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Unlimited .22 ammo for trumpet?

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i could be wrong (cuZ I haven't had a chance to test it again), but I found this trumpet rifle and 40 - .22 ammo and chambered one and I fired once then pressed R (cuZ I'm newish and says R for reload) and then fired again...got skeerd I had attracted the attention of players and or zombies so I bounced offline...later I logged back in and still had a round chambered and still had 39 - .22 rounds in my inventory. Dunno if it's bugged or what so figured I best say something. Laterz. -Druce

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Well, I had 40, it loaded only one leaving me with 39. Shot two off and still had 39.

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you fired twice. dayZ deals with rounds separately from mags, and your only missing 1 bullet- which was likely already chamdered in the werapon when you picked it up

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Ah right that would make some sense...I thought I chambered it...idk much at all about firearms but figured could only chamber one...eh idk nvm then

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You probably had 50 rounds because .22 ammo stacks in 50. So, 50-11 is 39, the count you have.

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Yeah...was my bad...just confusing how there's no number shown on the ammo I loaded. Thanks, guys, for being nice even though I was bein a dumbass lol

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Even with unlimited ammo I'd prefer a fire ax over a trumpet

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I'ts a bug, now you have made it an exploit (even if it is a pea shooter) by posting on the Forums!

The posting of exploits, duping and other in-game glitches that can be abused whether by text or video, is strictly forbidden.

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