with an axe. I must have hit him about 7-10 times before he finally broke my leg and killed me.

I was really shocked at what i just saw - I wasn't sure whether it was a new player skin? Or an easter-egg put in by the developers? I don't think it could have been a player, because he was running much faster than i could, and attacked like a zombie.

Anyway - how's that for an Urban Legend? A crazy, bloodstained mad butchet who hacks you to death whilst laughing mercilessly!

P.S. 100% true!

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Dead men tell no tales. It has been believed by many that this statement stay true. For me, it has proved a fault of declaration.

I'll set the scene:

Dark. Traces of moonlight sifted through the landscape, illuminating objects in an eerie -but beautiful- silver glow. The waves crashed continuously onto the nearby shores of Kamyshovo. Among them, the faintest buzz of flies could be heard, emerging out of the hush.

On the road. In the middle. Lay there was a man dressed in the skin of a man virtuous.

Curious to know him further, I seeked his name. This is what puzzled me. His name: "Listen to me."

I checked again.

"This you must know."

Once more.

"You must leave this place."

"They are closer than you think."

"And they stop at nothing."

Puzzled, I slowly backed away. My cursor hovered over the "Abort" option. I carried on.

5 kilometers later. On the coastal highway. A rustle in the leaves sent devastating convulsions up and down my arms, giving me gooseflesh and sending me running in the opposite direction. I looked upon the noise in a flurry of rashful thoughts and raised barrels.

The noise came again.

I checked by the leaves. Nothing.

Continuing on, I was not so much a fool to have these strange things prevent me from completing my adventures.

The first time I saw them, was down the road. I could see them of the moon, their hunting caps and guns shining bright through cloaks of darkness dotting the areas around them.

They were in V formation, the leader looking like somewhat of a military personnel.

I heard another rustle in the leaves. A player was nearby, scouting out the 5 men. Seeing his M16, I thought he might have a chance. He took aim, fired one bullet, and was met by an opposition of 20 or more bullets immediately sinking in his skull. Glancing down at my Lee Enfield, I felt my hope besmirched in a puddle of mud 50 feet deep, still sinking. Still, I did not abort.

Then... they all saluted. But not toward the man as ignorant as to think he could handle that many men with that grade fire arms. They were looking at me. My blood froze cold and eyes went wide, not missing anything that came next. They started running down the street. As their voices started to become audible, I started to hear them talking about a hunt. About eliminating all those not worthy of living in this world.

Then they stopped. Interested, I stood up, and walked out, now that they had saw me and their guns were lowered for the time being. After a set of silence the seconds passed and I heard "You'd better run."

I did. Trudging through the forest in the dark was difficult, as I had to be careful of sudden drops, rocks, and fallen trees. After ten grueling minutes, I found myself back in Kamyshovo. Instinctively, I went back to the man who laid upon the ground. My pursuers were easily visible on the road, walking down nonchalantly, as if knowing the eventuality of the situation.

I'd been to busy before, but now, I saw my G17 Combat-Indicator. It was blinking red, even though I had not done anything that would possibly set it off. Even so, I wasn't getting out of this one.

I checked the man's name again.

"You cannot beat them with guns."

"They do not react as you."

"To trick them, you must fool yourself."

"That is the only rule."

Having not a clue what the next course of action was, I watched the men get closer, staying in perfect line and contour with their surroundings.

"This can't be happening," I thought.

And that's when I got the idea.

I marched out, broad shouldered and chest extended, ready to face those who threatened my livlihood. I lowered my weapon, and walked down the middle of the road. In meeting their frontman, he started to chuckle. "Is this how you choose it to end? So petty. I wish it would have been more of a challenge."

"Sure, except you're not real," I fired back.

"Who's not real?"

"My reality is my own. I reject your existance. It is improbable and unruly."

"Such big words for a dead man." With this, they all raised their weapons. "Last chance to run, jackrabbit."

I started to walk away, toward the hero skin in the middle of the road.

Five shots went ripping through my skin...

