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NEAR death, intense city raid meeting

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Hello! I watched those videos and now I am a sub and it convinced me to buy the game. Damn.. I wish I could take part of such teamwork you demonstrate. Also a sub on your YT channel now.

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haha, thanks guys! the tactical teamplay i really love. our team runs pretty well right now, its so important to have that level of communication when you run into another hostile group. Ill be posting more vids too at some point :D enjoy!

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Just to clarify- were you server hopping to get bandaged and rescued? You got a longer hour glass after video cut out which usually means you hopped a server while unconscious the first time. Maybe I missed something in the vid? Not trying to troll here, but it seemed wierd. Nice vid though.

Edit- this is for lesson learned vid

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20 zombie kills 0 murders and an m4 sd ....

and in the other video hunting guys who are mostly unarmed .......

not impressed

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I'm installing arrowhead now :)

If there is any chance to roll with you guys, just for fun or trial. Please let me know. I have some experience playing in teams in other games such as Battlefield 2, Bad Company 2, Americas Army, Battlefield 3.

Watched all your videos now too, and it looks like you have tons of fun.

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So at the beginning of the Vid your M4 has 30/3 on mags...at the end also 30/3 even though you fired many shots.

Knowing that this can happen as a (lucky) bug after a reconnect you were server hopping. (Not mentioning other indicators like the timer,flares...)


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Spent like 2 hours running around the East coastline.. found the airbase. A dead guy with the chkez backpack, DMR (4 mags), Makarov (5 mags), Mk. 48 (1 mag) and a lot of injectors, meat etc. Then the session ends.. I switch server, find a guy who goes "Nonono, don't shoot me!" I turn for one second and BAM. He kills me... fuck! :P

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to clarify, we stayed in the same server but i hopped out once, wen i got shot i went down, the enemy disconnected, then, because my mate was panicking as was i, i disconnected quik, came bak in, and he bandaged me JUSTTTTT in time. :)

If you want to join the server that we play in, search MAFIA in the filter, its the only one that comes up

As far as playin w us, the vent we use is private :/ not mine so not sure that would work unless we met in the server to work together

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Disconnecting to avoid death. NJ posting a video showing one of the major exploits in the game. Disappointing since I was enjoying the vid all the way until that point. Just because the guy who shot you dc'd doesn't mean it's ok for you to do it.

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Just spent 3 hours with a crew that shot me and another.. all they got was bandages and a can of soda. Since they had a lot better gear otherwise. Lol, what a waste of time.

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20 zombie kills 0 murders and an m4 sd ....

and in the other video hunting guys who are mostly unarmed .......

not impressed

agree with above

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Great videos guys :D Really entertaining :D

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ye, agreed w the disconnecting, im looking forward to a patch that makes it so ppl cant do that. then people will REALLY need to work together and fight it out when the time comes.

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Newest vid, its been a slow week in DayZ land, a new vid will be posted after this one within 24 hours, enjoy

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