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hi i have a problem and dont know how to fix it so thought id post this and see if anyone can help. My problem is that when i play the standalone sometimes my FPS drops to less than 10 (which i usually average around 40 even in cities) and my graphics go awful it goes all pale and slow. I was advised to check my gpu and cpu temps and have done that on MSIafterburner and there seems to be no problem in that area and it only seems to happen on dayz standalone and not the mod or any other game does anyone have any idea on what the problem may be or how to solve it any help at all would be much appreciated



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There's a technical support forum, FYI. That aside, mind posting some computer specs? Sounds like your video card is dying, whether or not it gets hot.

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Moved to the troubleshooting section. you may get better help here.


what steps have you taken other than recording your temps 

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