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DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

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Sadly hackers new and old probably look at a place like this as a vulnerable server. a way to test their hacking abilities. Unfortunately' date=' it was done to brutal effect. However from what Vipeax has said the problem isnt so much that now as just takin an proverbial internet wrench to the game to fix up the kinks.



Dont give those guys the satisfaction of being called a "hacker".... THEY ARE NOT HACKERS!

DDoSing is what fckn script kiddies do, so please call them by their right name...

skiddies = little boys with acne that get beat up alot irl....

They usually look exactly like those guys:


They use little scripts other people made or rent botnets (ppl renting botnets to DDoS are acutally BELOW script kiddie!) and think they are 1337 hax0rs, which they ARE NOT! They are VERY FAR AWAY form being real hackers...

I repeat:

script kiddies != hacker

Indeed. Ral hackers/crackers like a challenge and have better things to do.

This is really just griefing, and it doesn't take much more talent than throwing a brick through a shop window or slash a few tires You just have to be enough of a prick to do it.

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First of all...thank you for the best mod ever.

I'm stuck in the wilderness' date=' does a spawn at the beach means that all your gear is gone? If so, why don't you let us run back in to the map again?


Your location gets reset, your character remains as how it was last stored into the db.

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Blah, only day off from work this week. "Waiting for character to create" makes eyes bleed. Server with camp loot not in list. Just watch porn an masturbate till exhaustion. Peace love homies....

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The most fun is finding new things. Fuck the old stuff :V

+1 this best part of the game well that and beans for ma belly

come on 4:00

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Just wanted to ty guys for this mod and keeping up the great work during developement! Big props for that! Almost all of my community-players & me of course are very excited to see the further content and we hope for a final version someday :)

cheerz, [ZfG] skom

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So the thread is called now: DayZ Maintenance ~ ETA: 4 PM GMT Time

Then maybe everything is fixed?

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how long from now till back up?? sorry confused with zones..9.04pm here

2h from now

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atm its 13:09 GMT, so that makes it 3 hours.. you guys forgot daylight saving time :P

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Thanks for letting us know, Hopefully everything is sorted by 16:00 hours.

Keep up the amazing work.

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Learnt not to get attached to your gear yesterday when I lost my M4 because I put it down on the ground to kill animal (Using the hatchet is silent) and the server reset basically as soon as I dropped it :(

how long from now till back up?? sorry confused with zones..9.04pm here


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it's 2.11pm in the UK

but uk time isnt the same as GMT since GMT is constant and the UK uses daylight saving time, so atm the UK is GMT+1

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To everyone demanding faster and better communication from the devs:

I just don't get' date=' how people can actually be so demanding of a game, that is free, developed by a single person, maintained by a few and in alpha stage. Seriously guys... get a grip on reality.


I can tell you why.

Everybody is demanding everything from everybody nowadays. Parents from their kids, school from their pupils, pupils from their schools, friends from their friends and, ad extremum, countries from their cilvilians and other countries (or you will KNOW why the government has a monopoly on violence) and companies from other companies and sovereign nations.

This sort of thing goes on all the time and is in the media all the time. And we are shown the victorious winners on national TV. No wonder so many of us, and youngsters especially, act this way. They've learned that it pays to make demands.

What I don't understand is why so many (myself too, sometimes) don't just ignore these pesky critters. Some misplaced sense of justice, I suppose....


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it's 2.11pm in the UK

but uk time isnt the same as GMT since GMT is constant and the UK uses daylight saving time' date=' so atm the UK is GMT+1



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Its 2:25 in Greenwich :)

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Its 2:25 in Greenwich :)

Nope. http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/

Yes.. it's 2:28 right now. And I live in GMT+0 so shh.

The website you linked is worded wrong. Unless the whole of Europe is out of time sync right now.

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