...and disappeared into the nighttime sky, along with any trace of who might have let them go. I paid one final tribute to the man who told me how to beat them. Checking for any final messages, I learned his name was xXQIKscopEmASTErXx, and he died from

I saw some zombies nearby. "You are not real either!"

That didn't fly well with them. A chase ensued.

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Once, on a namalsk server, there were a load of peeps complaining about dying right after spawn.

So, as I am the famed 'SgtDouglas', I decided to investigate accordingly. I climbed a building, then shortly after, jumped off.

After this, I spawn. Nothing happens. All there is, is darkness. After a few minutes of running along a coastline, I see a silhouette of something near the ocean, I come from the foliage of the darkened forest and see it. A large, bulky figure stands before me 10 feet tall, and as wide as a ural. I hear a voice.. A very deep one. It rumbles, "death comes, life ends"

I am promptly ripped to shreds after placing multiple rounds into its center mass.

It was probably a hacker, but it was still scary as fuck.

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I remember the time i was by the coast.. i was laying down in front of a sign doing something.. then i turned around and a f**king hog was right in my face... i sh*ted bricks.... T-T

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The Demon's Apprentice / The Offering

So, I spawned somewhere at the coast. It took me about two hours to get the basic gear, but after that, I was enjoying the view from the top of the Zub castle tower. I felt happy. Just a minute ago, I have found my first wookie suit ever! (after playing DayZ for more than a month) I decided to wait, and put it on in the cover of the forest. (to minimize the risk of banditry, if somebody comes here and sees me)

Now to my gear. Lee Enfield with 1911, as a secondary. I had the knife and even the matches in my possession. The only single item I still missed, was the hatchet. How ironic! I couldn't hunt, silent zombie-kills not to mention. I was slowly getting low on food. I checked my compass and looked north. (I had no map.)

After observing Vyshnoye and its deer-stand for some time (no zombies in town), I decided to descend there and finally get myself a fXking hatchet. While running down the stairsof the tower, in my mind I was already planning a feast, after hunting and cooking some animal. My tastes were set on four-leeged, that day. I got to the bottom of the tower. There was a woman there.

She was lying on the ground, her silenced MP5 pointing in the direction of the entrance. She dindn't make a sound. That is why I noticed her in the last moment, while running down the last part of the stairway. I panicked a little and ran to her left side (while desperately trying to find Caps Lock with my finger). "Friendly!" I shouted out. (I am and always will be!) I pointed my rifle away from her.

Now it was her turn. I guess she took it too literally, because she turned (still prone) to face me and lit me up full auto. I don't know how it is possible, but I managed to strafe left and get out of the tower. I was bleeding badly. Not wasting any time, I ran behind a corner and bandaged myself. (while observing the entrance in 3rd person) My mind was racing. Should I fight, or should i run? I chose both. Bandaging - done.

I was sprinting, moving slightly to the left. Checking my six, heading for a pine-tree in the lower third of the hill. Once there, I quickly changed my dress to wookie-style and went prone. This was definitely not the way, I pictured my first time with in a wookie. My plan was simple. I wanted to get her, but not for the price of me getting killed in the process. She clearly had the upper hand. High ground, automatic weapon, no wounds. Me? Enfield, grey + getting blurry vision, scared and hungry.

My only advantage? My wookie. That is why I ran.

I was waiting. Silently, patiently. Absolutely nothing. I had some time to think about this encounter. What if she just spawned in and I simply scared her? I could picture myself doing the same in her situation. I forced myself to wait for 15 more minutes. I expected her to come down in my direction, since I was lying with Vyshnoye behind my back.

The time was over. Still nothing. I had to move on. (hunger icon getting really red) Painfully slowly i worked my way up the hill. I took some special time to not generate any noise.

No sign of her in the castle. I checked the village with my binocs from the tower again, but still no zombies. With that, I decided to stay here for a night. By the way, the womans name was "Love". (no kidding) I hibernated.

