ebrim 998 Posted March 25, 2015 I think they used the wrong terms? Civilian/military weapon spawns would be more accurate maybe? The Makarov would be a higher tier because it's a military spawn but it takes 2-3 body hits to stop a raging bamabi. There are no tiers, just broad categories. A blaze is a civilian weapon but it'll drop people most times in a single shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BCBasher 2465 Posted March 25, 2015 There are no tiers, just broad categories. A blaze is a civilian weapon but it'll drop people most times in a single shot. Was my attempt at early morning being funny. It started with someone saying you only find a "low end" pistol in firehalls. In this type of game the difference between "high end" gun and a "low end" one is the one that puts bullets in the other guy first usually. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted March 25, 2015 (edited) Hey guys, I've attempted to get into the SA. So far I haven't seen a weapon. Over 3 hours of game time and 5 servers or so, the closest I've gotten is a fire extinguisher. You need a weapon though because the zombies can't be shaked any more and they run full speed indoors so at some point you run out of stamina and get eaten. Fists are fine since they can knock out zombies, but after being hit just 1-3 times you start to bleed and it doesn't stop till you're treated or have bled out. The hospitals don't have medical gear, the fire stations don't have military gear and the supermarket only has food. Even if I got a gun once I would run out of ammo in no time, I haven't seen any ammo in the game yet. In short there isn't really much to do in the game right now besides running from house to house looking through another couple of hats or similar useless gear. Why have such radical and horribly bad changes been made from the mod to the standalone? The loot tables are royally screwed. At the same time the zombies have become faster. There are fewer zombies, but it doesn't matter when it tackles you from behind because you run out of stamina and then make you bleed out before you can get treated. This post is weird. Over 3 hours of game time and 5 servers or so OP has played the game for a whole 3 hours and is complaining about things he has no knowledge about. Sounds like you played the mod, guess what....this is NOT the mod. This is also a game in development so there will be issues. Firstly, you said you joined 5 servers and found nothing. You could have been playing on persistent servers. All the official DayZ servers are persistent I believe, and it doesnnt work properly yet. Best to find a normal server just now until the devs sort out loot spawning/despawning. the closest I've gotten is a fire extinguisher Nothing wrong with a fire extinguisher, its a great PVP weapon and an ok zed weapon if you can use it properly. It will kill a zed after a couple of well placed hits to the head. You need a weapon though because the zombies can't be shaked any more and they run full speed indoors so at some point you run out of stamina and get eaten So many inaccuracies in this statement. You do not need a weapon to deal with zeds. Punch them in the face and you can kill them easily. Zeds can be shaken, You can often lock them in buildings (dsync permitting) Just keep running out of their line of sight. Through forests are a good place to lose them. Stamina is not in the game and even if you are running in their line of sight, you will outrun them eventually as they often stop for a few seconds. Fists are fine since they can knock out zombies, but after being hit just 1-3 times you start to bleed and it doesn't stop till you're treated or have bled out. Firsts are fine, I agree with this. The solution to bleeding, is to not get hit. Learn to strafe around zombies and when they do their attack animation. You have plenty time to deal with a zombie while bleeding anyway. The hospitals don't have medical gear Yes they do. Not all medical gear and not all the time, but they do have medical gear. the fire stations don't have military gear Well D'uh. I haven't seen any AKs in my local firestation. They are usually for responding to emergency calls, not invading small dictatorships. supermarket only has food Again, completely untrue. As well as food, they can a host of other loot items including ammo. Even if I got a gun once I would run out of ammo in no time Good. This isn't a military sim, its a survival game. You shouldn't be shooting zeds anyway. There is far too much ammo in the game as it stands. I haven't seen any ammo in the game yet.Again, probably due to the server you joined? Its stupidly easy to find. You might not find the ammo you need, but you will find some in no time in unlooted places (minutes, not hours) In short there isn't really much to do in the game right now besides running from house to house looking through another couple of hats or similar useless gear.Played for 3 hours and says there is nothing to do. So you have made a ghillie suit? Hunted and cooked food? Fished and cooked food? Made a farm? Found every gun? Found a truck? Explored the entire map including all the new places not in the mod? Admittedly we dont have base building and a number of other features in the game yet, but the game is still being developed. Why have such radical and horribly bad changes been made from the mod to the standalone?One mans bad changes are another mans improvements. The standalone was increased in scope and aim from the mod very early on in its development. If you want to play the mod, play the mod. If you want to play a survival sim in development, play SA. The loot tables are royally screwed.Loot economy is coming soon. Loot tables not that bad now. Military items spawn at military places/vehicles. Civilian items in houses and civilian areas. At the same time the zombies have become faster.Currently placeholder and new first iteration of new AI coming in a few days here are fewer zombies, but it doesn't matter when it tackles you from behind because you run out of stamina and then make you bleed out before you can get treated.Completely a "learn to play" issue Edited March 25, 2015 by Beav 