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Cargo V3S Modification

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Ok so I didn't quite see this one on the suggestions list...


V3S.... + Tent.... = Cargo truck that can hold items instead of people? Heck, Maybe people can still get in it anyways.


I drew a very simple picture to help understand the concept (it's attached).



It would be nice to be able to take an un-pitched tent and interact with  the back of a cargo V3S to create an item cargo V3S. This could give a whole new level of creativity to dayz when it comes to making and taking bases.


I can see some flaws as it stands, like people just taking all the loot from one town and dumping it in the road... That's just uncalled for... But I mean, hey, if that's how you want to play your post-apocalyptic life... Be my guest, I guess..


I know everyone hopes that we'll soon be able to add barricades/walls/gates in the future, so if that does happen, this could be a crucial asset for transporting weaponry. 


Let's imagine that servers become over 100+ players one day, and don't need to restart and disrupt the flow of gameplay... What if one clan wants to do trade with another clan, or send reinforcements to their allies? This could definitely help.


I hope to see this feature added in the future, but first... Let's see zombies stop running like Usain Bolt and hitting like Mike Tyson... x)


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It's no doubt that vehicle cargo will soon be added into the game. 



In Time.



I feel the same way. Priorities overpower this idea, though, so it will be a while.

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