On my second day, i was super cautious when going down the stairs. I wasted lots of time, I looked like an idiot, but I got all the way down and nobody could hear me!

Before going into Vyshnoye, I decided to change back to civilian clothing, same reasons as before.

I have found an axe! I was tempted to shoot in the air to express my happy feelings! Vyshnoye already looted (got some beans and coke), I was going to check the deer-stand. Changed to wookie again.

Glitch, wookie lost forever. I cried, to be honest. Depressed, I walked to the deer-stand. No weapons, but I've found morphine and a blood-bag.

I got myself together, after a while. I had to restore my health, the hunt was my first priority now.

I stared into the flames. Feeling good, being able to actually see colours again. Suddenly, I heard gunshots in the distance. I extinguished the fire and curiously went in that direction. I came to the edge of the forest and took cover under a pine-tree.

There is an open field in front of me. Behind it, about 200 m, lies a town. I have never been here before, the layout of the buildings wasn't familiar to me. I can see some fast movement, so I pull out my binocs. My heart stops for a moment.

Right in front of the closest building, I could clearly see a heli crash-site. And a real one! (I've found one next to Stary Sobor in an earlier life, but it turned out to be just a wreckage of some flyable heli. noob, i know) I couldn't believe it! Two First-Time-Ever events in two dayz. There was some action going on. Two guys were trying to sneak past the zombies, in order to get to the heli CS. A short while later, they aggroed.

I had the front seats to an action movie. There was a lot of shooting, running and death. Sadly, the main characters managed to survive. I felt really great, being able to see and remain unseen. While they were looting the shit out of city, i was thinking about making contact with them. In the end, I decided not to.

After looting the town, the couple was about to leave. By running through the field, in my general direction. They turned a little bit to the left and entered the forest approximately 100m away from my position, beyond my point of view. "Doprdele!" I thought to myself. (because I'm Czech :) ) "Now I have to search the whole treeline and make sure, they don't observe the heli CS from a hidden spot."

Aeons passed. The treeline was free of snipers and I was exhausted. (in real life) As far as I could tell, the whole area was clear. I stood up a took a deep breath. I leapt out of cover and ran.

Loosing all the zombies, that aggroed on my approach, I ended up in the long white stables. The heli CS was on the exact other end of the town. Made my way to it on my belly. The closer I was getting, the faster my heart was beating.

Finally, i was there, right next to it. Searched its surroundings, while prone...nothing! Conducted the same search procedure again with the same result. So I crouched. Zero fuks are given by me at this point towards any threat (meaning the zombies and the bandits). I the end, I found myself running in circles around the chopper, refusing to believe, that the only thing I can find here, are 2 stanag mags and 1 bandage. "I guess I have to wait then," I thought to myself (among many other czech words). So I ran, trying to get to the stables, in order to loose the zombies. I took a quick detour, to read the sign with the name of the town. Damn russian signs, but I memorized the shape of them. I also looted the town and found my loved zombie-slayer, the winchester rifle. I hibernated in the red building next to the stables.

(I'm usually not using the online map, when I am playing, but this time I wanted to know my whereabouts, because of the heli crash-site. So I checked it - Novy Sobor. I waited for 2 hours to log back in.)

I'm awake, rested and ready to pick up some high-end gear. So I crawl. The heli CS is still in its place. All I could find there, was the same fXking couple of stanag mags and a fXking bandage. I didn't know, what to think of it.

Knowing, that Stary Sobor with its bandits is near, I don't hesitate too much and sprint off, heading north. Hoping to get as far as possible and then break left, to the airfield. But in the middle of the field, I got teleported.

Suddenly, I am on a small clearing, surrounded by trees. And everyone from the server (30+) is there with me! I knew what was going on - demon activity. For at least three seconds, everyone was totally perplexed. (at this moment, my roommate is watching over my shoulder and yelling: shoot, shoot them all!) Instead of listening to him, I ran. Again. I was sure nothing good is going to happen here.

