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improvised silencer repair with tape

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Wouldn't blow up, mine always mushroom out at the end. And the ones I use on my AR work from 3-5 shots, the 22 lasts for roughly a 10 round mag, and the 308 kills it in one.

The devs are doing it wrong though, a bottle does nothin, I stuff mine with old shirts-which is actually what dampens the sound.

You should try it, their pretty cool for the 3 minutes of fun.


I tried one for the first time today (in-game), and this is exactly what happened after 1 shot; also, the sound didn't seem to be dampened, so hopefully they will add the ability to use rags in the construction. From what I've read and seen in in-game vids online, though, the sound suppression apparently only works until the end explodes, at which point it apparently becomes functionally useless. I only fired one shot with mine, though, and as I said, it didn't seem to be suppressed at all, so I took it off and left it on the ground, as leaving it attached was almost as bad as the M91 bayonet in making my Mosin stick out like a sore thumb.

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