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Craftable barricades to make camps?

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I've always thought it would be nice to make a little camp way out in the woods where my friend and I could make our little outpost where we'd have a couple tents, fireplace, and a little farm area, but I always thought it would be really cool to make wooden barricades to square off an area to make a small outpost. Barricades would also be useful for keeping the zombies and players away from killing the player. I was thinking in order to make these barricades you would have to get logs from chopping down trees as well as sticks. You would then need a tool such as a hammer, then you would find nails (In residential and industrial areas) to make them. I find that it would be really useful to make outposts, camps, or trading camps. It would be cool to see how creative players can get with them, ranging from making a safe zone for other people to rest in, camps, or even large bases out in the woods. 


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"Nice" idea with current "brilliant" persistence. ;) :emptycan: <_<

Edited by Zyryanoff
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I like the "palisade" idea above. Easy to make, (relatively) quick to put up, and impervious to everything except for a vehicle. If the devs include bullet penetration, however, you might want to stack up some sandbags behind them, to add some ballistic protection. However, a palisade like that would be end-game stuff, and it screams "WE OWN THIS LAND".


I also like the idea of something like this:




Made of "firewood" and "sharpened sticks", they could be a quickly-movable barricade to prevent egress. However, they are rather....obvious


Of course, you could also go WAY BACK (like 15,000 years back), and simply uproot and replace bushes around your camp. European Neolithic settlements combined a palisade (above), with earthworks and thornbushes.


Currently in-game, bushes prevent egress and make noise when you rustle them. Make a circle of them around your camp and you both 1) make it harder for people to sneak up on you and 2) Make your camp harder to find


Can you picture trying to push through a thorn bush? 

Edited by Whyherro123
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