I really think, that I was the first one to actually move. The rest of the population quickly followed my example. Everybody ran in a different direction, away from each other. I didn't know, where I was heading. One guy was in front of me. A bandit skin, with no weapon. "Hmm, he must be skilled," I thought to myself and decided to follow him. ;) I had someone on my tail as well. The rest, who knows? But soon the air filled with the sound of a massive firefight.

The bandit managed to loose me and I managed to loose my tail. I ducked under a tree and hibernated.

Next day I've found out, that it was Krutoy Cap, the place where the demon has brought us. Going west, I looted Tulga, killed and ate a cow. Health almost back to full. All I wanted for now, was to get inland, then maybe north.

I crossed a dirt-road. I had an open field lying in front of me. As I was nearing it, to get a view and pick my next destination, a strange shape caught my eye. I couldn't believe it! Another heli crash-site! I really didn't expect to find one so near Tulga.

I went immediately prone. First, I have to check for snipers. Then it happened again. Teleport.

The scenery has changed, in a heartbeat. Grass was no longer under my belly. Tarmac took its place. I was still lying, but also moving. I turned my head around, only to stare into face of an infected. He was dragging me, rendering me absolutely helpless against his actions. For a brief moment, I was shocked. "Oh, not again!" something like that crossed my mind. The demon kept dragging me across the area. All I could do for the moment, was to communicate. So I tried. The demon didn't respond. Instead, he teleported himself back on the road, to the same place he was dragging me from.

I was puzzled, to say at least. My mind was racing. "What should I do?" I knew that this time, running is not an option. He could have easily teleported me back. But what does he want from me? I realized, that the smartest move would be to try to act friendly, speak to him and get more informations. So, I ran towards him, showing him my friendly/bambi intentions.

Suddenly, I see another player. A bandit. I didn't notice him, until now. He is carrying an axe and he is running in my direction.

I don't know how, but I knew what was going on. The demon wanted my blood. But for some reason, someone else had to kill me. For him.

The bandit was getting close. I had no time left, I had to do something straight away. So, I shoot the bandit in the leg. Lucky me, his bones broke, exactly like I was hoping to. The demon started to shoot at me, but his aim was terrible. I managed to hit him a couple of times, but he didn't mind.

I got shot in the leg and fell to the ground. The bandit was bandaging, so I focused on the demon. I wasted all my ammo on him, but with no result. (I wasn't looking through the ironsights, because I panicked and forgot about this function :) )

It was clear, that the demon was invulnerable. He even stopped shooting at me. I looked back at the bandit. He was already crawling his way to me. I knew the demon wouldn't shoot me, so I quickly went into my inventory and used my morphine.

It was a race between the crawling bandit and the "busy" animation. The hatchet man won and hit me a couple of times, but I still managed to get out of his reach. I got on my feet and made a run for it. I was heading for a small bush, 10 or 12 meters away. I wanted to duck behind it and bandage myself there. I tried to zig-zag. With every step, I was closer to safety. On the other hand, I was loosing blood massively. But maybe, maybe I can make it.

The demon shot me. I fell to the ground, only a few steps from cover. (I could see a death message pop up - it was the bandit!) And then, I died.


It left me sad. Not, because I lost my gear, but because I lost this character. We have been through some serious shit together :)



WTF was going on there? What was the bandits role in all this? I think he was "innocent", that he was forced to do this. Why else would he get killed too? Because he failed to complete his mission, right?


P.S.: I apologize for possible mistakes, like I said, english is not my native language.


Edited by TomKesi
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Perhaps he was promised his freedom if he offered the demon a sacrifice? That sacrifice being you!

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Perhaps he was promised his freedom if he offered the demon a sacrifice? That sacrifice being you!

Good idea! I always thought of it as if they had some sort of a deal, but freedom never crossed my mind. Thanks!

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Anyone got pictures, video or stories about the Beast of Namalsk?

I've heard it can be found in the dense forests. I may have to do an Mulder-esque investigation - any red heads want to be Scully?

