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DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

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Typical ;) Finally take my server live. Have a great night with the clan. Grab a Bus! Run a Bus service all over cherno. Bus blows up. Start seriously looking for vehicles. Find them and stash them. Now I can enjoy them. hahahaha. I quess rocket should take this like I do! If its getting the attention of Hackers (Even 9y kiddie ones) means the game is getting far to popular! and its not even out of alpha.

Rocket I sometime wonder what you could create with a budget and a team under you! The though is strangely scary! I know that I would become a vegetable!

All in all its all patience.

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Oh well, i hit respawn... Still buggy and i can't play the game but i guess i gonna seek out some "Friendlies in Cherno" tommorow :D I don't need to worry about my gear anymore so... It's Cherno time!

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My problem is ive played mmo's for the last 12 years, so loot and gear means everything to me lol.

But i also understand this is ALPHA and shit happens. As far as hackers/script kiddies/exploiters go, you will get them it in every game.

In starwars galaxies a guild on our Farstar server managed to dupe in game money. This game had a player run economy and it was close to crashing. Stim packs that cost 200 credits suddenly cost 10,000 credits.

My point is just ride the storm, if you dont wanna loose your stuff, dont log in.

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This is my comment to all this useless crap:

Jesus GUYS!

Everyone in this thread goes offtopic, spamming the thread about what's fun and what's not. And some others whine about their gear, JESUS freaking create another topic for that.

Some people actually want to follow this thread to see news from the ACTUAL Dayz staff, I pray to god the staff will close this thread so it doesn't get spammed any further!

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  'bra1n said:

My point is just ride the storm' date=' if you dont wanna loose your stuff, dont log in.


This. 1000x this.

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can everyone just STFU?

i want to be able notice it when servers are up again - and not miss it because this thread is full of stupid discussions of who should be less attached to their items or who made spelling mistakes. who the fuck cares? GTFO!

You apparently. Enough to comment on it.

are u trolling? or just stupid as fuck?

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  'Minimacfox said:

This is my comment to all this useless crap:

Jesus GUYS!

Everyone in this thread goes offtopic' date=' spamming the thread about what's fun and what's not. And some others whine about their gear, JESUS freaking create another topic for that.

Some people actually want to follow this thread to see news from the ACTUAL Dayz staff, I pray to god the staff will close this thread so it doesn't get spammed any further!


And this is my reply to you!


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  'Minimacfox said:

This is my comment to all this useless crap:

Jesus GUYS!

Everyone in this thread goes offtopic' date=' spamming the thread about what's fun and what's not. And some others whine about their gear, JESUS freaking create another topic for that.

Some people actually want to follow this thread to see news from the ACTUAL Dayz staff, I pray to god the staff will close this thread so it doesn't get spammed any further!


If you wannt info so badly follow their twitter page, updates hit there before here. Also why moan about ppl moning lol.

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Guys, fuck up and stop spamming the board.

I'm checking here for updates, not to listen to your whinging.

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  'asl said:

Guys' date=' fuck up and stop spamming the board.

I'm checking here for updates, not to listen to your whinging.



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Im having a blast reading this thread, i just bought ghost recon off steam and havnt even tried it out because of this thread.

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  'asl said:

Guys' date=' fuck up and stop spamming the board.

I'm checking here for updates, not to listen to your whinging.



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no, I want to have the last word before everyone shuts up when I tell them to, on a public message board!

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Nothing is running only the website and foroms i can't log in my servers and only one server i can log in LU70 and it's like dam slow..

Waiting for the char to creat i heat this :(

Do something please

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Last tweet (1 hour ago):

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

The central node has been down again for the last few hours due to the attacks. It is ongoing we're working to fix it as soon as we can.

4 hours ago:

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Services have now been restored thanks to solid efforts from Ander and Viper. Although there may be additional outages at any time. -Rocket

4 hours ago (aprox.)

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Experiencing a sustained network issue with our central server that appears to be a major DDoS attack. Most users will not be able to connect.

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ddos attacks targeting an alpha free to play mod...i lose a little bit of hope for humanity when i see things like this.

my god, i cant feel anger for those who do things like this, only immense pity at how sad they and their lives must have become..if by chance the fool /s thats did this are reading this to lol at the people whining, you need help, its not too late, you can still have some sort of life for yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, arent you sick of seeing a douchebag staring back at you? Man up you weasel of a human being.

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stoppped working again

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  'carlitobrigante said:

ddos attacks targeting an alpha free to play mod...i lose a little bit of hope for humanity when i see things like this.

my god' date=' i cant feel anger for those who do things like this, only immense pity at how sad they and their lives must have become..if by chance the fool /s thats did this are reading this to lol at the people whining, you need help, its not too late, you can still have some sort of life for yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, arent you sick of seeing a douchebag staring back at you? Man up you weasel of a human being.



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  'bra1n said:

Im having a blast reading this thread' date=' i just bought ghost recon off steam and havnt even tried it out because of this thread.


I was gonna give up and just play ARMA2 or its expansion but I, too, have been sucked in by the ludicrousness of this thread...


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From Twitter.

The central node has been down again for the last few hours due to the attacks. It is ongoing we're working to fix it as soon as we can.

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From Twitter.

The central node has been down again for the last few hours due to the attacks. It is ongoing we're working to fix it as soon as we can.

Cause we havn't seen this about 30 times already! THANKS!!!!

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Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket

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"Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket" -1 Minute ago

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