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Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

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Happened to 95% of our community today and we got 100+ Members you guys aren't the only ones affected something to do with the hive or the beta patch i guess.

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Exactly the same thing happened to me today. Lost DMR, NVG, M4A1 SD and GPS. Logged on all gear except main inventory is gone and teleported to somewhere else. This is depressing.

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Same issue. Updated server and client to latest 95248, logged in saw the score board and a message flashed stating that I got killed, even though I'm still alive with a broken bone and no gear at all.

Re-logged, spawned with my gear in the same spot as I left it yesterday and a dead body of myself under me (fully geared).

If I re-log without closing the game I don't get this issue. If I close the game and log the issue appears again.

Edited by fdrk

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I haven't lost all of my gear, but I've had 3 different logins where at first I lost my primary weapon (This happened on two logins) and the most recent time I lost my main weapon, ALICE pack, secondary weapon and all of my toolbelt (Map, Hunting Knife, Matches, etc) NOT HAPPY JAN!! >:(

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Fixed it. First time I updated to 95248 using DayzCommander, which basically downloads the official patch and installs it. Seems it messed something.

Launched Six Launcher, which synced files and updated again, now everything works correctly.

Edited by fdrk

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Happened to alot of my buds.

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Happened to me just then. Lost my M4CCO, NVG's, Backpack, Most of Inventory.

So damn infuriating

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Just happened to me for the second time.

I can put up with just about any kind of bug, but shit like this gets old REALLY quickly.

Lost NVGs/Rangefinder/Full bottom slot/L85A2 Thermal and a DMR along with survival supplies.

It would be nice if bugs like this took priority or if there was some kind of official response, I really can't be arsed to play anymore until this is explicitally labeled as fixed in a patch.


Edited by Switch
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Same here. I spawn in places I've been to in the past with only the stuff in my main inventory. Everything else - gone

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this has happened to me a few times lately too, mostly i lose my back my gun and my utility gear, still have ammo and soda cans and bandages etc. i hope this isnt the "logging to cheat death" fix that rocket was talking about lately. because in all my cases i was logging to go do something in RL and then log back on later..... boom everything gone!

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So. i see many Users had the Same Problem.

So i have it the Secound Time!!!!!

I played Today ran vom the Pobeda Dam to the N-E Airfield. Than i had to log of becaus i have to go in the white room, 10 mins later i loged in again, and spawend @ the cost. i think ok thats not the prob, but then i opend my Gear, No wapon, no Tools, no Backpack, just a few rounds of the M107 and STANAG. SD. oh Jeah 2 empty cans and i Also in CIV Clothings too.

So i lost 1 Guilli, 1 AS50, 1 M4 CCO SD, 1Coyoty BackpacK, all my tools exept GPS, my M19111, Food, Bandage, Painkillers, Morph.

Im Pissed off that this Bug exist since the last 3 Patches, and no body can fix it.

I hope that it could be Fixed in a Few Hours, if not, i will stop playing Day Z, No mater if it is alpha or not.

Fix that F****** Bug.

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Happened to me too. I logged off yesterday and when I logged in my almost all my gear was gone, and I will fully geared... Items I have left are my L85A2 AWS, Bandage, Flashlight, Entrenching tool, Map and my Ghillie Suit. Even my backpack is gone.

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Arf Idem here...

I re-connect to "DE 267" server and i respawn at the good location, with all my statistics, BUT i lost 3/4 of my stuff...

- a alice pack full (m107, meat, water bottle, frag grenade etc..)

- m4a1 sd camo (NOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! :( :( :( )

- a pwd ^^

- all my toolbelt (3/4 full, gps etc...)

Now, i have only 1 chemlight, 2 stanag silencer, a water bottle, and a heatpack.... :(

I see i'm not alone in ths case, and no response by any admin (a hope to see them back?) ?

Indeed, I think i'm gonna stop this game until a stable version... (i'm in beta 95248, and for dayZ, using dayZ commander) >:(

sry for my english, and have a nice day


Edited by ko2i4s
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Is this just happening on ? Try updating to the lastest dayZ version and the latest Beta version and see if it works.

Also remember, when you loot new items you MUST stay online on the server for ATLEAST a couple minutes, i think personally that staying online for 5 minutes after i have looted something always works. If you logout instantly or shortly after you've looted anything then it will disappear.

Edited by sanktas

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Same thing has happened to me twice today - was on my longest survival stint too!

Servers where SG #1 and also US 173. The instant i logged on everything was missing bar my main inventory items. Weaps, Backpack, Tools; all gone!

Not much point playing till fixed :(

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It happened AGAIN! Only main inventory gear. I had just found an alice pack too!

Edited by Toureiro
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Seems to be mostly fixed since the last update. I swear that I had a compass, could have been mistaken though.

EDITED for redundancy.

Edited by fieldsofillusion

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This happened to a buddy of mine, and I lose some things in inventory pretty often, no full wipes as of yet *knocks on wood*

Question to you guys, is there any situation where you modify your inventory contents and then log/leave server/change server within a very short amount of time? This seems to be the case with my disappearing items, and it leaves me to ponder whether the game/server/HIVE needs x amount of time to sync your inventory with the HIVE record. Relogging too soon after inventory modification = lost items?

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Is this just happening on ? Try updating to the lastest dayZ version and the latest Beta version and see if it works.

Also remember, when you loot new items you MUST stay online on the server for ATLEAST a couple minutes, i think personally that staying online for 5 minutes after i have looted something always works. If you logout instantly or shortly after you've looted anything then it will disappear.

no happened to me on

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Same probleme any one knows how to get my gear back?

Probabley not i couldn't get mine back, lost Saw and m4a1 cco sd but ya know what it's alpha just go get it back that's what im trying to do atm.

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This happened to a buddy of mine, and I lose some things in inventory pretty often, no full wipes as of yet *knocks on wood*

Question to you guys, is there any situation where you modify your inventory contents and then log/leave server/change server within a very short amount of time? This seems to be the case with my disappearing items, and it leaves me to ponder whether the game/server/HIVE needs x amount of time to sync your inventory with the HIVE record. Relogging too soon after inventory modification = lost items?

Nah man, I was running for about 10 - 15 mins to where I remembered there was a deer stand. As soon as I got there the server admin on the SE #1 server kicked me for no reason. Tried to join again multiple times but he just kept kicking me (which i'm pretty sure theyre not allowed to do). Went to US 173 and all my items were gone, hadn't picked up anything in quite some time.

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This occurred to me just now. I lost an AS50, M4A1 SD, NVG, Range Finder, Tent, Antibiotics, and more. I totally just lost the will to play this game.

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