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My pc that i know can run dayz is staying at 20 fps?!

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Hello Just recently i Bought Dayz standalone and i cant even play it on normal the FPS drops to 20 and below On this video here 

which that man is playing on the same pc i have i7 and all his seems to work fine So i ask for help from the forums and now arma 2 is also dropping in fps (i can play far cry 3 at ultra and its playable) Edited by ZachTheFriendlyNyegh

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Its DayZ Being DayZ I have a shitty PC but I run around 30-40FPS in citys! and 60-70 outside of city's/towns. Its properly because Dayz is not optimized yet that may be your problem or that recording could of been I early patch when the game ran a bit better than it does now. 

Edited by Senodog

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You are going to have to provide a lot more information than that.


Desktop or laptop?
Monitor resolution:
Graphics card:
SSD? (Yes/No)
You absolutely cannot compare any released game to DayZ and say "I can run X game at Y settings, so I should be able to play DayZ". There is no comparison to be made. That fully released game has not only been optimized by the dev, but your GPU manufacturer has optimized your driver for the game as well.

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If fps is actually degrading I would start looking for whatever is eatting up cpu cycles that shouldn't be.

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If fps is actually degrading I would start looking for whatever is eatting up cpu cycles that shouldn't be.


And monitor temps. He might be getting too close to TJmax and throttling is kicking in.

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You don't even know how to set your basic video configuration, next you'll be suggesting that they add slim characters to the game and circular gun sights.


Not to be taken seriously.

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