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First impressions

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Hi There,


I've been playing for about a week now.

my first 2 " lives"  I spend where purely to get e feel of the game.

my 3rd died because his spawn spot was so bad I could not find any food or drinks. 


The 4th I played for a while and I could find stuff to get around.

But when I finally had some Idea where I was, because I climbed up the Firestation it went down hill... I fell of the roof.


the 5th is still alive, I have some nice gear, finally found a Canopener :) and an Axe.

now I'm roaming around getting gear. mostly trying to find the weapons that don' t make much noise. (I'm not the PVP type)


The game play can use some improvements but it's a very cool game to play/


Some tips for the developers:


it would be nice if you could search rubble, trash cans and dumpsters for stuff.

make a falling animation, its looks dumb right now :)

and please make it harder to fall off heights if there is a railing i.e. Cranes.

if you could make doors in lockers, closets,  cabinets etc.. in this way you make the scavenging part more realistic.


the game is heading for something very cool so hope lost of improvements will come soon.


Going back now to see if my sickness can be cured :P if not... i'll have to start my 6th live :)



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Depends on what your sickness is. All the same, I admire your persistence, sir! Also you'll be happy to know that a falling animation is indeed in the works. :)

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Welcome, Wolffheart.  Sounds like you've a good grasp of the game so far and those are some good ideas you suggest, too.   :thumbsup:

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Also you'll be happy to know that a falling animation is indeed in the works. :)

Nice! Now that I don't fall off buildings as much :p


I too would love to see the scavenging part beinga bit more realistic. but hey, it's better than the mod was :p

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Thx for the welcome.. although I'm already in my 10th live now I still love to play it. I doubt is the sickness is working correctly.. I found the Charcoal tablets, I had like 9 of them. I ate 1.. nothing happens well 1 thing happened... the thirst went up and I had to drink every 30 seconds... so I ate all the charcoal tablets I had.. still stayed sick, used all the medication I could find, even used the Vitamin bottles. nothing seemed to work, so I went back to this place I was planning to call home, I had some stuff I put on the floor and hoped something there could fix me... but is was all gone!? so while searching for something to use a zombie found me and I was to weak to kill him so I died (again ;)

It is already hard to stay alive but when stuff disappears make it even harder.


I learn more every day.. Hydration and Energized were added to my knowledge the last copple of days :)


Which brings me to an other thing I was thinking about... what happens to the stuff I have on me when I die?

If I spawned close enough to go back to the place I died, would I be able to loot a dead body? or does it disappear? (which would not be very realistic)

you could for example leave some items like the backpack and some food for like 12 hours... this way you have some time to retrieve a part of the stuff and than make is slowly disappear as if the zombies scattered the pieces of flesh and gear around and the animals did the rest...


Oh and if you know a nice Dutch server I could play on with some friendly ppl... that would be nice :)

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Hi There,
I've been playing for about a week now.
my first 2 " lives"  I spend where purely to get e feel of the game.
my 3rd died because his spawn spot was so bad I could not find any food or drinks. 
The 4th I played for a while and I could find stuff to get around.
But when I finally had some Idea where I was, because I climbed up the Firestation it went down hill... I fell of the roof.
the 5th is still alive, I have some nice gear, finally found a Canopener :) and an Axe.
now I'm roaming around getting gear. mostly trying to find the weapons that don' t make much noise. (I'm not the PVP type)
The game play can use some improvements but it's a very cool game to play/
Some tips for the developers:
it would be nice if you could search rubble, trash cans and dumpsters for stuff.
make a falling animation, its looks dumb right now :)
and please make it harder to fall off heights if there is a railing i.e. Cranes.
if you could make doors in lockers, closets,  cabinets etc.. in this way you make the scavenging part more realistic.
the game is heading for something very cool so hope lost of improvements will come soon.
Going back now to see if my sickness can be cured :P if not... i'll have to start my 6th live :)


Thanks for the well thought out feedback - a couple notes for you on the points you made:

- It would definitely be interesting if you could search the trash piles, love the idea and we'll discuss it internally

- Keep an eye on devhub.dayz.com we put out weekly Status Reports there, and a few weeks back we actually showed the work-in-progress falling animation! 

- The Holy Grail of DayZ, hah. We will do our best.

- We're working on "World Containers" things like fridges, and cabinets to tackle that exact issue.

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Looks good!


I have some more tips, make some stuff breakable like windows, tables and chairs.

Maybe you can make toilets, baths and sinks also contain water, on occasion, not all. or make usable sinks, like the wells

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OK, its been a few days and I'm still alive.


I searched some of the larger buildings the apartment buildings, I must say.. for such a big building there is not much to loot, I also noticed that you cant pick up some of the loot because the item has "sunk" in to the floor or sink.


I also had my first player encounter... he ran off like a bat out of hell in his army outfit.. I have no Idea if he even saw me.

I think he had to, I have a brown jacket, black pants and a nice red backpack :)


I'm still having a hard time finding food most houses I search contain nothing or useless items like books... 

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1: don't let zombies be able to break your bones by punching

2: make morphine less rare

3: being able to interact with beds, and hwn you do so, this will be you spawn point. just like in minecraft, but then without skipping time

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1: don't let zombies be able to break your bones by punching

2: make morphine less rare

3: being able to interact with beds, and hwn you do so, this will be you spawn point. just like in minecraft, but then without skipping time

1. Zombies should be a great threat so I think it's fine they can break your bones.

2. You can craft a splint to fix your bones. Should have been around in the old says when both sticks and morphine were rare. A lot of crawling at that time. :D

3. When you die your are not the same character anymore, therefore we don't need beds for spawn points.

@Wolffheart: I like your ideas and feedback! FYI: hydrated and energized had been in the game like forever.^^

First thing you should do is try to get healthy by getting hydrated and energized to a light green. You will get a healing and then healthy status.

Edited by too-easy

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Some quick notes on persistence:  If it is not a backpack, first aid kit, protector case, or a gun, it will despawn when left on the ground, unless it's inside a backpack or tent.  Bear traps and landmines will stay until server resets.  Garden lime also seems safe to leave around, and this will become much more useful once they re-implement the updated new loot economy.


Also, be very careful around stairs and ladders. Guard towers, cranes, and hunters' platforms will allow you to back through walls/rails and break your legs or die.  Also some doors opening will force you out through a wall, so try to use care when elevated.  Really anywhere there is a second floor or better, or just any sharp drop should be cause for extra caution.  The random nothing deaths seem to have gone away, but the server desynch will still leave you hangin out in the breeze sometimes.


The sickness you can get from drinking pond water has much less chance to take effect if you are fully energized, hydrated, and healthy.  I only drink from wells or canned drinks.  Only got sick the first time I found disinfectant on my fourth life, forgot I was holding it while seeing if a drinking fountain works--they are just for ambiance.


Stay healthy out there, and keep an eye out for silent zombies that will step right through your body to launch a flanking attack.  I usually use houses as a pillbox to clear them out safely.

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Thx For the Tips.


I found some bug/glitches while playing.


if I'm wounded I get a blurred vision which is cool, but when I go into the Video menu and close all the screens (without changing anything) the blur is gone :)


what also would be cool if zombies spawn in buildings. now you just can walk into a building and you are sure nothing will happen inside the building.

also groups of zombies "guarding"  good loot spots would be a great extra, I would love to see a group of zombies pushing against a fence to get trough like in the walking dead.


I play mostly on a private server now. finaly gatherd some food while roaming the land heading north to find the "good gear" :)

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