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Hydrated / Stuffed

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Hey, guys! I was perusing the forum and the internet trying to find an answer, but I haven't found anything current. How do I become hydrated and not stuffed? My character becomes stuffed after drinking from a well like three times. I want to be able to regenerate a little because I think I have lost a little blood.


Thanks in advance! :-)


- Alex

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This is because you have eaten too much - no room in your stomach for water; wait a while.



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Stuffed isn't that big a deal, but stop when you get it to orange.  Generally speaking unless your dashing around everywhere your 'stuffed-ness' will decrease faster than your hydration and energy.  Just make sure you're drinking high hydration/high energy food/drink or both.  Canned Peaches are probably the best food to eat, highest calories and hydration per serving.  DayZ wiki shows all the foods, drinks, their calories and hydration amounts, as well as their 'fulfillment' values.  Not sure if its an error on the wiki, but water from PET bottles seam to be less 'filling' than drinking straight from the tap while at the same time providing more overall hydration (I wouldn't take mine or the wiki's word for that though).

Edited by BigMike
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Thanks, guys! I am now able to keep my character hydrated. :-) Does the healing / healthy status still appear? Also, what is the deal with dead bodies? I just died on a six day character. :-/ A zombie crept up on me and then I started to run away, but the lag pulled me back into it and I started bleeding. It ruined both bandages that I had in pristine condition... ugh. :-/ I was fully geared, too! I tried to run back to him, but my first character died. My second made it to where the he died, but no sign. What gives? It was like a 30 minute span.

Edited by ShoobieStomper

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Stuff your face with peaches and beans till you're brown stuffed.

When it goes away drink and entire bottle of water and eat another can of peaches.

You'll be good to go soon after that.

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