Edited by DemonGroover

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I have heard on a few servers that i joined that there is a zombie in the game thats like herobrine in minecraft he appears and dissappears but hes a fast moving zombie unlike the others and is really powerfull and can take more damage than any other zombie

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I have heard on a few servers that i joined that there is a zombie in the game thats like herobrine in minecraft he appears and dissappears but hes a fast moving zombie unlike the others and is really powerfull and can take more damage than any other zombie

Ah, well done, have beans - a true Urban Legend - vague and ambiguous with a hint of mystery!

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I have heard on a few servers that i joined that there is a zombie in the game thats like herobrine in minecraft he appears and dissappears but hes a fast moving zombie unlike the others and is really powerfull and can take more damage than any other zombie

Yes, I know what you're talking about. In Chernarus, he is in a brown workman's outfit. He just watches me for now, blinking in and then out almost in an instant, but long enough that I fire off a shot or two in response to the jump-scare. Perhaps one day he will actually chase me...

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What's black and white and long and slender?

A penguin being sucked into a blackhole :)

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The searcher and the green man

firstly green man will come later but the searcher...

So on one of my first lives i was in a night server thinking i was more invisible... this was mostly true it was also where i got my first murder some guy thought his makorav could take my mp5 so you know. After i finished looting and hid his body i decided to run into the woods maybe head to NWAF or stary maybe even just camp and go to a day server. Nope i heard what sounded like a grown man crying over direct chat so i searched around nothing...

After that i ran into town thinking a ghost wouldnt follow me into it i was right but as the sobs got farther away i decided that if i wasnt dead he never saw me so i decided to search for him. After a grueling 20 minutes of following sobs that were getting quieter i found a camp fire with a dead girl next to it i checked the body and saw she had no items and was simply named Lilah. So after i finished searching around i decided to bury the poor girl... BIG mistake right after i buried her body i heard a simple scream nothing more nothing less. That is until it grew louder and louder it sounded like it was coming from everywhere i simply span around stupidly trying to find its source and lit a flare. I was in a field i had no idea how i got it may have been while i was checking her body while it was being buried maybe i gaped out i dont know it was simply empty grassy hills and plains. I walked for a while to interested to abort because i never stray from a fight. The screaming stopped but was replaced by a females sobbing and the same mans but he was now crying out for Lilah almost screaming her name. I almost felt bad for the poor man but again i trudged on when i got over the first hill i just saw 3 bodys 1 female 2 males. There was andrea, XXfastshotXX and maxray i was kinda confused and at the same time thought about the 10 year old that most likely made the second name and simply chuckled.

After what seemed like forever (i also hid there bodys and relized my stuff was gone) i turned on my mic and simply told whoever was crying to shut up. I was back in the forest out of no where with all my items back so i thought well i guess i just needed to prove im not taking it... The man was covered in blood with bullet holes and maybe an axe wound in his head he asked me a simple question. Where... wheres lilah? we stared for a while and i relized shit were back at the camp. He repeated the statment louder and seemingly on the verge of tears. I decided no bullshit and simply said i hid her body why? That was my second mistake he screamed as if he was being ripped apart and charged me now he wasnt armed but all the same i saw him as a greater threat than a bandit with an LMG. My third mistake was when i lit him up i began back peddling and firing until my mp5 was empty then i started to run everytime i looked back he wasnt there but his screams of anger and pain continued to follow me. I decided to stop later and gain my bearings (i was completly lost but found a road) it turns out i was about 2km away from where i found the camp so about 2.5km away from cherno i decided to try to get back there.

