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Admin abuse - What you need to know

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totally agreed...its the same for any host/hostess at an event...

give this fella a medal plz :D

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I strongly agree with this post and support it to it's fullest. I'm also honestly sick of people thinking that admins are like gods in DayZ. We're not, we're merely providing a server for the DayZ community FOR FREE so you can play.

Take this as a personal note if you're one of those guys that throws false accusations around about admins.


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Well said mate. Agree with everything you said.

People just tend to jump on the Admin hating band wagon.

+1 for Sticky

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+1 for sticky.

I'm glad you've put to words the feeling of many hosters. Thanks.

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Hehe, I think he forgot to press the sticky button.

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I have been kicked by admins,but what pisses me off is that even hackers can kick you...

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2 - Understand what powers admins have. We can:

- Lock the server

- Restart the server

- Password the server

- Restart the mission in-game

- Kick or ban players

Actually admins can't password the server. You can password the server while it's down and under maintenance, but not while you and your buddies are playing or clan members are running around looting places.

So yeah, shouldn't list the password part.

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2 - Understand what powers admins have. We can:

- Lock the server

- Restart the server

- Password the server

- Restart the mission in-game

- Kick or ban players

Actually admins can't password the server. You can password the server while it's down and under maintenance' date=' but not while you and your buddies are playing or clan members are running around looting places.

So yeah, shouldn't list the password part.


what we "can" do and whats against the rules are 2 different things in this case. He listed what we can physically do and what we cannot, such as item spawning.

Logging in with admin password leaves you the above options only.

+1 interwebz to this thread.

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This post is very informative and thank you for taking the time to compose it. I agree with everything here although I do find one part of it to be slightly misleading.

We cannot:

- Spawn in weapons and vehicles

- Remotely kill players

- Crash your game

- Roll back our servers to previous 'saves'

- Spawn nukes on top of players

- Teleport

Within the current game mechanics, It is entirely possible, ( despite wether or not it's intentional) to roll back a server by restarting it. This may not prevent you from death but It can cause items and tents to be duplicated, vehicles moved to a previously saved position, items recently aquired to not save to the players inventory, and distance traveled to be reverted. This may of course be a flaw in the the way information is saved to the hive server. ( I don't know the reasons... I'm no a dev or tech expert)

Finally before anyone attacks me for this post, to sum up my point, abuses of this nature have and do occur and it may be extremely hard for someone to gather up evidence against someone who has done so.

I know it wasn't your intention to defend every admin good and bad, but let's not overlook the fact that admin abuse does occur, (mostly because of current design flaws) and they go largely unnoticed.

Again thank you and I personally think there are bigger fish to fry then his whole topic in general, especially after the server I was playing on last night was nuked.

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Even in that case, the "rollback" will only affect vehicles/tents that were not saved recently.

players inventory/states are streamed to hive regularly.

If the server can't stream to hive, then the "rollback" isn't caused by the server restart, more due to the lack of synchronicity to hive and is indeed a(n un)lucky coincidence.

Any "rollbacks" are not the direct intention for admins, more a symptom of another problem that was probably justification for the restart.

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Thanks for the post, Zoop! My thoughts exactly.

Also, remember to apply Moore's Law to anything "glitchy" when it comes to DayZ.

It is still ALPHA and should be taken with a grain of salt. We should all be thankful that Rocket and the DayZ devs have allowed this to be developed and tested openly so that we can explore this mod as it's developed and help give feedback to make it an even bigger success.

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We should all be thankful that Rocket and the DayZ devs have allowed this to be developed and tested openly so that we can explore this mod as it's developed and help give feedback to make it an even bigger success.

Unfortunately I never read something like

"Thank you server hoster for giving us the chance to collect so much data/feedback and help to make this mod even bigger"


"Thank you server hoster for providing so many slots to us players for free"


It's more like:

"dont break rules, observe the restrictions or blacklisted"


"admin abuse, spawn items, kill all members, ban cry bla bla"


We pay money, we have to deal with accusations, have to proof that a ban/kick was legite, we do not have one single advantage, etc.

We provide that this mod keeps growing, we take care that servers perform well (in collaboration with our server provider - big thx to John/Lee from Vilayer), we try to treat our players with respect (can only speak for myself) by giving warnings before restart, etc.

There are people in the background, better give some respect to them instead of kicking their asses...

just my 2 server-hoster-cents...

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Added a clarification in the original post. The OP states what an admin is able to do as admin. Some of the things an admin is able to do may constitute admin abuse, but may also be done for valid reasons. For example, locking or passwording a DayZ server is generally not permitted, but may be done so for specific purposes - for instance troubleshooting and maintenance or as a temporary preventive measure against heavy connection spam or severe hacker attacks.

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Today, I was playing on a server, and i saw a player running thru the railroad near a cow, i shot him with a makarov, then 30/60 sec later, the server was restarting...I checked the server list, and this was the only server "loading".I don't know if he was an admin, but damn, i hate those players who disconnect when they die....On another server, 2 players immediatly disconnected after being shot..I wish devs gonna fix it.

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Only thing is though, how do you propose the players "get evidence" when they are banned without warning ?

How are they supposed to achieve this ?

Please inform us.

(there is no way, which is why the onus of proof is on the server admin, in both accusation and defence, this is the way it is for most online games aswell, if you've run gameservers for other games you would know that this is the case, any other way is open to a lot of abuse)

Making statements that tell players to "not post on the forums without evidence" is basically saying to never report anything as unless they are recording their every move / game then it won't be possible.

Being a server admin means you are going to cop a lot of flak, there are plenty of people who want to abuse you and accuse you of various things, it is however one of those things that is unavoidable, you need to get some thicker skin if this bothers you.

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