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Getting 'Confirm Settings' and 'Connecting Failure'

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I'm still running this through my head, ultimately I think Amber might be able to help.  As a random thought, naturally I think its to do with connectivity/firewall something blocking but you can launch task mananger whilst the game is running, go to details and set priority.  Place the Dayz on high priority.  Are you sharing this network connection with anyone in the house?  Also as a simple thought but I have not seen it have you tried multiple servers and have you reset your Modem/Router etc?

 Thanks again for the replies they're very helpful.


I have reset my modem twice in fact and got no joy out of it. I have one other computer which is on the households internet but I Am the only one using the internet for most of the day considering the house is empty the rest of the time with only me in it. I have tried over 20 different servers and have even tried ones with non battleye and also experimental servers, with no success. I will try using the task manager option you have just given me now. 

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I just connected to a server and it immediately came up with the fact that Im global banned ? This must be a mistake surely 

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I just connected to a server and it immediately came up with the fact that Im global banned ? This must be a mistake surely 


Could just be an admin server message from prior ban to your GUID.  If you are getting this error message across all servers you will need to contact BE support here as that becomes out of our scope to operate on.


Best of luck,



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I get this now and then, along with not being able to find any servers, and Steam cloud mismatches.


Apologies if already suggested, but uninstalling via Steam ('delete local content' I think...) and then reinstalling seems to work.

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