When i got out of the map screen it was abnormally bright i looked around and the searcher (as i named him it was a no tag server) was sitting the opposite way at a camp fire. I stupidly decided to try to shoot him and after emptying half my mag and watching him stand it dawned on me he simply wont be killed so i turned and ran as his screams continued. About 20 mins later i could see cherno and my hopes rose some where my mind was telling me remember he couldnt enter the town its safe. Oh how i was wrong when i got in i turned to look at him (i didnt know how to turn my head yet) and saw him standing there i decided to make my victory complete and shot him. To my surprise he fell down so i decided to check him to my surprise nothing no backpack but his pulse was strong. I decided to drag him into a zombie infested building and let them eat him. As i was dragging him he was able to talk again and began screaming for me to bring back Lilah and release him i obviously didnt and decided to end it in the firestation. After i dropped him he stayed down and took out my makorav. He was gone when i turned back suprised i relized he must have simply logged out or teleported away so i went on with my life...

I was back in the field where the bodys were (still blood on the ground) and i decided im dead no point in struggling i simply took out my flares and waited with my final frag grenade...

you all should know how this ended but il let you choose the ending unless you want me to tell it :D

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Ok due to the amazing powers of the walking deads darryl i shall answer your question :P.

After waiting i saw the searcher again he was slowly walking to me but not screaming anymore. I stood up and walked to him when we were almost right infront of eachother i couldnt control my charactor only my camera i simply thought he was going to finish me but i still tried to throw my grenade but to no avail. When we stopped he began speaking it... it was the broken scratchy voice of a man who has screamed his throat raw. He just kept asking over and over again where was Lilah and i waited for him to end me, but he never did. So i told him she was dead so i hid here body. He began saying no...NO NO NO NO. Until i thought he was going to start screaming again but i noticed something else.

His head was moving as if he was trying to look in ever direction yelling no and twisting his head it was as if he was having a head only seizure. If you have played RE4 then he was moving like a iron maiden the spiky regenorators. He pulled out his axe yelling more random words some i could make out some i couldnt. I could only make out LILAH!, YOU WILL!, NEW BODY!, and NO. At this point i could move so i simply dropped the grenade infront of him he stopped screaming and we waited... Until i relized it was a dud to which he simply began laughing not like he found it funny, no more like he was simply laughing because he couldnt do anything else. I only waited as i saw him walking closer and swinging his axe... Still laughing.

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Anyone got pictures, video or stories about the Beast of Namalsk?

I've heard it can be found in the dense forests. I may have to do an Mulder-esque investigation - any red heads want to be Scully?

I have heard on a few servers that i joined that there is a zombie in the game thats like herobrine in minecraft he appears and dissappears but hes a fast moving zombie unlike the others and is really powerfull and can take more damage than any other zombie

Wait are you telling me that what I saw was not my imagination?... Well where do I begin...

Well let me start by saying that I never posted anything about this because I didn't know a thing about Namalsk. It only happened one time. I didn't think anything about it until I read these post. Well anyways here I go...

My friend had just bought me a new copy of Combined Operations and the first thing my friends and I wanted to do was play on Namlsk. I had heard about the map a few weeks before it released and wanted to play it. Unfortunately my key got banned by who ever had stolen it just shortly before it came out. Now that I had a new key though we were going to play this map all night. Atleast we thought we were.

We all began looking for a server to join but would keep getting some kind of error. We searched for about 10 minutes until all my friends decided to just play on the regular DayZ map.

"Screw that! I've been wanting to play this map for forever so I'm going to find a server to play on even if it's empty," I said as my friends tried to persuade me to play with them on the Chern.

After about 5 more minutes I finally found a server to play. When I first got in I was swimming on the beach. I didn't know how to fix it so I just quickly hit the respawn button before it faded out. When I respawned I once again was swimming in the beach sand. This time though I thought to try and swim towards the sea and see if that fixed it. It did.

When I got on land I realized I didn't have a backpack. I didn't really care and I set out to find one. After a few minutes I came across some town. As I entered the house I I saw that it had a ladder to the attic. As I was climbing it I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It was some greyish figure. I freaked out for a second thinking it was a player and yelled over direct chat a few times saying that I was friendly. After a few seconds I decided to climb back down the ladder. This time I saw the figure for a split second as it walked through a wall.

By now I was beginning to get a bit paranoid. Not much. Just a little though. As I continued on through the woods I was the figure again as it ran by a tree. I whipped over to the direction I had seen... "It".... but again saw nothing.

