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Suggestions: Cannabalism, Reanimation, Inclement Weather, Player Settlements

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A concept I first saw in Book of Eli (I am aware that it is a real occurrence as well):

Cannibalism: Give us the option to gut recently killed players and collect "Sweet Steaks" from the corpse, and anytime we eat too much of these Sweet Steaks we get the shakes that stay for an extended period of time (As well as a huge hit to your humanity). It gives desperate players an option of becoming truly monstrous, and having this option would have saved my life once when I got truly desperate.

Now a classic concept that sadly has not been touched on in most games.

Reanimation: When a player dies from a zombie attack his corpse gets back up, creating an interesting dilemma for loot hunters. Do I shoot it and collect the former player's gear and possibly risk attracting a horde or bandits, or do I let it pass?

Now a concept I have seen a few veteran members make fun of, so I will do my best to defend it.

Inclement Weather: STALKER Call of Pripyat did this very well, and is a perfect proof of concept that waiting out a storm can be exciting in its own sense (

) Inclement Weather would force players to bump elbows looking for shelter, and make my "Mountain Man" playstyle extremely difficult to maintain. It comes down to much more than just sitting around waiting for a storm to pass.

A concept that I know will be an unpopular suggestion, but this would not be what you will think at first.

Player maintained settlements: NOW BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT PVP, its not what you think, this is not a change to the existing PVP mechanics, but rather a zombie spawn reaction to a high number of players in a zone (Like 20 players in the same 100 square meter area.) Instead of having zombies spawn normally if this group was in a spawn zone like a city, the zombies would no longer spawn in the city after the players had cleared it, they would spawn just outside of the city and in higher numbers. This would allow a player maintained "safe zone" that was only safe if everyone co-operated to ensure it stayed safe. For instance, if someone gets into a disagreement with another player in the "SZ" and some idiot fires a weapon, all the zombies that were shambling around just outside of the city flood back in. Everyone would have to work together to clear it again. This is no "Weapons locked hand holding party" this is just what World War Z would call a "Blue Zone" where survivors banded together and reclaimed some real estate. With these zones set up things like markets would naturally appear again, and we would see the advent of a player created currency system. And the most important part? All it would take is one dumbass to screw it up.

Sorry for posting this twice, forgot there was a suggestions subforum, but I am enjoying seeing other people input in general.

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Player maintained settlements:

It's an interesting idea, but not right now. Server-hopping location changing is a problem, and this cannot be done to full effect as of now.

Inclement weather:

I would enjoy this as long as it didn't last a long time. Perhaps a few minutes, when there is a storm out, it gets really windy and you can hardly see.


I would enjoy this.


This, this is awesome. However food is too plentiful for this to be an option ;P

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another idea I had were things like XM8 schematics, where you could find a weapon schematic and try to find parts and breakdown other weapons for the parts to get a jerry rigged XM8

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Cannabalism - why not, if food becomes scarce as in tins stop spawning after a while.

Reanimation - dont think this will happen as the Infected arent dead

Weather - sounds good, a bad ass storm that forces players to shelter inside a buidling could create some interesting scenarios.

Settlements - should be possible whether you are alone or in groups, fortifying a whole town or just a barn

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I like the settlement idea, as long as it doesn't require too many or too few players to do it. A group of three friends shouldn't be able to take a city. But it shouldn't take a whole 20 person team. Also, I think that the size of the town/city should be taken into account. If say the minimum number of players it would take to take over up to a five building town was 4 then for every extra person they should be ably to claim 3 more building per extra. It would be so as to simulate them not having to guard/patrol the inside, only the perimeter.

Also, you shouldn't be able to claim part of a settlement. All or none. every town should have a square perimeter. and once all zombies are killed in the square, the game should check to see if enough players are in that square.

As a final note, all buildings, enter-able or not, should count. But the little sheds (enter able or not) should not count. Neither should out-houses.

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Well its a good thing that I included 4 other things that didn't come up in the searches huh? and yes I searched cannibalism but none were exactly like what I suggested, so I added it to my list of suggestions. Besides, the more people request a feature the more likely it is to be added.

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I think the Cannibalism suggestion is very interesting, not only will you be killing players for their gear, but for them - Themselves as FOOD. me-gusta.jpg

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I love the idea of inclement weather. It'd definitely make people wary of travelling too far from shelters. Awesome.

Perhaps there'd need to be more buildings with interiors, though...

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All awesome.

Even the townclearing flavor you use is bearable. Although only because I could expect that like this it would always be fucked up. As if you could keep us from shooting...

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