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Never thought a game would be this hard to play !!! What are you all doin right to play it ? iv got everything, and its just not working this is fuckin stupid !

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Mabye you shud ask your dad or mom for help.

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1, i cant play arma 2 in fullscreen cause it keeps pushing me back to desktop.

2, iv got all files in addons part and i cant play the game, its doesnt make sense, i admit im terrible with computers but its only a game , why do they have to make it so FUCKIN HARD TO PLAY !!! Half the challenge is getting this to work i cant belive it. Surly thiers an easier way

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It's not hard to play. Technical issues will happen no matter what. You're just one of the unlucky ones.

Does your computer meet the minimum specifications to run ARMA 2?

Do you get any error messages when being pushed back to desktop? Does the game minimise or simply close?

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i dont care if the games not stable, i cant even get to that part !!! il pay someone through paypal to help me please

Yes my computer meets them 10 fold, i paid loads of money for this computer only 1 month ago from alienware, i dont know what i bought but they said its good

i bought arma 2, and the arma 2 OA and when i click it a black screen flashes up and it kicks me back to desktop, the game is still in taskbar , so i click it agin from taskbar , same thing happens.

the game just wont play full screen, only windowed which sucks, but i tried playing dayz through windowed mode, and i need CA building blocks, do you know were i get them ? i also need another file which pops up at menu screen

Does anyone know why Arma 2 wont play in full screen , thats my first problem !

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Sounds like you've put the mod files directly into the addons folder. You've probably gone for option 1 in this link:


If you know exactly what you've put in there, then delete them and use option 2 or option 4. If you can't work out what you've done, uninstall the game, reboot and reinstall.

Make sure your Arma 2 (and Operation Arrowhead - you did buy that as well didn't you?) is fully patched if you're not using the steam version.

Then run the game, to make sure it plays without DayZ

Then readd in DayZ.

Google a vid tutorial. Here's one for you.

You'll need the beta installed as well. (Google for installation vids etc)


EDIT: It would be more useful if you could tell everyone what version you've got steam/disc etc....

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To be honest, you could just install the Six Update, and have it in minutes.

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