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Why I Stopped Using The Online Maps?

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Yeah, I also think the game feels different without online help. I played the mods for thousands of hours, before I even got the standalone. I got it, because two friends urged me, the price was good and trucks had been announced with the next update. I haven't really regretted buying the game, but I did wonder what happened to people playing Dazy SA, in comparision to those that "grew" into the mods.


1)First of all, my friends still get lost on the map. That's because they use ONLY the online map to define where they are. They don't look enough for landmarks or shortcuts like you do when you roam around without a map. Sometimes instinct gets you completely lost in Dayz, but I think the right way to progress (when you are still looking for loot), is a combination of instinct and using your sense of direction (compass, or clouds -> they always go north-east)


2) the app is not up to date. There are some areas in the north that are missing in it or aren't named (e.g. Smirnovo). 



My oberservations regarding my group+using the online map:


- before I got my copy and before trucks made travel easy, my friends used to play the game by finding a crashsite and jumping servers for loot. They could do this senseless thing all day, got geared up yet never really played. The online map told them where to look and they just followed.


- the map is hugely helpful if you just want to meet up with your friends, provided they know where they are (not that hard to figure out)


- it's a nice touch that you can only find parts of the map ingame. I remember those old maps that only displayed one county of a country, but in greater detail. However, I think maps should not take up any inventory space and should be handled like gloves or hats. I'd probably use the ingame map more if if was more accessible. Yet, most people just want the lootmap anyway. 


- not everyone played the mods and knows where to look for loot. Yet, I think it only takes a few days at most to recognize all the lootspawns in-game. You don't really need the map for that.


My conclusion to this: I think the game is better without using the map a lot. But I think it's legit to look at it from time to time, in order to get a rough idea of what areas of interest lie near. I usually use the compass to make sure my heading is right. I keep my eyes open and see a lot of interesting stuff on the way. It's a relaxing way to play Dayz and it satisfies my curiosity. Even when I'm in a familiar area, I try to explore it from another side. 

Edited by S3V3N
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I can understand newer players using it to get a handle on town locations/names etc, but I too feel that too many people rely on the online loot maps. I used to use them a bit when in the mod, but at this point it I find it easier to just use landmarks, etc. Not to mention the immersion it adds and the feeling of accomplishment (initially) when you get to where you wanted to go just off of memory, instinct, and the environment. I think that's why I really like the map updates they are doing, as someone who also spent countless hours in Chernarus in the mod, its nice to explore and find some newer stuff. 

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Yeah, I agree. I don't mind if others use for whatever reasons they have, new players, disabled, personal, group/clans, etc., it's their style, as long as I don't use it :) but it's a humble suggestion or hint for others that not using the map will make their gameplay a lot more enjoyable in the long run. Getting used to online tools and metagming too much will eventually dull your game experience. Some might try it and find it interesting and not rely on online tools and try to explore & survive in Chernarus on their own. It'd be a challenge.
Thanks for constructive comments!

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