I began to get a headache as time passed. I'm not positive but I thought I heard someone say, "No eyes." Strange right? The server had side channel but it didn't sound like it had come over it. It sounded more faint, and more almost like an echo bouncing off the cool winter air in the game. After finding a winchestor in the major city (I have no clue what the name of the city is) I began leaving when for the final time I saw "It"

This last time was the most distinct. It stood still roughly a hundred or so meters away and appeared to be staring at me. I just stared at it for a bit trying to figure out if it was a player or a glitched zombie. After determining it wasn't a player Ii began to approach it. Out of nowhere it vanished and I was knocked unconscious. It seemed that the timer was not moving at all. I just stared at my screen trying to figure out what happened. After a few minutes I noticed I was being dragged. Very slowly.... I couldn't see who was dragging at me but I could tell that I was being moved.

As I was brought inside the building I was dropped. I saw some dark hands patching me up but still couldn't see who it was. After I was revived I switched to direct chat to thank who ever helped me. I turned around and saw no one. I looked around and saw no one. After that my headache had gotten to the point where I couldn't bear it anymore . I decided to disconnect and take a break.

I haven't seen that "thing" since then but I can't get on Namalsk anymore without the feeling of being watched. I don't feel in danger, but a fear of the unknown. A fear of what that "thing" really was, and what it wants to do....

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Well, once upon a time I had to respawn cause of me being dead, spawned somewhere near Kamenka and was making ma way to Cherno for some good starter lootz.

There I was crawling near some Zed, when suddenly I hear that *shuffleshuffle* crawling noise behind be, so I stopped instantly, turned around and BAM there was a Guy right behind me, unarmed. He scared the shit out of me but as the last of the Friendleecans, I starter talking via VoIP

"Yo dude, you f*cking scared me"

"Wanna tag along?"

-No response-

I continued crawling with him right in my Ass, still talking to him, still no response.

Once I got past the Zeds I hovered my Crosshair ( ye regular server ) over him and the tag said "Man".

Right at this moment I shat ma Pants cause the only "Man" tags are usually Zeds on my map.

I started running like the Devil himself was chasing me, looking behind me ever few seconds, No sign of him.

"Phew, the fuck was dat"

When suddenly that "Man" was right behind me again.

I scare-quitted the Game in an instant.

Haven't done any research yet but geeeez pretty Legen...wait for it...dary.

Exactly the same thing happened to me. The time was night and the game was lit my moonlight, I was driving two of my friends north in an old hatchback when we got to this road which was extremely steep and the hatchback had a hard time getting its way up the hill. It slowly chugged along when one of my friends pointed out we were getting chased by a zombie. I looked behind as well and saw in the distance what looked like a zombie because of the way it was strafing stupidly like the zombies do with their shitty path finding, but it was running faster than the car because we were struggling to get up the hill.

This thing was about 10 metres behind the car when I realized it had a human skin and had the nametag 'Man'. I thought this was just a glitch and we stopped because we still had 1 seat left. I said, "Hey there, want a ride?" But I got no response. The 'Man' got into the car and didn't say a word. My friends and I just sat and tried addressing him and we kind of just assumed he was a hacker. As the driver though, I noticed that when I scrolled my mousewheel the option "Unload Patients" appeared, clicking it did nothing and I brought this up with my friends and they agreed that they had never seen it before. We all got out of the car and looked at the 'Man' and it appeared he had just keeled over and died.

We were all like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

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Wait are you telling me that what I saw was not my imagination?... Well where do I begin...

Well let me start by saying that I never posted anything about this because I didn't know a thing about Namalsk. It only happened one time. I didn't think anything about it until I read these post. Well anyways here I go...

My friend had just bought me a new copy of Combined Operations and the first thing my friends and I wanted to do was play on Namlsk. I had heard about the map a few weeks before it released and wanted to play it. Unfortunately my key got banned by who ever had stolen it just shortly before it came out. Now that I had a new key though we were going to play this map all night. Atleast we thought we were.

