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To Drew, Berezino Station

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I had no intentions of killing you. In fact, I was going to give you the AK74 I used to end you. All I asked for was help, I just needed you to melee the zed that was chasing me, as I was lagging and couldn't put down my second primary without getting mauled by the zed. Instead, you ran into the station, closed the doors, and logged! I ended up meleeing the zed myself, and coming in to see your defenseless body. I decided to leave you in peace. When I walk down the street and checked the players on the server, you apparently had the audacity to come back! So I had to show you the error of your ways by taking you out. Sorry. I hope you get this message and understand what happened...

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ah guilt you know you felt bad for fraggin that guy OP or you wouldn't have posted ah don't feel bad i've had to kill folks and for same reasons and i feel bad as well like i could've done something different to get us both out alive. or i get pissed that the fool makes me shoot them when i offer to help and or give them some gear. this game is the only one that gives after thoughts when i frag a person hence why i love this game.

Edited by gannon46

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  On 6/20/2015 at 3:44 PM, Petr Kozlovich said:

I had no intentions of killing you. In fact, I was going to give you the AK74 I used to end you. All I asked for was help, I just needed you to melee the zed that was chasing me, as I was lagging and couldn't put down my second primary without getting mauled by the zed. Instead, you ran into the station, closed the doors, and logged! I ended up meleeing the zed myself, and coming in to see your defenseless body. I decided to leave you in peace. When I walk down the street and checked the players on the server, you apparently had the audacity to come back! So I had to show you the error of your ways by taking you out. Sorry. I hope you get this message and understand what happened...

I like your style. Combat loggers should all be dealt with when the opportunity arises. 

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Be a part of the solution or be a part of the problem and be eliminated by Petr Kozlovich!

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Perhaps he realized that he had an inventory bug just as he saw that zed attacking you. Perhaps again he wanted to re-log quick and then help you. Perhaps he experienced one of many possible bugs or maybe a connection issue. Did he combat log for sure? Were you attacking him before he logged? No! So not really combat logging to him.

Maybe you murdered him because you made assumptions. Did you ever try to talk to him or did you let your firearm do the talking?

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  On 6/22/2015 at 9:37 PM, Parazight said:

Perhaps he realized that he had an inventory bug just as he saw that zed attacking you. Perhaps again he wanted to re-log quick and then help you. Perhaps he experienced one of many possible bugs or maybe a connection issue. Did he combat log for sure? Were you attacking him before he logged? No! So not really combat logging to him.

Maybe you murdered him because you made assumptions. Did you ever try to talk to him or did you let your firearm do the talking?

He didn't talk to me at all when I asked for help (At least three times, really close to him), he watched for a good few seconds before going and logging. He must have seen my chat at the range. He didn't say "Oh i'll brb to help you".

So am I sure that he had no bad intentions? No. But one can assume that he did. My char had pretty good stuff, too. Why else would he come back than to kill me?

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Oh. So you assumed that he was going to kill you yet had planned on giving him your AK74 at first contact. Makes sense.

Also, chat text is very unnoticeable, especially during those first moments.

Loot is plentiful right now. I dunno, maybe some people aren't that attached to loot.

Either way, don't feel bad about it. :)

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