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Fix things before adding new things.

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Now I do have a lot of ideas i would like to share but in my eyes and i am sure of many others, I dont thing adding new things right now would be useful All i Suggst here is that you fix some of the following things that I have noticed:

1 - Fix the Zombies before you make them more difficult for players to kill. I would much rather be able to see the zombie running at me rather having it Jump 50 feet at strike me 20 times before i can actually hit it.

2 - Fix the First Person Peak please. IF the gun is pointing around the corner, let it shoot around the corner, not the wall. This has happened multiple Times.

3 - Add Noise for the Grenades bouncing off walls and being thrown. I am tired of sitting around waiting and not knowing when my flashbang goes off until i get hit by because i dont know how far i threw it. 

4- Allow Arrows / Bolts to be retrieved from corpses. Thats the advantage of the Crossbow or Bow. 

those are some things i would like to see before new stuff. I know most of these more than likely have been said beforeand there is already a plan set for new things .this post is just gonna sit in the back with all the other dead posts anyways.

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Fixing things before adding new stuff is backwards.

Add things, then fix what breaks.



"The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features

"will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be feature complete." -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle

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Pretty much everything you said has been confirmed by the Dev team. Patience is key, here. It is only alpha, after all.

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This is a Bohemia game. Don't expect one of their games to not have broken shit in it. I'm still having tracked vehicles flip upside-down in ArmA 3 then I try to drive over rocks less than 1/4th of a meter tall.

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They don't want to fix something, add in a new thing, and have that break what they just fixed. 



For example:

Say there was an issue with scopes. They go through and take the time to do a detailed bug pass on them using up time in a couple builds and finally correct some minor issue with the scopes that exist in the game. Then they add a new scope that has a slightly different mechanic and when they put the code in for that it re-breaks what they just fixed on scopes forcing them to fix it all over again.




You also need to remember that they have stated that with .55 they only have zombies partially integrated. I believe something like 10-20% was stated. Fixing zombies and then swapping out 80% of the code for them sounds like a really bad idea to me. If you don't want to deal with bugs wait until the Alpha is done, there will be fewer bugs and more implemented systems.

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