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted March 25, 2015 (edited) Hey guys, I've attempted to get into the SA. So far I haven't seen a weapon. Over 3 hours of game time and 5 servers or so, the closest I've gotten is a fire extinguisher. You need a weapon though because the zombies can't be shaked any more and they run full speed indoors so at some point you run out of stamina and get eaten. Fists are fine since they can knock out zombies, but after being hit just 1-3 times you start to bleed and it doesn't stop till you're treated or have bled out. The hospitals don't have medical gear, the fire stations don't have military gear and the supermarket only has food. Even if I got a gun once I would run out of ammo in no time, I haven't seen any ammo in the game yet. In short there isn't really much to do in the game right now besides running from house to house looking through another couple of hats or similar useless gear. Why have such radical and horribly bad changes been made from the mod to the standalone? The loot tables are royally screwed. At the same time the zombies have become faster. There are fewer zombies, but it doesn't matter when it tackles you from behind because you run out of stamina and then make you bleed out before you can get treated.To me it sounds like you are new to the game. Your not really discribing tech issues here or any thing new, or what I consider to be the main problems with dayz currently. When I was playing allot in .53 and part of .54 I had one main CHR on 3pp. No deaths. It took me quite a while to get set up to my liking. But basic civ loot is every were. There are newer towns that dont even have zombies....there is. The reality is you could surivive for months just hanging out by Novaya. Theres shit every where there. The real problem with dayz is the game is of out of balance (there should be less loot more survival mechanics and items), persistants just kind of works, trucks are crude with death bugs and the zombies are all dicked up (but there atleast easy to kill). Thats the real issues right now. Oh then there connection and ping related issues that can be can be managed. So yes there are some serous issues with the game that people should be aware of, so atleast the can enjoy the game at its current state. I dont blame anyone for not wanting to put up with it or deciding just to wait....I mean come on. But complaining allot of time falls on deaf ears, becuase this aplha.......then beta......then release. Were talking like over a year before its even close to release.....lol .........Man oh man.....early access............really starting to wonder about the consept of of all these half finished early access on steam. I mean god dam, like we really have any say so in how the game is going to turn out. Dayz devs have a plan and there going to do it, really the only they care about is about is us finding bugs, and playing the early access.....testing it....buying units. Its called we dont want to hire testers, so we will make the player base pay for the game and test it.....Dont think we dont know that. Its not just dayz either. People really starting to wake up to this steam early access trend and are getting a little bit sick of it. Its not like one or two games....its quite a few of them. Thats the real issues. Edited March 26, 2015 by CJFlint 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arm Of Kannon 9 Posted March 25, 2015 Hi, OP- Basically you can run from the coast to Stary before you're in any dire need to eat or drink. In between there are several locations to loot and boost your stats that most people do not even go to. As for weapons, a broom will do work...and they are everywhere. If you are not enjoying the zombies now, you're definitely not going to enjoy the next patch. They are fast, silent, and continually slap at you making it impossible to dance around. On the bright side stealth now works. Melee head shots now register more frequently. If all else fails and you can time your swings well enough, you can keep them in a staggered state until they drop. Happy hunting! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted March 25, 2015 I think some people have made these suggestions but maybe some of these haven't been made.Check the guides in the New Player forum. Water - look for streams, ponds, pumps, and if you have a bottle you can collect it from the rain even. Many foods you eat add hydration (although some like rice dehydrate you). Food - learn which buildings have more food than others, but in general search everywhere, you should find something unless it's a persistence off server and someone looted that area. Remember you can open cans with lots of things, you don't necessarily need a can opener (although that's more efficient). Zombies - you can out run them, you can lock them inside buildings (works most of the time), for killing them meelee the general hierarchy rule of thumb for common weapons I find is fire ax, splitting ax, sledge hammer, hoe, machete, ice ax, hatchet. Anything else is going to take more than 2 hits, but the weapons I mentioned are extremely easy to find - any town will have several of those options. Also if your method of fighting zombies is anything but circling around them you're not doing it right, there's tutorials and videos on youtube that can tell you how to do it properly if you can't figure it out yourself. FYI this is also the best way to fight other players as well. Searching for stuff - don't overlook sheds, around vehicles, etc - there's stuff there. Storage - if you can't find a backpack remember that burlap sack + rope improvises a bag, and if you add in a stick it makes the improvised backpack that many people prefer to use. Death to gear up with a solid weapon, backpack, food, gun + ammo (even if it's a sporter) - when you've learned the map that should take you at most 2 hours, but it'll likely take you less... even on a full server.With anything less than 150 hours played consider yourself still learning the game, anyone with less than that likely has a ways to go and more times to die before they've got a good grip on the game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites