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Bad Framerate

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Hey my fellow gamers..


I am getting terrible Framerate in Dayz. My system is decent too! My CPU is usually being used around 30%-54% or so, and my GPU isnt even maxing out either. System Temps are fine as well. Sometimes in a field for example I am getting 45+fps and then it keeps dropping to 17 fps, or 8 fps for example. Of course cities are bad too. My frame rate randomly got bad too, it never used to be this bad. It's gotten to a point to where I can barely aim/shoot sometimes. My settings are super high either. I have changed my Nvidia Control Panel to the correct settings also. Is it just the game, or something with my setup?


CPU: i5-3570K @4.00GHz
RAM: Corsair XMS 3 16gb 1600Mhz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 FTW Edition
Power Supply: Corsair TX650M 
COOLING: Antec Kuhler h2o 620
STORAGE: Western Digital WD Black 1TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s
Western Digital WD Black 2TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s
My settings in-game:
Bloom: 0
ATC: Disabled
AA: Disabled
Clouds: Very Low
Display Mode: Full Screen
Edge Smoothing: FXAA Very High
HDR: Low
Objects: Very High
Post-Process: Disabled
Resolution: 1920X1080
Shadows: Low
Terrain: Very High
Texture Detail: Very High
Texture Filtering: Very High
Any help is appreciated!

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My advice, change all those "Very high"'s to something lower, say Normal. I dont care if you have the worlds most powerful supercomputer, DayZ bests it right now. Unoptimized so much, even the devil calls it torture.

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Are you in a truck or just running about? I had some serious framerate drops today, but each time my computer was busy on something. Perhaps Windows downloaded some updates today.  If you open the task manager you can rightclick on Dayz and set its priority to high. That means more computing power will be diverted to Dayz than to other applications that are waiting in the background. However, I had no need to check if it actually changes anything. It's just something I do when rendering 3D objects to give more power to Maya. 


You should disable edge smoothing. It's a post-process that isn't optimized with the current render engine. I doubt it will look much worse without it. Texture filtering will just sharpen distanced objects, so it is also of no to little use. HDR can probably be turned off, as it essentially changes the lighting based on the skybox, which isn't changing at the moment. It probably does look nicer when turned on, but I doubt you can't play without. At least trying out some of those settings should improve your framerate. The most costly process is probably the anti-aliasing, or edge smoothing as it is called in Dayz. 

Edited by S3V3N

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I'll try those suggestions, thanks guys.


And yes, my fps issue is just when running around. I have nothing else on or running either while I have Dayz up, but I shall try those suggestions and hopefully it works!

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In graphic settings if you can't turn it off completely set it to normal or high.  Reason being is once you set it to low most things are offloaded from the gpu to the cpu and bottlenecks the game further.  I have the same CPU only overclocked to 4.6 and a gtx 760 and have no problems running the game in a playable state.  Also check to make sure you got rid of any/all launch parameters, maybe check that core parking is turned off as well.

Edited by SaveMeJebus

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