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St. Jimmy

Feedback tracker adminstration topic.

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This kind of topic could be a nice thing. At least make some topic where people can post if they find duplicates, solved, related etc. stuff so admins can easily find those. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178003-Feedback-tracker-administration


It can help a lot for admins to clean some of the tickets.

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This would be something to contact accolyte about, as he used to be that Feedback-Tracker-Slave.

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This would be something to contact accolyte about, as he used to be that Feedback-Tracker-Slave.


I still am on tues/weds, only as Jimmy said it is confusing :).

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This kind of topic could be a nice thing. At least make some topic where people can post if they find duplicates, solved, related etc. stuff so admins can easily find those. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178003-Feedback-tracker-administration


It can help a lot for admins to clean some of the tickets.


I only just realised your signature. Nice mention of the 970. :beans:

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