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Hunger / Thirst and Replenishment not working properly. Apples.

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I don't know if it's just me, but I started noticing in .55 that hunger and thirst don't seem to be functioning logically.


For example, I never have to drink.... ever. I have been eating apples pretty much non-stop, and my hunger is always dropping, but my thirst never seems to drop as dramatically. This feels a little backwards. Not only that, apples provide me much more hydration than energy, and I am always fully hydrated from just consuming apples (and also nearly always hungry).


Has anybody else noticed this? or am I just doing something wrong?

Edited by WolfgangErikson

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ya maybe you need stop running everywhere you go..walk/jog a little?

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Most foods provide at least a little bit of hydration as well as energy.  Weird thing is Sodas provide slightly more energy than hydration.  So far the only things that don't provide hydration as well are bags of rice and powdered milk, they actually dehydrate you a little.


Could be the values got tweaked the wrong way, we could have a smaller hydration stat than an energy stat, which is why it's 'filling up' quicker.  Or it could be simply intended.

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Could be the values got tweaked the wrong way, we could have a smaller hydration stat than an energy stat, which is why it's 'filling up' quicker.  Or it could be simply intended.


that's what I was thinking. It seems weird that I can stay fully hydrated from only eating apples, but am always hungry. It doesn't make sense that I would never need water.

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There has been no change, apples have always been barely a net gain on energy and high water, tomatoes for example are actually worse...you'll likely die of hunger just trying to survive on Tomatoes. If you want tot survive on foraging mix it up with red berries, you can easily get bright green energized and hydrated from just berries and apples. Berries are only slightly more energy, but much less stomach meaning you can eat a ton before you have to stop because your too stuffed. The wiki provides all the numbers for most food items in the game.


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