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Bandit/Hero Indicator

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i somehow already have he feeling that people wont like this idea, but whatever


if you spoot an enemy closer then 500 meters you can aim onto him and press a button(dont ask me what button, everyone propably would change it to another anyways), when youve presed the button it will say if the player is rated as a Bandit, Hero or Neutral. Bandits are rated by the amount of kills they have made, especialy with fresh spawns that run around less then half an hour. Heros are beeing rated of the contact they make with people without killing/shooting them or taking them prisoner with handcuffs. neutrals are beeing rated of the balance betwen Hero and Bandit factors

lets also add a option for servers to enable or disable this since i already feel a lot of people will flame about this as a feature if it would make it into the game

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Im saying NO to this for sure.


This takes away SO much from the unpredictability of dayz. The whole point of player interaction is that you DONT know if they are friendly or not at first. If you know if a player is a "hero" then that would be so much less of a....wow factor.



Anyways, im sure it'll be made into a mod at some point.

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i somehow already have he feeling that people wont like this idea, but whatever


if you spoot an enemy closer then 500 meters you can aim onto him and press a button(dont ask me what button, everyone propably would change it to another anyways), when youve presed the button it will say if the player is rated as a Bandit, Hero or Neutral. Bandits are rated by the amount of kills they have made, especialy with fresh spawns that run around less then half an hour. Heros are beeing rated of the contact they make with people without killing/shooting them or taking them prisoner with handcuffs. neutrals are beeing rated of the balance betwen Hero and Bandit factors

lets also add a option for servers to enable or disable this since i already feel a lot of people will flame about this as a feature if it would make it into the game

That would not be very realistic and remove the need to approach or avoid people. In many ways you can already tell what kind op player you are dealing with. Clothing, weaponry, behavior, gun in hands or on the shoulder, alone or in a group and so on. I prefer the uncertainty about other people, just like in real life.

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i somehow already have he feeling that people wont like this idea, but whatever


if you spoot an enemy closer then 500 meters you can aim onto him and press a button(dont ask me what button, everyone propably would change it to another anyways), when youve presed the button it will say if the player is rated as a Bandit, Hero or Neutral. Bandits are rated by the amount of kills they have made, especialy with fresh spawns that run around less then half an hour. Heros are beeing rated of the contact they make with people without killing/shooting them or taking them prisoner with handcuffs. neutrals are beeing rated of the balance betwen Hero and Bandit factors

lets also add a option for servers to enable or disable this since i already feel a lot of people will flame about this as a feature if it would make it into the game


There's a reason why this didn't carry over into the Standalone.


You could pretty easily abuse all of those systems anyway - someone who gets shot a lot but is the better gunman would become a bandit simply because they're better at defending themselves. Someone who just runs around in proximity to players all the time could become a hero.

There's no accurate way to gauge a person's personality through any in-game features and I certainly don't think they should try and make it that way. Uncertainty is a good thing and makes you consider whether you should interact with or avoid people.

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Sorry but I think this would ruin a lot of the heart racing is he/isn't he going to be friendly action that I love so much! Maybe a dog tag or something you could get from the person if they are unconscious or dead that would reveal they were friendly or something? But not before the action! :)

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i somehow already have he feeling that people wont like this idea

For two reasons:

  1. It does not work. You just reward/punish people for arbitrary actions and enforce a single fixed moral codex that does most likely not reflect any kind of true morality but just "bending the rules". You also indirectly force the morality of whoever implements the system on others.
  2. It gives you free information about players you just met and have no chance of getting information about. This eliminates uncertainty and excitement while also giving even more free power (knowledge) to players. Now by 1 we know it does not reflect morality so it also adds aritificial prejudice to players who believe the system to work.

Instead an unbiased identification system would work much better as it allows players to make up their own mind and removes the "cover of anonymity" (that helps "bad" players while hurting "good" players) while also not providing free information.

Edited by Evil Minion

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