We all began looking for a server to join but would keep getting some kind of error. We searched for about 10 minutes until all my friends decided to just play on the regular DayZ map.

"Screw that! I've been wanting to play this map for forever so I'm going to find a server to play on even if it's empty," I said as my friends tried to persuade me to play with them on the Chern.

After about 5 more minutes I finally found a server to play. When I first got in I was swimming on the beach. I didn't know how to fix it so I just quickly hit the respawn button before it faded out. When I respawned I once again was swimming in the beach sand. This time though I thought to try and swim towards the sea and see if that fixed it. It did.

When I got on land I realized I didn't have a backpack. I didn't really care and I set out to find one. After a few minutes I came across some town. As I entered the house I I saw that it had a ladder to the attic. As I was climbing it I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It was some greyish figure. I freaked out for a second thinking it was a player and yelled over direct chat a few times saying that I was friendly. After a few seconds I decided to climb back down the ladder. This time I saw the figure for a split second as it walked through a wall.

By now I was beginning to get a bit paranoid. Not much. Just a little though. As I continued on through the woods I was the figure again as it ran by a tree. I whipped over to the direction I had seen... "It".... but again saw nothing.

I began to get a headache as time passed. I'm not positive but I thought I heard someone say, "No eyes." Strange right? The server had side channel but it didn't sound like it had come over it. It sounded more faint, and more almost like an echo bouncing off the cool winter air in the game. After finding a winchestor in the major city (I have no clue what the name of the city is) I began leaving when for the final time I saw "It"

This last time was the most distinct. It stood still roughly a hundred or so meters away and appeared to be staring at me. I just stared at it for a bit trying to figure out if it was a player or a glitched zombie. After determining it wasn't a player Ii began to approach it. Out of nowhere it vanished and I was knocked unconscious. It seemed that the timer was not moving at all. I just stared at my screen trying to figure out what happened. After a few minutes I noticed I was being dragged. Very slowly.... I couldn't see who was dragging at me but I could tell that I was being moved.

As I was brought inside the building I was dropped. I saw some dark hands patching me up but still couldn't see who it was. After I was revived I switched to direct chat to thank who ever helped me. I turned around and saw no one. I looked around and saw no one. After that my headache had gotten to the point where I couldn't bear it anymore . I decided to disconnect and take a break.

I haven't seen that "thing" since then but I can't get on Namalsk anymore without the feeling of being watched. I don't feel in danger, but a fear of the unknown. A fear of what that "thing" really was, and what it wants to do....

That's awesome! I'm going to go find the creature with my crossbow. See if good ol' arrows can tag him.

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Ok due to the amazing powers of the walking deads darryl i shall answer your question :P.

After waiting i saw the searcher again he was slowly walking to me but not screaming anymore. I stood up and walked to him when we were almost right infront of eachother i couldnt control my charactor only my camera i simply thought he was going to finish me but i still tried to throw my grenade but to no avail. When we stopped he began speaking it... it was the broken scratchy voice of a man who has screamed his throat raw. He just kept asking over and over again where was Lilah and i waited for him to end me, but he never did. So i told him she was dead so i hid here body. He began saying no...NO NO NO NO. Until i thought he was going to start screaming again but i noticed something else.

His head was moving as if he was trying to look in ever direction yelling no and twisting his head it was as if he was having a head only seizure. If you have played RE4 then he was moving like a iron maiden the spiky regenorators. He pulled out his axe yelling more random words some i could make out some i couldnt. I could only make out LILAH!, YOU WILL!, NEW BODY!, and NO. At this point i could move so i simply dropped the grenade infront of him he stopped screaming and we waited... Until i relized it was a dud to which he simply began laughing not like he found it funny, no more like he was simply laughing because he couldnt do anything else. I only waited as i saw him walking closer and swinging his axe... Still laughing.

That was some weird stuff man! I want to find him and see if we can be friends. That screaming must of hurt your ears!

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